Tag: china

  • ICP License to the Chinese Gold Mine

    ICP License to the Chinese Gold Mine

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comToday, business is booming in China, as the profits recorded by businesses in China are in mind blowing numbers. It is very tempting to invest in the Chinese SEO that has been predicted as offering sustainable growth that is very futuristic. Although one may consider, that the boom in Chinese SEO is hype, but it is definitely not fiction.

    As according to facts, the Chinese government recently passed a budget making the installation of 81 gigawatts of new electrical generating capacity in a year. According to statistical reports in the first half of 2009, the count of Chinese internet users continues to increase as 338 million, which includes 155 million mobile users and nearly 320 million broadband users. This has a high level of potentiality for web hosts interested tapping the potentiality of the internet users, for enhancing the Chinese SEO of their website.

    The statistics are even more jaw dropping when it comes to China’s chemical fertilizer industry that saw a 64% surge, in its profits with exports amounting to more than 10,000 percent in the last decade. If you are considering investing in the sheer size and growth potentialities in China, it is important to consider other aspects.

    According to China’s ministry of Information Industry, in order to host a website in china, one must possess an ICP license. In the absence of which, the website would not be allowed to gain access into the Chinese SEO market. In order to get an ICP license, one needs to have a unique Chinese business name or personal application with authentic papers.

    Many companies also tried to dodge the regulation by signing up a deal of partnership with the authentic Chinese forms but this only leads to more complications. Therefore, it is essential to get a unique Chinese business name with an authentic ICP license, in order to avoid any discrepancies in making the most of the Chinese market.

    On the other hand, foreign websites will have a difficulty gaining foothold not because of the explicit regulatory barriers of digital governance in China, but the psychology behind the Great firewall of China mainly caters to the local competitors. The inside story is that, due to connections with local bureaucrats, the local websites in china, are able to make the most of the advantages as they have access to a major portion of the Chinese market.

    Last but not the least, it is encouraging to see the increase in the number of domain registrations during the year 2008 to 2009, and the usage rate of domain names is also high. Also according to statistics, the proportion of the number of websites to domain names has also hit a record high. This has lead to the transition of maximum Chinese SEO to the next Gold Mine of China.

    Other Interesting Posts About ICP License:

  • Technocratic Policies of CNNIC For .CN Domain

    Technocratic Policies of CNNIC For .CN Domain

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comAccording to the latest news, the China Internet Network Information Center has suspended the processing of any new applications for .CN domain name registration, coming from the overseas. Webnic, a company located in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia attested that when it tried to apply for a .CN domain name registration with CNNIC in the first week of January, it was rejected under the notice that CNNIC was not accepting any overseas application for .CN domains.

    The news came as a bolt for various overseas domains that already exist in the Chinese ranking of websites. But fortunately for those, who already have a well established domain name in China, remain unaffected by the new regulation. The new policy affects the foreign as well as the domestic firms interested in web hosting and attaining a high level of Chinese ranking and acceptance in China.

    But seems like China’s policy makers and leaders, are well aware of the threat posed by an infringement of security invoked by the necessity of relying on foreign, mainly American technology and other technologically advanced states. Therefore, the policy makers seem to be dwindling in their rules and regulations regarding domestic and international rules to govern domain name registration in China. While addressing the issue, it seems that Chinese ranking policy makers tend to reflect the political leaders and traditions from which they emerge.

    According to a latest report, the internet regulators have lifted the ban on individuals from registering domain names ending with .CN. This has been confirmed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology which states that individuals are considered as eligible for web hosting, but the applicants would have to provide detailed information that would be verified for authenticity.

    According to the guidelines, as stated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the term website operators refer to the individuals and enterprises that apply for the .CN domain registration. Analysts observe that the regulators seem to be very inconsistent in setting rules according to Chinese ranking as the open welcome for the individual operators for domain registration is in high contrast to the ban on non-business entities that was set just three months ago.

    This lack of digital governance on behalf of the China Internet Network Information Center has lead to the prevalence of various pornographic websites on the internet. The regulations were very inconsistent with the economy of china, as a large number of Chinese ranking websites that were owned by individuals migrated to the other countries while other resorted to.com registration services.

