Tag: ecommerce

  • The Best of Twitter Marketing from Dell

    The computer industry is one of the most competitive industries today. There are a lot of big and small names that are making waves in the market, making it important for each and every computer company to step up. One of the oldest companies in the computing industry is Dell Computers.

    The company was founded 1984 by Michael Dell in Austin, Texas. It grew to be one of the most popular computer companies in the United States and the world. But these days, a lot of its competition is stepping up. One good example is Apple computers. After the revitalization of the brand in the early 2000s, Apple has become one of the most modern computer companies, overtaking Dell in mass popularity.

    Dell remains to have a lot of followers, but Apple seems to be reaching out better to the common masses. Dell is the preferred computer of those who know more about computers. But currently, Apple is the brand most equated with being “cool”. This is because Apple modernized itself to become appealing to the common consumer and not just to computer aficionados.

    This is exactly what Dell needs to do. They need to put themselves out there some more and make their products more visible and available to the popular masses. And what better way to reach out to the common consumer than to keep in touch with them through social media?

    Dell has already taken the liberty of reaching out to the world via social media. One of the most effective techniques they have employed Twitter marketing. Following social media trends today, Dell has opened its own Twitter page (@DellOutlet). Twitter marketing is one of the most effective ways you can use social media for business.

    Dell was successfully able to infiltrate the Twitter community by updating their page with the newest inventory additions, giving their followers special offers and a whole lot more to boot. Because followers get frequent updates on Dell’s products and services, they get a bigger share of the popular market.

    So far, Dell has been more than successful in their Twitter marketing venture. This was manifested in Dell’s sales increase of $6.5 million via Twitter. This was the consolidated income from all their Twitter outlet accounts across the world. The popular community has responded to the Dell’s efforts very well.

    One of the main things that attracted followers to their account is their special offers. These special offers change almost day-to-day. This factor has made their Twitter page worthwhile for daily visits.

  • The Best of Twitter Marketing from The Coffee Groundz

    Coffee shops are just so common in the country today. In every corner, there is either a Coffee Bean or a Starbucks. The coffee shop market is so hard to infiltrate. If you don’t know how to market yourself well, you would definitely say that this is a niche market only for the big boys. But if you know how to play the game, you can definitely beat the odds.

    A great way to market a business these days is through social media. If you study social media trends, you will see that online marketing with social networks is definitely worthwhile. The Coffee Groundz is a local Houston coffee shop that is currently breaking the mold. Thanks to Twitter marketing, it is now one of the most beloved coffee places in the area.

    When you are running against titans, it’s hard to convince people to come to you. So if the people can’t come to you, then you come to the people. Twitter marketing has done this for The Coffee Groundz. Twitter is a great place to promote an SMB just by joining and posting updates. This way, you can also interact with the customers by Twittering, making the bond between the shop and its patrons more personal.

    In order to do well in Twitter marketing, one must study the social media trends well. Moreover, you have to do things in Twitter that is unique. These things will set you apart from the big time coffee franchisees that are your competition.

    The Coffee Groundz is very unique thanks to Twitter. Because of this platform, the owners and the customers have better communication. And when you feel that the bond is more personal between you and the coffee shop, the more you would go it. After all, that is what you look for in a coffee shop− the feeling comfort and hominess.

    The coffee shop is so connected to its customers that regular customer can actually order in advanced via Twitter. Management also listens to the suggestions of the customers. Thanks to the communication Twitter establishes between the customers and The Coffee Groundz staff and management, the coffee shop became a home away from home for its customers.

    This makes the shop more appealing to people as compared to other coffee shops. People like the idea that they can personalize a place to their tastes. Also, since the shop is very popular in the Twitter community, tweet-ups (Twitter meet-ups) in the Houston area are now commonly held in The Coffee Grounds.

  • The Best of Twitter Marketing from Moonfruit

    One of the hardest markets to crack is the web hosting business. There are so many hosting services to choose from, which mean that competition is very tight in the market. It is often said that small fish cannot make it in big waters, especially when those waters have even bigger fish.

    A good example of a small-time web hosting company is Moonfruit. Moonfruit is a small British web hosting company. If you have ever tried Googling the phrase “web hosting service,” you would know exactly how big the competition is for Moonfruit. Moonfruit is a small web hosting business that is currently competing with large hosting sites like HostGator and GoDaddy.

    Although it’s difficult for small businesses to stand out in a dense market, it is not impossible. The key to winning, regardless of your size, is to market yourself the right way. There are several things you have to consider when planning on marketing a small business.

