Tag: internet

  • Chinese SEO For Better Internet Traffic

    Chinese SEO For Better Internet Traffic

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIf you are aware about the economic trends of the world, you will observe that China is now one of the most powerful countries in terms of economic stability. The population of Chinese website is dominating is increasing and dominating the world of internet technology. As you all know, China is one of the most populous country in the world and now they are also making a vey huge impact online. If you want to penetrate to the Chinese audience, you need to opt for Chinese search engine optimization.

    You have to know that China has different SEO compared to the traditional one. It is imperative for all business owner and website owners to be aware about these different protocols which will help you the reputation of your business within the Chinese community. By going through a Chinese SEO, you will increase your chances of entering the Chinese business community. Not all businesses are given the opportunity to enter the Chinese communities because of their strict rules and regulations, especially when it comes to website permission.

    The most obvious different between the traditional SEO and China SEO is the selection of a particular search engine. For many countries around the world, Google is one of the most popular choices of website owners, but in China it is different. The most widely use and primary search engine used in China is Baidu. Therefore, if you want to enter the Chinese community and be visible in the eyes of the Chinese users you need to find a SEO provider that can create special SEO strategy that will revolve around this search engine. This search engine has fewer elements compare to Google, but it has the most number of users in China.

    One of the main factors that will differentiate Baidu from Google is the link building. Google gives emphasis on creating quality links, but Badu gives focus on inward links for every website. the relevance and the quality of link to every website is not given a lot of emphasis in Baidu that is why it led to a website stuffed with lots of links and keywords that are spammed. Chinese internet runs within Baidu and if you want to become part of them, you need to follow hat rules and regulations.

    The next important things that you need o keep in mind is to create content for all Chinese users. You need to be extra careful in creating the content for your website, because the Chinese government are very strict when it comes to website, blogs and forum contents. Any misleading or forbidden words will caused your website to be banned within their system. It is important for you to aim for professional written contents and should contain appropriate keywords at the same time. Expert SEO will surely help you come up with a website that is Chinese friendly. Since, there is a very big difference when it comes to regular SEO and SEO in China, and not all aspiring players successfully enter the business scene. It would be very challenging for you, if you will try to enter the Chinese business online community.

  • Chinese Internet – Understand The Features Of It And Plan Your Business

    Chinese Internet – Understand The Features Of It And Plan Your Business

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comChinese internet market is full of miracles indeed. In recent years, there are a lot of successful websites from China which could influence a lot of people over the world. Since this country has a lot of people using the internet, a lot of businesses would recognize this place as a great opportunity for them to explore new markets. Therefore, you can easily find that there are some businesses which would try to use SEO techniques to target these people in China.

    However, you should understand that there are some differences between the cultural background in China and other countries. Therefore, it is not clever to directly apply the SEO techniques used in other countries to Chinese internet market. Before studying something about SEO, people should try to understand the background of the internet usage in China.

    First of all, the number of males using the internet is more than females. Compared with the figures in other countries, the situation in China implies that businesses can try to consider more about male products and attract men to purchase the product. Men, somehow, are not like women when it comes to shopping. Men would like convenience and they would not enjoy spending a lot of time to go around the shopping malls. Therefore, eCommerce websites would be an attractive platform for men to go shopping. When conducting SEO for websites, businesses can consider using more words that men would normally try to search.

    Secondly, the internet composition in China consists of a large proportion of students. In order words, the purchasing power of the major internet users in China is not very high. Therefore, businesses have to use some keywords such as discounts in order to attract students.

    There are more than 70% of users of the internet in China who would try to search in search engines in order to find the products that they need. This means that businesses should focus on developing a comprehensive set of SEO campaigns in order to target the customers well. In other countries, using other methods of online marketing tools may also be important. But in the case of China, the focus should be on SEO.

    Moreover, the power of ‘word of the mouth’ is quite great in China. You can find that a lot of people would like to seek advices from the others when they are trying to find something online. Therefore, you should try to build a good and long term customer relationship with those clients in order to make them help spreading the message of your business to the others. A lot of businesses are aware of this form of promotion and they are utilizing this form of channel to promote their products.

    To conclude, Chinese internet market is quite unique compared with internet in other countries. Therefore, businesses have to be flexible and change the strategies in order to suit to the local context more. Otherwise, they would not be able to overcome the fierce competition and have a profitable business.