    But, according to latest reports, the CNNIC has stated that it would check the authenticity of the individual applications and register domain by the end of September 2010.

  • Latest Requirements For the ICP License

    Latest Requirements For the ICP License

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comAccording to the information required for the ICP license application, one is required to provide correct and authentic information in order to make the processing of the application faster and easier. The first and foremost requirement on the ICP application form is the name of the website owner. According to a latest update in the rules and regulations for ICP application, the government will now accept individual application that was banned a few months ago.

    But this year the government has suspended any applications from foreign residents looking for tapping the China SEO market. However, the foreign companies that already have an ICP license remain unaffected by the new rule. The form requires important information like, if the web site is being hosted by a single owner or a company. Valid identification document about the applicant is essentially required in the form. One can furnish a passport, ID card, or a registered business ID if the website is owned by a company.

    It is also important to give right information about the address of the business or the website owner and the exact information regarding the province or city located within China. Operation type of the website, whether it is ecommerce for China SEO, social networking, educational for China SEO and many more, has to be described in the application form for ICP license.

    The second part of the form requires information about the contact person who would be responsible for the website. This includes the contact person’s name, valid identification document contact info like phone number and address. Information about the website, like the correct name of the website, home page of the website and the domain name of the site should also be included. It is advisable to include the term web hosting in the domain name, especially if the company is looking for tapping the China SEO market, and also the information about content of the website, email and mobile phone numbers.

    According to a survey, it has been found that most of the applicants for the ICP license are vying for the biggest opportunities that are available with the China SEO market, which can be exploited properly if they follow the rules and regulations in the right way by obtaining the ICP license. It is essential to fill the application carefully, rationally and forearmed with necessary knowledge about some of the latest changes in the application process, for obtaining an ICP license.

    According to a latest update, the government has stated that it will be making a detailed verification of the applicant’s documents before issuing the ICP License. Therefore, the applicant would have to provide additional information as and when requested by the government of China.

    Other Interesting Posts About ICP License:

  • ICP Licensing For the Chinese Dotcom Bubble

    ICP Licensing For the Chinese Dotcom Bubble

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe World Wide Web has undergone considerable change and today, there are various options available for web hosting. Though originally, the internet had the potentiality to transfer data irrespective of the platform or the geographical location where it was being viewed, today, especially in China, the internet is considered as an esoteric and restricted concern, but the past decade has seen a boom in the Chinese internet usage, bringing the web into the daily lives of the internet users in China.

    In the present scenario, the dotcom bubble in china has been expanding with innovation and investment in the web hosting arena. While many websites were struggling to find a foothold on the Chinese internet platform, many disappeared behind the great Chinese firewall without a trace, while Google managed to squeeze in with a ‘.cn’ tag, but Baidu still continues to hog the limelight as the most preferred search engine with the Chinese internet users. Today, internet usage in china has become completely normalized, as faster broadband connections are being generated in different parts of China. The new phase of Chinese internet technology has simplified the process of sharing data, as well as online media.

    In fact, the recent years have seen a remarkable change in the internet technology that is propelled by a revolution in usability and bandwidth. Key elements for web hosting in China are required to apply for the ICP license. Without the ICP license the websites are useless and without the websites the web servers are unmanageable. Therefore, obtaining the ICP license is critical, as its absence will make it unlawful to host a web server, which is according to the great firewall of China. Behind the scenes, it is important to get a domain name that is SEO friendly, and is easily picked up by the search engines.

    It is always useful to have the term webhosting in the domain name as it will ensure that the website is highlighted on the web hosting search results page. It is advisable to choose a domain name that is not confusing, and also represents the company name. Now that the domain name has been decided, one can concentrate on attaining hosting platform.

    Most entrepreneurs, who are venturing into the ecommerce business for the first time, prefer to host their website with a reseller account as it is easily available and cost effective. When hosting a website for the Chinese internet users, it is important to make sure that you get a client management and billing application. Payment gateway and a reseller provider also form an important part of web hosting in China.