    First, you should know where the market is. Second, you should make yourself visible to them. And third, give them a reason why they should go for your service. This is exactly what Moonfruit did. Studying social media trends, Moonfruit started marketing their services in the microblog Twitter. Twitter marketing is currently one of the best ways to promote your business online. But no all succeed in Twitter marketing. It requires a lot of homework before it can be effective.

    Moonfruit studied the social media trends of today and found ways to attract quite a following. In Twitter marketing, the main point is to get a big following. This following will be redirected to the business’ actual site and thus generate more web traffic for the business website. It is not easy to get a strong following, but Moonfruit was very successful in doing this. Their following surged after they started a contest for their followers. But what broke the deal way the contest’s very appealing prize─ a Macbook Pro.

    The result of this ploy was simply smashing. In that short time period, Moonfruit became a household name. Everyone who was on Twitter knew them and knew what their business was all about. After the contest, everyone had Moonfruit in mind for their web hosting services. Moonfruit followed social media trends and executed their marketing strategy in Twitter very effectively.

    Thanks to Twitter, after ten years in the business, Moonfruit is now one of the most popular web hosting services available. Moonfruit’s success is the result of great social media marketing.

  • The Best of Twitter Marketing from Kodak

    In today’s camera and photography market, competition is very tight, especially now that SLR and DSLR cameras are popular. Kodak is a well-know and trusted camera company both in the United States and across the globe. But when it comes to professional cameras, people tend to prefer brands like Nikon and Canon over Kodak. This is currently Kodak’s biggest problem.

    The professional camera’s segment of the camera and photography market is very promising. SLR and DLSR cameras are a luxury, but a lot of people are investing in them. Also, once you commit to a brand of professional camera, you stick to it as you get upgrades for you unit. This generates quite an income for the company. Kodak is lagging behind in this segment and they desperately need to get into it.

    The reason for Kodak’s problem isn’t because they aren’t as good as their competition. Their actual problem is that people don’t see their outputs. In truth, Kodak produces great photos and can easily match what a Canon or Nikon camera can produce. But since not a lot of people know about it, consumers tend to assume that they are not that good.

    What Kodak needs to do is to show people the quality of their work. And there is no better way to do this than by employing the tips of social media trends and showing off in social media platforms. Kodak has employed Twitter marketing and other social media marketing techniques to show people in the Internet how good their products are.

    Kodak’s Chief Blogger, Jenny Cisney, has a very active Twitter page that updates followers with developments in Kodak’s camera technology. In order to show people the quality of their products, Jenny posts links to Flickr Photostreams with pictures taken with Kodak cameras. Following social media trends, Kodak has joined in on the Twitter marketing bandwagon to promote their products.

    Their work speaks for themselves; all they needed to do was have people see them. This is definitely one of the best Twitter usages of a company. They promote themselves, not only with Twitter, but also with other related social media platforms.

    Twitter marketing has done wonders for Kodak. Their strategy has resulted in one of the best Twitter success stories. With the help of their Twitter updates that link followers to Kodak’s photo stream site, Kodak sales have improved immensely.

    Because of this, the Twitter community considers them every time they make a camera purchase. Following social media trends have done Kodak very well.

  • The Best of Twitter Marketing from Shoemoney

    There are many ways to make profit online these days. A lot of companies claim they can make you richer just by utilizing the online marketing system. But no one rode on the online marketing wave better than Jeremy Schoemaker. Schoemaker is the founder of the Shoemoney Group of Companies, which owns AuctionAds, and eBay marketing affiliate.

    Shoemoney is a very successful company. But as there are so many sites that claim to offer instant online earning these days, Shoemaker has a lot of competition. Moreover, some of Shoemoney’s so-called competition has given online profit a bad name as some of them turn out to be scams. This is the biggest hurdle Shoemoney has to surpass. They need to prove to the online community that they are legitimate.

    One of the best things Shoemoney did to overcome this problem was to show people tangible proof that their system really worked. Twitter marketing is a big income generator for Shoemoney. Here, Jeremy Schoemaker personally microblogs about a lot of companies. In actuality, these companies pay him to do that. So basically, the most important thing he should invest on is a big following. With Twitter marketing, Shoemoney follows social media trends and shows the Twitter community first-hand how it can make money before their very eyes and using their attention.

    Shoemoney gets paid by companies, such as Kmart, to tweet about them. Kmart pays Shoemoney $250 per Tweet. The reason these companies pay him is because a lot of people listen to him. In order for this Twitter marketing technique to succeed, Shoemoney needs to invest on a lot a good following. They were successfully able to do this by giving incentives to followers.

    In short, they ran contest with cool prize and gave giveaways every now and then. These prizes are reserved solely for the loyal followers. Having a good following would make Shoemoney’s Twitter marketing technique successful. Shoemoney doesn’t only follow social media trends; they show you how it’s used properly in Internet marketing.

