Tag: ecommerce

  • Chinese SEO – Scaling the Great Firewall

    Chinese SEO – Scaling the Great Firewall

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comAt approximately 1.3 billion, it has the largest population in the world. The number of its Internet users rises significantly each year. It has a great virtual wall that rivals its real one that stretches 8,800 kilometers from Shanhaiguan to Lop Nur. It is the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

    On March 22, 2010, all users who tried to access google.cn were redirected to google.hk to bypass more than 60 Internet regulations set by the Chinese government. Hong Kong, being a Special Administrative Region (SAR) and having special judicial powers, is not subject to some national laws including Internet censorship.

    Google, one of the leading search engines in the world, gave up its stake in China leaving in its wake a void teeming with potential and growing opportunity costs. One such search engine can fill the gap. Enter baidu.com.

    Established in 2000, baidu.com is a Chinese and Japanese search engine that censors inappropriate web content in consonance with the Internet regulations set forth. Moreover, owing to its domestic nature, Baidu, is privy to the inherent cultural and social tendencies of its users. This makes it the preferred search engine of the largest country in the world.

    Chinese Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on baidu.com could prove quite profitable and lucrative for Internet marketers. SEO is a method by which keywords are strategically repeated in a website to produce a top result for that site in a related search engine query.

    It is undeniable that the Internet has become an indispensable tool in people’s lives. Despite the censorship, the number of Chinese Internet users continues to grow each year so much so that the Chinese Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) concluded in 2009 in its 24th Survey Report that the construction of network infrastructure is being overtaken by the increase in Internet users. It has even called for more rigorous means to improve the quality of Chinese Internet.

    What else did the CNNIC report? 77.5% of users say the Internet is separable from their lives. 78.5% say they share their knowledge with others. This chain of users relying more and more on the Internet and their tendency to share information with others is an overflowing resource waiting to be tapped. The higher your site ranks on search engine queries, the more mouse clicks to your virtual door, the greater your web presence.

    By implementing SEO for your site on Baidu alone – you could be reaching out to 338 million prospect users. The figures are staggering. And the possibilities that lie beyond the Great Wall? Unbounded.

  • A Good Affiliate Partners Management

    A Good Affiliate Partners Management

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comWith a little effort managing little details, you can have a good affiliate partners management. Managing your affiliate partners system is not difficult. The easiest way to do it is to have a proper system and always follow up on it.

    After prospecting your affiliate partners or joint venture companies, the next logically step to take is to contact them and usually through email because most likely that is what you will find on the website. Even if there is a number to call, you will not have the habit to call it. However it is advisable to make a call when a partnership is about to form.

    Since this is the initial contact and is also an important one, you need to seriously write an email to grab their attention and response to you. Your potential affiliate and joint venture partners receive a lot of emails everyday and they will be choosy to pick one to work together.

    To write this initial email, check out your potential partners websites first and see how their business are structure. Understand what they are really doing and avoid asking questions that are already in their frequently asked question section. Understanding them will help you draft the email that is appealing to them. The content of the email should include why you want a partnership, mentioning in the email that you have common interests that can complement one another.

    The email should also include your commission payout, explaining how much you are paying. It is important to let your potential partners know that it is a win-win situation and they will benefit more by promoting your product or service. The email also include that you will send them a free evaluation copy for their perusal and when they are ready you will give them a courtesy call to finalise the partnership.

    If you like to cross sell your potential partners products as part of the partnership, you can also mention it in the email. Lastly, add all your available preferred mode of contacts before signing of the email. The more contact information you provide, the better and easier for your potential partners to contact you for further discussion. MSN Messenger, ICQ, Skype, email address, etc, make it all available to them to reach you easily.

    After all these efforts and the partnership is forge and the first email marketing launch, do not forget to follow up your partners. Support them continuously by sending new promotional materials, such as sales articles for their websites, email promotion and special reports. Customise ad banners for your partners when they have special promotion.

    Consistent effort and put your partners management system in practice and you will have good control over it that will generate profitable income for you to enjoy.