    The bottom line is that China prefers a smooth and effective process of ecommerce that is based on more orderly and a regulatory regime as exemplified by the great firewall of China.

    Other Interesting Posts About ICP License:

  • Democratization of the Web by Chinese Netizens

    Democratization of the Web by Chinese Netizens

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comWeb Hosts in China are facing rapid socio-economic changes since the past two decades. Some of the most recent social and technological developments in China have created a platform for individualization, diversification and privatization. In the present scenario, Chinese internet users are subject to government regulation and thought control. Hosting web servers in China will create a virtual outlet for the Chinese netizens that has the potentiality to challenge the absolute political power of the Chinese Political Party. Today, in China there is an individualization of life and on the other hand there is a consequent diversification of models for individualization.

    Some of the latest developments in China point towards privatization. Web hosting in China can be used as a platform that can be accessed in an individualized private setting. In the 1990’s, very few netizens in the modern metropolis owned web servers in China; and it was constantly scanned by technical experts and political leaders. But, today after almost a decade, the netizens have enough control and hosting web servers has become a private matter. In this way, the Chinese internet revolution has paved the way for a private niche on the internet.

    Chinese internet users can host web servers in china and create their own private spaces for communication around the globe. This opportunity will create space for the Chinese internet users, thus bridging the communication gap at the global front. In the early part of 2009, the number of Chinese internet users reached the 338 million mark with a penetration rate of 25.5%. When venturing into the web hosting arena in china, one may require a good domain name, hosting platform, domain registrar, a web hosting client management and billing system, payment gateway and an SSL reseller provider.

    According to statistical reports, the number of Chinese domain names and Chinese websites are acquired by CNNIC through the automatic search channel, while on the other hand there are several Chinese Generic Top Level Domain registration units that have been provided by the top level domain registration units available in China. While web hosting, it is essential to take into consideration, issues faced by the Chinese net users regarding network security. It is important to install highly sophisticated security software that will guarantee security and encryption of national network and information and at the same time, it should also protect the Chinese netizens by safeguarding their information and ensuring transaction security. This is the right time to host your own web server in China where the netizens are breaking away from control and advancing towards the democratization of the World Wide Web, focusing on the ecommerce sector.

  • SEO and SEM in China

    SEO and SEM in China

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comWith the advent of internet, the Chinese people are shopping and learning new ways, thus the ecommerce sector is evolving at fast pace in order to meet the needs and requirements of the wide variety of clientele. Today, a large number of Chinese internet users like to shop online but have very little idea about China SEO strategies involved in the process of internet shopping.

    According to a survey conducted on the statistics of internet users in the year 2009, it has been found that 69.4% of Chinese internet users had used search engines and this has gone up by 1.4% from the end of 2008. Today, internet has become a major life aid as more and more people are making use of the internet for doing their work.

    In China, China SEO has become the latest buzzword as the Chinese internet users are constantly making use of the major search engines like Google, Bing, etc in order to find information about the various products and services that they would other wise have to gather from sales representative or any other source like the TV Commercials or through spam mail. Therefore, in order to conform to the standards, the ecommerce industry and China SEO need to work together, in order to bring about a revolution in marketing on the World Wide Web. Chinese internet users looking for information about products and services rely on the blogosphere for referrals, before venturing into online shopping.

    Blogosphere has a large amount of information contained in various blogs available with the website. The China SEO has been evolving at a fast pace and more number of websites involved in ecommerce are making use of the blogosphere to propel the sales of their products and services. Social Networking websites are very crucial for gaining informational as well as shopping for the products and services available on the internet. Today, the social networking websites have become almost addicting as more number of Chinese users like to stay connected at all times for social networking and shopping online.

    The most popular mode of communication on the internet is email, instant messages and blogs. In the year 2009, the Chinese users that own a blog have reached 53.8%. There has been a phenomenal increase in the figures. The rate at which the internet users update their blogs is 35.2%. In fact, today most blogging websites have converted into interactive social websites that are instrumental in directing the customer to the ecommerce site.

