Tag: Chinese SEO

  • Chinese SEO – New Secret Weapon

    Chinese SEO – New Secret Weapon

    Chinese SEO - The New Secret Weapon, cn.we3w.comSite owners doing Chinese SEO are always on alert to which keywords their site ranks to. They normally use site analytics to see from which search terms people came to their site and query search engines to see their rank for the keywords they really desire. But are these the only keywords referring to their site? Which keywords lead to competitors’ sites?

    A new tool enables Chinese SEO site owners to answer these questions and hence optimize their site – http://cn.we3w.com. Using cn.we3w.com is simple: just enter the site you would like to check and you immediately see a list of keywords that lead to the site and their rank in baidu. The results are sorted by the rank of the keyword in the search results and indicate when the term was last checked and updated.

    Learning which keywords your site ranks to can help you in many ways:

    • See which terms your site ranks, yet don’t get visits from. This might lead you to change your page titles as they don’t attract clicks.
    • Help you think of similar terms you should rank to.
    • Help you find terms you should use in your SEM campaigns.
    • Easy and impartial way to show your advertisers to which keywords your site ranks to.

    Learning which keywords are ranked and refer users to sites similar to yours can help you:

    • See to which keywords they rank compared to your site.
    • Find those niche terms you should also target.
    • Help you find terms you should use in your SEM campaign.
    • See to how many terms they rank compared to your site.

    The site also shows popularity rank based on the number of keywords a website ranks to. Tracking more than 700K terms and keywords (growing every minute!), this rank practically shows how often your site is seen in search results.  You can even add a cn.we3w.com badge to show your visitors how well you are doing in search results.

    If you deal with Chinese SEO or SEM cn.we3w.com is going to be an important part of your toolbox.

  • 我的搜索引擎优化中文书日记-写作三十二天后:忽然发现程序有点乱套了

    我的搜索引擎优化中文书(Chinese SEO)已经大致完成了,刚写的时候并没有觉得多大难度,但是当我以读者的角度去读,跟着书里面的操作程序去创建网站,开店铺,做网站优化和宣传时,忽然发现好像程序有点乱套了,又好像少了一些什么?

    接着,我从新一步一步的调整每个章节的顺序,甚至还要把已经做好的整个章节拆开,再从新分类,再作总结。特别是在第三章,写到申请域名,采用开源程序搭建网站的那一段。建设网站虽然是一个简单的程序,但对于那些从来没有建站经验的朋友来说可能会很复杂。所以,我就向大家推荐了注册域名的网站,并说明了要注册哪一种域名比较好,以及原因是什么?这样一来就简单多了。另外建设网站需要的开源程序就更不用说了,我推荐的是Wordpress程序,采用这个程序建设网站是免费和开源的,又快速灵活,就算是从来没有制作网站经验的人,只要稍加学习,也很简单。我们还提供了五分钟安装Wordpress程序的中文版网站,而Wordpress程序也非常有利于对网站进行中文搜索引擎优化(Chinese SEO),可以帮助你的网站在谷歌有一个很好的排名。


  • 中文搜索引擎优化大本营 (Chinese SEO)



    此网站在1995开始共享关于我的生活和爱好。 跟科技的发展,我的网站就慢慢的变成了博客,也换了好几个域名 终于落到 hosealim.com. 现在博客的内容是混合中英文 因为我的观众仅懂其中一种语言。我还在策划中,希望几个月后我可以正式推出双语言。

    我的博客在此又在一次扩展内容 包括 中文搜索引擎优化 (Chinese SEO),带动中文市场的互联网营销 (internet marketing)。我还会教大家如何解梦,把你解梦的答案运用在你现实生活中,让你活的更加一程,生活更加精彩。

    请标签 hosealim.com 或 chineseseo.hosealim.com 并常常回来看看更新的内容 或者订阅我的时事通讯。chineseseo.hosealim.com 是中文版。我将会全职付出,分配我的资源 把这个网站搞得 有声有色,在将来不久会是个有权威的网站。

    订阅 中文搜索引擎优化大本营 时事通讯:
    我邀请您订阅我们的 中文搜索引擎优化大本营 时事通讯。这时事通讯 每月提供给您 这网站的最新消息,应用中文搜索引擎优化 (Chinese SEO),和关于网上营业有趣的质料和资源 让您更快的在互联网营销中 找到成功的秘诀。

    订阅 我们的时事通讯 也会在第一时间通知您关于我快开幕的电子图书馆。这电子图书馆收藏了我的电子书,范围题目包括互联网营销,营业,之类的材料 到如何解梦的哲学。

    要获得信息,输入您的电子邮件在下面配件箱订阅 时事通讯。 一旦您订阅,您将收到确认电子邮件。此电子邮件包含一个连结。 您必须点击连结验证和确认您的订阅。

    我尊重您的隐私,并且不会出售或者滥用您的详细资料。 如果您有对您的隐私权的任何关心,请查阅我的隐私权政策部分。


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