  • Practical Approach For Recruiting Affiliate Partners Management

    Practical Approach For Recruiting Affiliate Partners Management

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe first step to get your recruiting affiliate partners management to do well is to get your products ready. Create your products and sort out all the problems. If it is a software or website you have created make sure the bugs are fix before promoting it.

    Having a faulty, untested product or service will cause you more harm in the future. You will spend a lot of time on after sales support and leave you no time to market your product. It will also affect your reputation among your partners and you may not get their support anymore in the future if you ever launch another one.

    The next step is to get a affiliate management program. You can sign up at clickbank.com and paydotcom.com. Both of these sites are favourite among my peers for digital products and affiliate programs. After you setup the affiliate management program, you are ready to seek out affiliate marketing partners or joint venture companies through a popular site, jvmanager.com to promote the product or service you created.

    Here you can find individuals and joint venture companies who are eager to sell your products or services base on commission. Combining individual internet marketers and joint ventures companies to promote your undertaking will yield great result for your endeavour.

    To grab the attention of your new partners, you have to grab their attention by offering attractive sales compensation plan. How you compensation package offer to them will determine how serious and focus selling your product or service. Offer as much as you can afford to give for the commission. Make sure you have done your maths and keep enough for yourself too.

    You can offer monthly competition to promote aggressive sales results and the top seller will walk away with extra cash. You can also workout an attractive rebate system to entice your affiliates to sell more.

    Beside a well crafted compensation package to attract your potential partners, you also need to create sales tools that can produce results for your partners to use and easily accessible. Provide a quick login to partners resources and make ad banners, links, copy writings, etc, easily accessible will make your partners more willingly to sell your stuffs.

    With all these recruiting approach in mind and get it done for your potential affiliate partners and if they are excited and motivated to promote your product or service with full attention, then you have successfully created a partners management system.

  • Tweeting For Bucks – A Review on Ads Companies for Twitter

    Tweeting For Bucks – A Review on Ads Companies for Twitter

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comWith around 27 million usages per month in the US alone, Twitter is a global phenomenon. The social networking and micro-blogging site had grown multi-fold since its launch in 2006, with forecasted revenues up to $140 million by the end of 2010. There is no surprise that there enterprising people out there who want a piece of the birdie pie too.

    Simply put, the role of these ads advertisement web companies is to be the intermediary between the sellers who need to promote their product (the advertisers) and the tweeters who will post tweet ads for them (the publishers).

    For publishers, the first step is to sign up into the ad company website. Once logged in, they need to set their payment terms, including setting the price for the tweets. Advertisers will then select the publisher they like to represent them (or looking at the other side, publishers will then choose which advertisement offer they like to accept). Once everyone agrees, it is up to the advertising company to assist both advertisers and publishers, from checking up on the tweet ads made, to facilitating the payment given to the publisher.

    While the steps are generally the same, details of the offers to advertisers and publishers depend on the advertisement intermediary.

    Tweet price. While the publisher can set the price for tweet ads, the actual earnings depends on many things. One important factor to consider is if the ad company has ‘compensation options’ for the publisher to choose from. For example, Magpie (be-a-magpie.com) has options for per-click, per-view, per-sale, or per-lead payments. Many cases, the only option offered is a pay-per-click one; if this is the case, it would be better to know the how much is given per click.

    Celebrities and followed tweets. Advertisers give more money if you are a celebrity (both online or offline), as well as if you have many tweet followers. A good example is Sponsored Tweets (sponsoredtweets.com) which offers exclusive programs for celebrities.

    Selling your twitter account? Some advertisement company (e.g., Twittad, www.twittad.com) lets you sell your account to advertisers.

    Cashing out. A tweeter must know if he can actually have an earning do thing this. Sponsored Tweets and Magpie have $50 and EUR50 respectively as cash-out price. For AdCause (adcause.com), it is $25. Revtwt (revtwt.com) is lowest at $20. Also note that some advertisement company can only pay via Paypal.

    Check out their reputation. It is a wild world out there so be wary of advertising services with bad reputations. Check out the ad company’s credentials. Also note that even if the company is legitimate, it may not be giving that best deals to the publishers. Research for payment proofs online and read experiences from past publishers. Ask how much are the actual earnings, if there are unexplained trimmings, and how many tweets and followers do publishers have to have to earn reasonably. Use these companies at your own risk.