    In order to be successful in the online venture, China SEO experts suggest new ways in order to match the way the internet users are shopping online and work towards creating several leads that draw the internet users to the website through inbound marketing.

  • The Chinese SEO in the Internet SEO Formula

    The Chinese SEO in the Internet SEO Formula

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comMost ecommerce websites are designed in order to drive the Chinese internet users to the website thus delivering a good user experience that converts the users into customers. According to a statistical report on the internet development in China, conducted during the year 2009, the Chinese SEO of the ecommerce site plays an important role in determining the perception of the internet users towards internet as an information gateway and its impact on the user’s behavior and attitude on internet trust.

    According to statistics around 84.3% of users turn to the internet as a major source of information. But when it comes to internet trust, it has been found that although a large number of people rely on the internet for information, very few trust the internet for any online transaction as they are not willing to provide true information for online registration.

    As stated by Chinese SEO experts, 82.4% of the Chinese internet users are wary of giving out their personal information on the internet and they have installed security software in order to safeguard their computers from viruses and many other frauds, including internet account access and passwords.

    In the year 2009, around 195 million internet users had to deal with many problems caused due to infringement of internet security as viruses and Trojan horses invaded the privacy of personal computers. One hundred million Chinese internet users’ accounts were hacked and passwords were stolen. Most websites that aim at the Chinese internet users for doing business often refer to the Chinese SEO experts, in order to enhance their internet share in the virtual world. Around 78.5% of Chinese internet users state that when ever they find useful information, they pass it on to the others. This factor is instrumental in enhancing the brand value of the website, thus increasing the Chinese SEO for the website.

    Seventy Six percent of the internet users have been found to pass on information about the website, if they find it informative and visually appealing. These are the two most important aspects of Chinese SEO and can be summed up as an ease of navigation combined with aesthetic appeal that will drive the prospective customer to the website. The statistical survey only confirms the fact that SEO mainly focuses on the human factor and gives little importance to the technical search engine, as this will ensure long term benefits for the company.

    This approach will make the customers totally satisfied with the internet experience, as they are getting what they desire on the internet. The success of any online venture indicates that the SEO formula has been instrumental in propelling the website to the virtual forefront.

  • Optimum Usage of Internet Applications in China

    Optimum Usage of Internet Applications in China

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comAccording to statistics, the number of Chinese internet users that are interested in acquiring information from the internet by making use of search engine application, has been found to be 69.4%. The Chinese search engine can be summed up as a world of searchable databases that provide relevant documents in order to meet the needs and requirements of a wide variety of clientele. Today, search engines available on the internet have become a way of life, and the users expect a lot from the Chinese search companies.

    According to a survey the Chinese internet users make use of the Chinese search technologies to ask vague questions about topics in order to find relevant information about that topic. The solutions are fast and concise with relevant information, but due to the growth of the internet applications, people are finding it difficult to scan a large number of results in order to find the right information.

    Today, search engine has become the fabric of the society as now the Chinese can access information in the matter of a few seconds. This is in high contrast to the earlier days when one had to get to the library and make a detailed search for the right information that is very time consuming. The Chinese internet users also make use of the search engine for online shopping, social networking and online banking and in the new face of communication in China. Many users also make use of the search engine in order to earn money mostly through some of the latest techniques involved in online advertising.

    Today, there is an increasing demand of search technology for the Chinese, as the internet user is interested in acquiring useful information. If the user is looking for information about the various resources available for online shopping, the other facilities include the keywords that need to be entered for finding the results, after which the user will be presented with a list of relevant information about the query. One can scan the results in order to find the best solution. On the completion of the task, the user will have a feeling of satisfaction and develops a positive impression about the search engine and the internet experience as a whole.

    Statistical report on internet users in China shows that 68% of Chinese internet users made use of this internet application during the year 2008. This figure increased to 69.4% during the year 2009 and according to the latest reports, the growth rate of internet users that make use of the search engine internet application has been found to be 15.6% which is very good for the Chinese internet economy.