    This display of practical application not only had Shoemoney making loads of money; it also showed people the effectiveness and the legitimacy of Jeremy Schoemaker’s techniques. It showed how social media trends can be translated into actual profit. What can prove Shoemoney’s legitimacy better than showing people first-hand how the magic is done?

    By getting a good following in Twitter, Shoemoney showed that you can earn money online without breaking much of a sweat. This is definitely one of the best Twitter success stories today.

  • The Best of Twitter Marketing from Naked Pizza

    For small and medium sized businesses or SMBs, Internet marketing is very important. Regardless of what industry you are in, a well-thought-of online marketing technique will make a very big difference. With today’s social media trends, social media platforms too have become open to online marketing. One SMB that has followed and studied social media trends is Naked Pizza. It is a pizza shop based in New Orleans, LA.

    In 2009, it was aiming to go national, with the support of multimillionaire and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. But even with the support of a well-known person, if you aren’t able to put yourself out there and make your name known, you cannot possibly succeed in a big time venture.

    Because of this big challenge, Naked Pizza decided to take on Twitter marketing. Twitter marketing is one of the most effective ways of marketing yourself through social media. In order to successfully sell your company in Twitter, you have to study current social media trends and find different ways of making the community listen to you. Twitter is basically a networked microblog.

    For business, it is great for broadcasting new offers and events. But for small and medium sized business, the best thing that can be done in Twitter is to win customers over. This can be done in what’s called Twitter promotions.

    Twitter has already done a lot for the Naked Pizza business. Most of the attention is has now is because of the many promotions it ran via Twitter. What makes Naked Pizza special is the health difference it makes versus other pizza shops. Unlike other national pizza places that have already made a name for themselves, Naked Pizza is healthy. That in itself is a marketable characteristic. But the thing is not all people know about it.

    But after all Naked Pizza’s, Twitter promotions, people now know of the health benefits it offers. If you could get the same great tastes in a much healthier package, would you not go for it? This is exactly what the pizza company promoted to the online Twitter community.

    Twitter marketing has definitely done a lot for the Naked Pizza business. After their first Twitter promo, it had a 15% sales increase. In May 29, 2009, roughly 68% of the customers who called in for an order were calling in as a Twitter follower. That is just how important Twitter is for this company. Naked Pizza is living proof of the effectiveness of social media marketing for an SMB.

  • The Best of Twitter Marketing from Comcast

    For big companies, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of this. Everything is so widespread and broad that some parts of the business tend get neglect. And whenever there’s neglect there are bound to be casualties. More often than always, the negative side effects will be felt the customers. When customers feel unsatisfied, the company will feel a backlash. This is especially true when there are a lot of customers experiencing the same issue. Big companies don’t worry much about getting new customers; their primary concern is keeping their existing ones.

    Comcast is one of the biggest Internet providers in the country. Unfortunately, it is also known for its poor customer service and frequent downtimes. They have such a bad reputation they are actually called “Comcrap” by some subscribers.

    It is very important for Comcast to fix its reputation. If customers don’t feel satisfied, there is a big chance that they will transfer to other service providers. One of the many ways that Comcast is employing to fix its reputation is by Twitter marketing. For Comcast, Twitter marketing is a way they can show customers that they really do care and that they have an initiative to fix their customer’s problems.

    There is no better way to appease a customer than to show them that their problem is being taken care of. Even if the problems don’t get fixed yet, a customer has peace of mind is he or she knows someone is working on the problem.

    For its Twitter marketing, Comcast has launched Comcast Cares. This is a Twitter page where people can actually express their grief over the services they get. Customers can also express their concerns online, plus they can even give suggestions. These posts are not only viewed Comcast representative, but also by Comcast executives. Thanks to this, Tweets can be a form customer tickets for their problems. The great thing about it is that, at times, problems get fixed faster through Twitter that if customers called the tech support hot line.

    The result has been very good for Comcast. Their customers have seen their efforts in trying to make things better for them. One tweeter even claims that after a few minutes of tweeting his complaint, he got a reply from an actual Comcast executive asking how he could help his situation. Knowing that their issues are being fixed, customers feel better about the company. A company’s willingness to help is very important for customers. Showing them good customer service will go a long way.

  • The Best of Twitter Marketing from Namecheap

    One of the biggest online marketing techniques today is social media marketing. Online businesses can study current social media trends and tap into social media platforms to market their products and services. This is a very effective technique and has worked wonders for so many companies already. When you run your business online, it is important to market it well as there is a lot of competition.

    Namecheap is one company that is employing Twitter marketing. Namecheap is a small company comprised of only 70 people. Their main line of business is selling domain names. If you have every tried searching for domain name providers in the Internet, you would know that Namecheap has a lot of competition. This is the primary hurdle the company has to overcome.