  • China Internet Censorship – You Should Pay Attention To When Doing SEO

    China Internet Censorship – You Should Pay Attention To When Doing SEO

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIn recent years, you can find that China is growing rapidly. According to some statistical reports, the number of internet users in China has increased with a double-digit percentage from year to year. And the average number of hours being spent on the internet has increased to 18 per week. This clearly shows that China is getting more and more influential on the internet. However, a lot of people have found that there is great censorship being conducted in this internet world.

    Due to some social issues, the Chinese government has adopted straight internet censorship. This form of Chinese internet censorship has created problems for businesses to enter Chinese market indeed. Even Google had encountered difficulties in positioning itself in China and considered to quit the market. Therefore, you should pay attention to some techniques that you should apply in order to conduct SEO in China effectively.

    In recent years, Chinese authority is working hard to eliminate the website which would have too much sex appeal. Therefore, you should not try to use some sexy images to do the SEO work for your website. The local search engines such as Baidu would have a straight control over this form of SEO technique and they would not rank your website at a high position in the results page if you try to use this kind of technique to promote your website.

    Since the government wants to emphasize the harmony in the society, businesses can consider using this as the central theme of the SEO work. They can consider using some keywords to show that this website is matching the social harmony and this can let the website pass the control or the censorship. However, businesses should also be aware of the fact that some Chinese citizens are fed up with the message of ‘harmony’. This means that they, as the final consumer, may not like that business website. Therefore, a great challenge for the businesses in China is to balance between the censorship and the satisfaction of customers needs.

    Some of the businesses would try to employ Chinese local consultants to help them design the keywords and the promotional tactics so that they can target Chinese citizens more. This is possible if you really want to have a firm base of customers in China in long run.

    To conclude, there are both opportunities and threats raised from the China internet censorship. With the control over the content in the internet world, you can see that harmful or negative messages about a business would not flow online easily. In other words, your business would not be intentionally harmed online. But you have to pay attention to the rules that the local Chinese search engine would apply in ranking the websites. If you do not follow this kind of rules, the work of SEO may be wasted. Therefore, altering the SEO techniques to suit Chinese search engine may be necessary and this is something that successful businesses would do in order to attract Chinese customers.

  • Google – Empty Vessel Makes the Most Noise

    Google no respect for Chinese censorship
    Why Google always complaining about the Chinese censorship and not Microsoft and Yahoo. We do not hear so much nonsenses from other search companies but Google. And once a while from Matt Mullenweg too! Why?

    China is a country with fifty-six ethnic groups, sharing land borders with fourteen countries. World largest population with a recorded population of 1.3 billion plus another estimated of at least one billion unregistered citizens and now the second largest economy in the world.

    A big growing nation with so many cultural and ethnic differences, and fourteen different borders to defence, not including those still disputing over territorial rights, the Chinese government is managing their lands and people as one unified country and will not allow extremists or religious zealots to cause instability to the country or dethrone its sovereignty.

    As a sovereign nation, the Chinese government is doing it best to protect it citizens. China still have a huge population of less educated citizens and these people can be easily manipulated by extremists. Using technologies from Google and Twitter, an extremist can easily raise an army to go against the government.

    If the supremacy of the President of the United States has been compromised, schedules of the president publish on the internet and articles circulating on Twitter with title like ‘Three Easy Steps To Kill The President’. Will Google in the name of freedom of speech allows such contents to circulate freely? I believe any country leadership that is threaten by contents on the internet, the government will take it own initiative to censor, like the chinese censorship, and protect it sovereignty, just like catching illegal arms dealers smuggling arms into a country.

    So many years have past, why Google has not learn it lesson and still cannot grab a stable foothold in the Chinese market? China has four thousands years of history. It has it own diverse cultures and beliefs the country still trying to cope with. Most of the families are still poor today and still depending on farming or living on daughters’ hard earned money from prostitution. China has come a long and hard way in it reform and it is still learning to fit itself into the modern world.

    Does Google really has an understanding of the Chinese market or it just a bimbo brand? If you do a Chinese keyword search and compare Google search results for Chinese based contents to other Chinese search engines, it will show you how Google is so lack behind. This indicates to me that Google do not have an understanding of the Chinese internet. From the beginning, If Google has take it time to understand the Chinese culture and learn the Chinese way, I believe by now, Google is also the number one search engine in China.

    Google please do not impose your western education in a Chinese culture. Instead learn to blend in your enriched western technologies into Chinese censorship, helping the Chinese government to build a better future and not condemning it to build your own egoistic empire at the expense of a country sovereignty.

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  • Why Google Fails in China and Humping Over Chinese Censorship Over Now and Then

    Google.cn under Chinese censorship
    All of us have our crafted reasons why Google fails in China and humping over Chinese censorship over now and then. Most of us will blame it on the Chinese government. For me, here are my reasons.