  • Globalization of the Chinese Economy – Breaking Linguistic Barriers

    Globalization of the Chinese Economy – Breaking Linguistic Barriers

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comUntil a few years ago, Chinese Economy had been confined within the great firewall of China, and was a closed socialist economy. But today, Chinese economy is booming and is opening up to the western mode of free trade and capitalism.

    It caters to wide variety of clientele around the globe interested in banking, insurance, export import, real estate, stock market and agriculture and much more. Thus, there is a growing need to break the linguistic barriers by applying technology in order to make use of English to Mandarin translation tools.

    Technology has a knack of arranging things around us; therefore various online English to Mandarin translation services are available for English to Mandarin translation and Mandarin to English translation language pairs. Today, one can easily make use of these services in order to translate Mandarin Chinese into over 100 other languages in the world.

    Their Chinese team usually comprises of many experts and experienced translators. Each translator essentially specializes in various fields of translation like legal translation, business translation, technical translation, medical translation and many more. The services are extremely efficient and provide service based on individual translation needs.

    Technical and software translation comprises of excellent Chinese software engineers and quality assurance editors who can translate any software or website. With increasing Globalization, it is essential to transform any website from English to Mandarin language translation mode. This is considered as a long term investment which is cost effective and aids to new ventures too.

    Some of the websites also offer English to Mandarin translation and interpretation, transcriptions, voice overs, multilingual search engine optimization. Irrespective of the English to Mandarin translation needs, the websites offer translation services which are cost effective as well as exact.

    Experts state that, the best translators let their work speak for itself. According to them, for a translation to be exact, it is required that the translators should have been to China and lived among the people there. It is only when one has lived in the country, can we fully understand the culture and traditions there and get the feel of the language.

    Chinese Mandarin pronunciation, which is mostly phonetic, is difficult to master as complications may arise from its complex stress system. The need to stress does not follow any rigid rules and is pretty flexible and mobile. Therefore, for one trying to learn the sounds of the language, the correct placement of stress in sounds is the most difficult part of the task.

    Various translation tools are available online and are designed for those who want to learn Chinese Mandarin language through the online tutorial program that is fast and easy.

  • How Chinese Censorship Stabilizes the Usage of Internet in China

    How Chinese Censorship Stabilizes the Usage of Internet in China

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comEasy access to internet has its own advantages as well as disadvantages; as in the positive light Chinese internet is considered as a major source for information acquisition, interpersonal communication, social participation, practicality and much more for the Chinese people. On the flip side, internet has isolated the user from the real world and is also the cause for various mental illnesses that related to internet addiction and requires Chinese censorship. According to a survey conducted to find out the overall lifestyle recognition, the need for Chinese censorship can be grouped under internet trust, internet interaction and internet reliance.

    In the category for internet trust, the web users were analyzed for information trust as well as transaction trust. Around 84.3% users attested that the world wide web is their major source of information and 48% stated that they trust the information available on the web over Television channels.

    When it comes to transactional trust the numbers seem to be coming down, as people in china are vary about giving out their personal information over the net. Only 39.4% of internet users were willing to provide true data during online registration. It has been found that 29.4% of Chinese users say that Chinese censorship is lacking and one believes in online transactions are inadequately protected.

    Interaction on the internet can be addicting for the surfers and requires the Chinese censorship. In this 56.1% expresses an opinion poll and there has been a steep rise in the number of users taking part in important social events since the advent of internet. Around 78% of the web users attested that whenever they come across any useful and interesting information on the net, they make sure to share it with their friends on the internet.

    Among others who comment on the reliance of the common man to the internet, feel that there is a growing need for Chinese censorship as today, many people are getting addicted to the web because 77.5% of the users think that life is inseparable from it. 81.6% of the users say that the internet saves them a lot of time spent in acquiring information from other sources; it is also very convenient when it comes to the web as a life aid. However, some users feel lonelier even in the era of social networking website available online. But internet also leads to social isolation as the user is spending more time online rather than with the significant others, in the real world.