    Twitter marketing is the perfect solution to Namecheap’s problems. Twitter is a social media platform that serves as a networked microblog. After studying social media trends, an online company can apply best Twitter practices and promote themselves to members of the Twitter community. Twitter is a very effective platform for online marketing and has done wonders for a lot of online businesses already. Namecheap just needs to put themselves out there and get as much followers as possible. Getting a lot of followers is one of the best Twitter practices for online businesses promoting themselves online. As simple as it is, Twitter can present great opportunities to businesses.

    Namecheap has employed one of the best Twitter marketing techniques− Twitter contests. Namecheap offered their best Twitter followers a way to win freebies just helping to promote the company in the simplest way they can. One example is Namecheap’s trivia contest where they held hourly trivia contests and offered the first three Twitters one-year free domain registration. Everyone wanted a free domain registration. People were so delighted with the contest that they Twittered about it to everyone they knew. The contest spread like wildfire in the Twitter community, eventually making Namecheap a well-recognized name. Followers jumped from 200 to 4,000 in a month.

    After following social media trends, Namecheap was successfully able to infiltrate the Twitter community, instantly making their small company a popular service provider for domain name registration. Their effective Twitter marketing led to a 10% increase in their website traffic and a 20% increase in their domain name registrations. Without a doubt, Twitter helped their business immensely. After years of being in the business, Namecheap now has their biggest customer base ever. This is all thanks to effecting social media marketing.

  • Real Internet Income Secrets – Fast Track Cash Membership Site Leaked!

    Real Internet Income Secrets – Fast Track Cash Membership Site Leaked!

    Check out Ewen Chia's Fast Track Cash Website
    Ewen Chia’s Fast Track Cash membership site got leaked on a webmaster forum. This membership site contained a lot of real internet income secrets from the author himself, Ewen Chia.

    PDF manuals, videos, mp3 and resold with your own Clickbank affiliate link are all available at this membership page. Fast Track List Building was previously known as Ultimate List Building priced at $497 was also available for download at this site.

    Or was this leaked a deliberate act of the author, an internet marketing strategies to promote his products? I had no idea but I had sent him an email notifying him. Checked out the member site before it was removed.

    To access this priceless leaked of real internet income secrets, search the webmaster forums using keywords on this page. Hint! Hint!

    Link To Fast Track Cash Training Materials

    More review on Real Internet Income Workshop:
    Real Internet Income: Get Real! (Day 3)
    Real Internet Income: Get Real! (Day 2)
    Real Internet Income: Is it Real? (Day 1)

    His Training Materials:

  • SEO Your Way to the TOP

    SEO Your Way to the TOP

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIf you cannot beat them, join them. Instead of trying to find your way around China’s Great Firewall, why not work with it to your advantage?

    Baidu.com is a Chinese search engine that voluntarily and actively censors its output to adhere to the regulations set forth by the Chinese government. Established and developed by and for Chinese, Baidu has become the logical choice for search engine services because of its domestic advantages and wide array of offerings.

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the easiest method to ensure your site is at the top of the pack when related search results are produced. Chinese SEO on Baidu could prove beneficial to Internet Marketers owing to the large number of Chinese Internet users, which has risen to 338 million in 2009.

    An in depth survey of Chinese Internet demographics also shows that the Internet has become a vital source of information and interaction as well as a means of communication and convenience for the users. 84.3% say the Internet for them is a major information channel. 81.6% say the Internet saves them a lot of time. The value of the Internet in today’s digital age is undeniable. The power of information and of convenience has turned the Internet into ally rather than a foe.

    By doing Chinese SEO on Baidu, you would be advertising your products for a relatively low cost because of the large target audience you can reach. China has a sprawling population of 1.3 billion, the largest in the world. More than 25% of that population is already wired and the number of Internet users is steadily growing despite the censorship implemented by the Chinese government. A sprawling nationwide market with a size at the fraction of more conventional advertising costs is a marketer’s dream. Moreover, word of mouth about your site from returning users is always welcome. And 76% of Chinese Internet users say they will forward something good when they see it.

    SEO is also a natural way to lead users to your site unlike other paid Internet marketing alternatives. Though the clever use of keywords to rise above the ranks to the top can be employed by other dummy sites, leading search engines such as Baidu remove from their indices or records these sites that aggressively use SEO to the point of nonsense and miscorrelation. This will ensure the results are always valid and that your site does not get lost under the rubbish.

    Chinese SEO on Baidu will put your site on the map accessed by millions of Chinese users everyday. To target and tap into a market that is already established and growing could open the doors to your site. And, as everyone knows, the Internet is open 24/7.