    Google did not localise it search engine and products for the Chinese market. Google offers a factory default packaging which is not even fit for the entire chinese market. Recent years Google is modifying it products to be in better position to compete with local competitors but it is advancing slowly. Take a look at McDonalds the fast food chain in China. Knowing that burger is not Chinese type of food, it learns fast and quickly adapts to the diverse Chinese cultures and offer food that is more appealing to the Chinese people of different ethics groups. Different McDonalds restaurants at different locations offer different type of food and not a one-size-fit-all burger.

    Google is egoistic and think that he is the superstar and and we all adore him. Sad to say, how can a superstar do not love his fans. Google only think for himself and not how he can contribute to make China a better place on earth. China is a big country with fifty-six minority ethics groups to manage, sharing fourteen land borders with many hostile neighbours. All Google cares is singing his freedom of speech song, neglecting China peace keeping efforts can be easily destroy in the abusive name of free speech.

    Google rely too much on technology. This world is fill with people and human beings use Google not robots. China is a country with four thousands years of history deeply rooted in ‘guanxi’ (connected relationship). Connected relationship is people deeply related to one another and helping one another for mutual benefits. Every expat living in China will learn this Chinese vocabulary and understand how Chinese people work and how Chinese organisations are intertwine. Without the rightful connected relationship, you will get to no where. In China, connected relationship comes first. Technology second.

    Google has no understanding of the diverse Chinese cultures and the peace the Chinese government trying to maintain. Chinese people are smart and hardworking and are very good at abusing what they have at hand and circumventing the laws. Chinese people are hunger for wealth and will do anything to make them rich instantly. Take a look at all the pirated stuffs available in China, fake Nokia N95, fake ATM booth to steal your card PIN numbers, etc. Restricting certain technologies and web services available to the public help to protect Chinese citizens from being a victim from technology abuse.

    The Chinese censorship is in place to protect the citizens and not to fend off western invasion. China is a growing nation and many Chinese are still lowly educated and cannot differentiate a fake iPhone from a real one. It takes time for the nation with more than 1.4 billion people, to grow mature and every Chinese learns to protect himself.

    Why Google cares so much about how it search engine should work in China? If Google understands all these and help with the Chinese censorship, Chinese people will grow faster in due time. China will soon to be a safer place on earth and Chinese people will embrace Google in the near future.

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  • Three Reasons Why Google Should Leave China

    Search Chinese Article On Google.cn
    Google leaving China or not, is not an important issue to many people like us living inside the great firewall of China and for people searching for Chinese article contents because Google do not play any important role in our internet life.

    Here are the three reasons why Google should leave China and as early as possible.

    No big difference. When you talk about searching for Chinese article contents, it is a waste of time using Google. Search using google.com or google.cn make not much different in your search. Main differences are, you do not see youtube video and other blocked websites, and reorder of search results for google.cn. The only benefit is, if you search with Hanyu Pinyin in google.cn you get the option to choose to search the Chinese characters instead of Hanyu Pinyin, which is already a typical feature in a Chinese search engine.

    Too many keywords search. Searching for your hard to find chinese article contents from Google may take you from five to ten keywords. A typical Chinese search engine, will take less than five keywords to find what you want. If you are looking for a hard to find mp3, Google may give you the result after the tenth page. A Chinese search engine will most likely give you the result on the first page. This tells me a lot about Google and it commitment to the Chinese market. Google do not care about how the Chinese people way of life and if they do, Google search engine will be more Chinese search friendly.

    Google is a stupid name. Google in English has no meaning to the Chinese people because majority of the Chinese do not read English. Having a Chinese Google name and not using it, makes Google more stupid. In the Chinese internet world, Google uses the English Google name mix with chinese characters on the search buttons and heading tags to form a sentence and this is annoying to the majority of non-english Chinese users. Mixing them is like reading Japanese and English texts combine together. Who the hell knows what it means!

    Google should learn from his competitor, Yahoo. Yahoo uses the Chinese Yahoo name in everything they do, including offline promotion. An interesting fact here is, people hear of Google know Chinese Yahoo name but people hear of Chinese Yahoo name may not know Google. I think is time for Google to sell themselves as GuGe, the Chinese friendly name, or else is about time for Google to leave.

    If you ever need to search for Chinese article contents on the internet, do a comparison next time and see if Google give you what you want faster or a typical Chinese search engine will serve you better. Test it out!

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