    Therefore, the Chinese censorship of the internet is very useful as it limits the usage of internet and ensures a healthy lifestyle.

  • Chinese Internet Users Vs Chinese Economy

    Chinese Internet Users Vs Chinese Economy

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe decline in the number of Chinese Internet users has affected the Economy in China, as the New Economy is propelled by the advancements in internet and any changes in the usage has a direct impact. In the nascent stages, when internet was a new concept, the number of internet users has been steadily increasing.

    In fact, today they have reached the 16.9 million mark as recorded, in the early part of the last decade. The ecommerce transaction also increased by leaps and bound with subsequent advancements in B2C transactions. According to experts, Internet commerce has a promising future on the virtual front. The internet has transformed the mode of communication, as today one can communicate around the globe at an amazing speed that seems so effortless.

    On the flip side of the coin, internet has been blamed for social isolation and other mental problems of the Chinese internet users. According to an online survey, the number of Chinese internet users that socialize through the internet has increased significantly, and can be calculated to 4.8%. Various social networking websites are available on the internet, and are almost addicting as users spend more time tweeting online rather than communicating in the real world.

    In the present scenario, where everybody is too busy in the lives and have no time to visit friends and family, make use of the internet to stay in touch. According to a survey, internet has contributed to the development of interpersonal relationships in the virtual world. Around 90% of the internet users attested that internet usage enhanced their relationships with friends and family by 4.8%.

    Many users who find useful information on the internet are willing to share it with their colleagues; this has lead to enhanced life efficiency and spread of knowledge which is important for the growth of society as a whole. It is the nature of progress that is instrumental in enhancing efficiency among the people in china. The internet is the platform that offers both flexibility and personalization in communication for the Chinese internet users.

    The internet is an open arena for the various companies involved in ecommerce as the small business entrepreneur can compete against big conglomerates. Internet has also witnessed the downfall of major companies from the real world that could not survive on the internet. On the other hand, there have been many entrepreneurs that have made a phenomenal success on the World Wide Web. The Economy in China is now struggling to adapt as the number of Chinese internet users is eroding at a fast pace. Therefore, it is important to embrace change in order to propel the internet economy in China.

  • Digital Governance in China – Pros and Cons of Owning a dotCN Domain

    Digital Governance in China – Pros and Cons of Owning a dotCN Domain

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comToday, internet in China seems to be re-emerging as a major player in the virtual arena. In the present scenario, China is climbing the technological ladder at a fast pace, with an increasing number of businesses hosting web servers in the country.

    The Chinese government seems to have evolved into an economic power house with world power. China may seem to have become an economical and technological power house at the global forefront, but internally, it is very fragile as a result of the technological developments, the communist political leaders seem to be having a deep sense of domestic insecurity. And it is this insecurity that backs the introduction of various rules and regulations with Chinese censorship for every aspect of web hosting in China.

    Today, there are stricter rules in according to Chinese censorship for registering a .CN domain names at CNNIC. According to latest news, web hosts are looking for alternative places for registering their domain names. It is has been observed that the technical nature of the global domain name system is causing a political stir within China. It is the technological advancements in China that have caused the technocratic government to impose very rigid regulatory rules and Chinese censorship for web hosting in China.

    The DNS system was originated by the Americans and they have a complete veto on any kind of changes in the naming system. Therefore, Chinese censorship is trying to regain a control of what the government thinks, is its rightful niche on the World Wide Web.

    According to the latest additions in the regulations of Chinese censorship, the domain names need to be registered with the government. And in case, the owners fail to register, their website would be pulled down by the government. To add to the plight of web hosts in China, the .CN is commonly known to be used in phishing attacks of security infringement on the internet.

    According to statistics, as a result of the rigid regulations put forth by the government in China, there has been a steep decline in the number of users that are registering for .CN extension; as it reached a record low of 76% as recorded in the last month of 2008.

    The rigidity in regulations for domain names indicates that China seems to have been wedded to the belief that technological advancements can have an impact on the political and social aspects of the country, thus leading to digital governance.