  • Breaking Language Barriers by Learning Chinese Through the 7 Most Popular Chinese Translation Tools

    Breaking Language Barriers by Learning Chinese Through the 7 Most Popular Chinese Translation Tools

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comChinese language is essentially composed of symbolic characters that represent letters as well as numbers. Before venturing into Chinese translation, it is essential to learn a few facts about the Chinese language. The traditional format of the language is more complex as it comes with more brush strokes for creating a character. But the simplified format of Chinese is easier to translate, as it is devoid of any complex characters.

    The simplified Chinese language originated as a result of the need to spread literacy in China. The original traditional form of the language is difficult to learn, and this difficulty was forming a barrier when it came to imparting education to the locals. Therefore, a simplified format was developed in order to aid the people in learning and thus spreading literacy in China.

    The phonics of the Chinese language may differ according to the geographical location of the speaker. Some of the seven most popular Chinese language translation tools that are available on the internet include, Chinese language translation software. This is essentially applied for meeting the translation needs and requirements of the people located in Mainland China.

    Chinese fonts like traditional make use of Big5 fonts and the simplified format use GB also known as GB 2312 and this is the official language of China. The encoding format contains all the essential characters of Unicode 3. Big5 and GB characters are included in the Unicode.

    One can also learn the Chinese language translation in US, as it is widely available in the west coast of US; where the traditional character is taught as there is a large population from the Chinese American Community.

    Another form of Chinese translation tool is the Systran and one can easily find this translation tool on the internet.

    Various online translation tools and dictionaries are fast gaining popularity as it is very useful in reinforcing learning skills by utilizing the Bing Translator, Google Translate, Yahoo Babel Fish, English Chinese Online Dictionary and vice versa.

    iTunes Podcasts can also aid in Chinese English translation as one can subscribe to Mandarin Chinese, Pin Yin Chinese that is used in learning Chinese and culture, Two minute Chinese lessons and, much more.

    YouTube videos can also be used to hear and practice the language on the internet. One can download traditional Chinese literature like poetry, fiction or drama and view on YouTube. One can also learn to write Chinese with online tools and resources like Skritter, Arch Chinese and learn Chinese everyday.

    According to experts, Chinese is a unique language and in order to master the language it is essential to understand the rich cultural heritage and the lifestyle of the local Chinese people when learning the language.

  • The Chinese Cyber Wave

    The Chinese Cyber Wave

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIn the past few years, it has been noted that all Chinese internet users talk about internet technology. In fact, the Chinese are making use of the new internet jargon where everything starts with the letter ‘e’, as there is e-shopping, e-mail, e-commerce and much more. Today, the world has been transformed into a small place devoid of any borderlines and the Chinese users can easily access the internet that is revolutionizing the world, with its state of the art technology.

    This transformation can be best evidenced by an online survey and according to this, the number of broadband users has reached the 320 million mark out of the total of 338 million Chinese users as recorded in the year 2009. The number of broadband Chinese internet users who access the internet by this mode, make 94.3 percent of all internet users.

    Statistics reveal that China is lagging behind in the usage of broadband internet speed. On the other hand, the internet users who made use of their mobile phones in order to access the internet have been found to be 155 million. This accounts to almost half of the total number of internet users. The availability of 3G technology in mobile phones has made it feasible for the people to easily access the internet from their mobile phones.

    Technology has a knack of making things easily available for everybody. In fact, today internet has become a part and parcel of life and it influences the way the Chinese do their work, communicate and do their shopping.

    This cyber wave has been strategic in transforming the concept of work and has been revolutionizing the economy at a very fast pace. As a matter of fact, the people who are scared of technology and think that it is only for the techno geeks; are realizing that internet is the future of this world and it has many advantages. Various businessmen, business executives, researchers, academicians and technologists in China make the small base of Chinese internet users, who access the internet for information and networking.

    There are a large number of internet users that make use of this facility for entertainment. According to statistics, the number of users that access the internet for entertainment has been found to be more or less stable as there are 30 million users who play online games and around 16.1% of users like listening to music available online. Social networking on the internet is the new face of communication for the internet users as the internet technology has a high level of connectivity linking around 400 million users around the globe.