  • Beyond the Great Wall

    Beyond the Great Wall

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comBaidu.com is a Chinese and Japanese search engine founded by Chinese entrepreneurs Robin Li and Eric Xu. According to co-founder Li, Baidu, which literally means hundreds of times, represents the persistent search for the ideal.

    This is the concept behind Baidu.com which makes it a popular choice among Chinese Internet users for reliable and valid search engine results. Coupled with Baidu’s strong advocacy of the Chinese government’s Internet regulations, Baidu has stepped up to fill the void left by the death of Google in China on March 30, 2010 when all access to the leading search engine, including its international sites (with the exception of Google Mail and Google Maps), was banned in the mainland.

    The domestic search engine Baidu’s strong online presence, as well as its firm grasp on intrinsic Chinese values and culture, has made it a household name and virtual bulwark akin to the Great Wall of China.

    With the implementation of the Internet regulations, Chinese homes, schools and offices are turning to Internet search engines that would give them optimum results each and every time. Parents and teachers would trust only a search engine that can filter inappropriate content for children, as students comprise the largest group of Chinese Internet users. Offices would also prefer censored accessible sites to maintain productivity and proper conduct in the workplace. Corporate workers, managers and professional and technical staff combined also make up a majority in the demographics.

    The onset of Chinese Internet regulations should prompt Internet marketers to step up their game and ensure more traffic passes through their sites despite the limitations. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most cost-effective, painless and quickest way to do just that. Moreover, Chinese SEO on Baidu.com would give you an edge. If your site comes out at the top of the hierarchy of results on a search engine that actively censors content and which many Chinese users utilize in school and at work, then you would have marked your site with a large, red X on the Chinese map of the Information Superhighway.

    This highway is traversed everyday by roughly 338 million Chinese Internet users. With the largest population in the world of 1.3 billion, the increase of Chinese Internet users in the next years would undoubtedly be viably incremental. Reaching out to an established and growing target market of that size and potential at a relatively lower cost of advertising makes for a lucrative ratio.

    Don’t be left on the other side of the wall. Chinese SEO on Baidu.com could be your ladder to the top.

  • Growth of the Mobile Internet in China

    Growth of the Mobile Internet in China

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe year 2009 has witnessed major changes in the internet development in China. The Chinese internet is no longer confined to the computer terminal, especially with the advent of mobile internet technology. The number of Chinese internet users that make use of mobile phone for browsing the internet has been growing at a fast pace. According to statistical data, the count of mobile internet users has touched the 155 million mark and shows a growth rate of 32.1% for the last six months.

    The state council government has passed a resolution in favor of the application of Chinese internet technology to mobile devices. This has been made possible by issuing 3G Licenses to mobile phone manufacturers in China. The internet services also reduced cost of internet access on the mobile gadgets. Therefore, there has been a considerable advancement in mobile phone technology and this combined with easy access to GPRS, where the Chinese telecom services are working in favor of advancing the mobile phone technology by reducing the fee for wireless connectivity.

    Other major telecom operators in china have also contributed towards bringing Chinese internet technology of the mobile phone users in china. The concept of internet on the mobile phones has been catching up with the Chinese internet users, especially with the younger generation.

    The younger generation is very interested in standing out in a crowd with some of the latest gadgets and high tech accessories. Mobile devices with GPRS are very much in vogue among the youngsters as they make use of the mobile internet technology as a status symbol. As they say, with an increase in demand there is a consequent increase in supply, therefore, with the increase in the usage of mobile phone technology, various internet applications have evolved like the mobile blog, mobile video and mobile entertainment TV that is very much in demand.

    Today, the mobile devices have recorded a penetration of around 60% or more, in some of the developed countries. Another fact, the mobile and internet have been the driving forces that created demand for information on the internet that is available anywhere anytime and comes at a low cost too. In terms of ecommerce, there are many advantages of having an interconnected population in china, that also presents a vast opportunity for technological as well as ecommerce advancements, as distance is no longer a barrier.

    Mobility of the internet and easy accessibility has given a new face to ecommerce, as it can provide more meaningful service to the mobile phone users. This has lead to a universal availability of useful information and adaptation and management that has been critical in the success of mobile internet in china.