Tag: china

  • Benefits of Chinese Search Engine

    Benefits of Chinese Search Engine

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIf you want to search something on the web you need to know its exact address and without the technology of searching through engines, this kind of search will be very impossible to happen. If you are unsure of yourself, you can use search engine to find the right website that you are looking for by typing keywords that are related to this website. It is very simple and easy with the help of search technologies.

    Today, search technologies are the sole sources and provider of information in the Chinese internet. You can search globally or locally within your location or to where you are located. If you are located in China and you want to find researches related locally you just need to type your country plus the keywords related to your subject and you will be directed to the pages linked to your search.

    People in China who want to find products and service use Baidu. A lot of search technologies providers that are popular today know about Baidu and they are giving good results to searches related to this keyword. Have you ever wonder how search engines find these websites, well it is through SEO. Chinese SEO helps in optimizing each websites. Optimize website will gain good results n the internet. Without the Chinese search technology, every user needs to memorize the URLs of websites that they found in printed sources. Search sites are created to be able to bring all sorts of information for different people in China. The main purpose of having search technologies is to collect vast information users found on website. This is to make the search more organize and accessible to around millions and millions of users in China. Imagine the population that is searching the web every day.

    China is one of the most populous countries around the world. It also means that there are huge number of online businesses that uses search engines to be able to gain success and attention of their customers. If you are one of them, then you need a good and high quality China SEO. If search technologies cannot find your website because it is not optimize by expert SEO, the search engine will surely neglect the presence of your website in the internet. The new technology of search engines in China uses robots that will scan websites including the Meta tags and titles. This is important because there are enormous numbers of websites that exists today.

    Search sites are using complicated algorithms for their ranking system that is why it is important for every website to acquire good SEO. Without these elements of SEO, it will not be able to read and find your website. You have to know that there are certain rules set by search engines to evaluate each website to determine their relevancy within a specific search. The Chinese censorship implemented by the government of China has affect search engines, but luckily it does not affect the internet technology as a whole.

  • Affect of SEO within the Chinese Economy

    Affect of SEO within the Chinese Economy

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comAs you can see the Chinese economy are showing rapid growth in the past years and in the years to come. It is according to many Chinese economic experts that the Chinese government is exerting so much effort in making their country progressive. Products from China are all over the world, this is because of the help of internet technology. Chinese SEO is very useful for all businesses within China, because it influence the buying perspective of many users all over the world.

    The use of website to attract more and more customers to buy a particular product has been use by many businesses not only in China, but also around the world. If you will search one product on the web you will see a lot of result simply because a lot of Chinese companies within the search engines are working hard in using SEO as a very powerful tool in order to make their business visible in internet. Despite of the recent China internet censorship, it does not affect the economy of China.

    Today, this program from the government is introducing a new radical reform to prepare China to the international market scene. The rapid growth that China is experiencing t now is because of the changes that were made with the Chinese internet censorship. The online Chinese technology is under reconstruction to give way to a new online market. This will help a lot of smaller and bigger industries to develop and bring huge changes in the economy. This will help all kinds of industries to attain the growth that they need. The Chinese economy found a new niche in the international scene.

    The reformation of their new economy also makes way for the globalization on their Information Technology. This development and changes were made SEO because of the demand field in the world of internet marketing. Although, there are lots of new modern marketing strategies available on the web, SEO is still one of the most reliable marketing strategies that can bring new heights to every online business in China.

    The globalization of information technology and online businesses makes the competition over the internet a lot tougher. There are increasing numbers of well established companies around the internet and makes it very hard for small businesses to cope up to the competition and to the trend of the new economy. The digitalization and development of online market started the need for major reconstruction of the Chinese censorship. With the help of many SEO marketing companies, these small businesses gained confidence that they can caught up to the challenge brought about by the strict competition in the market.

    Today, there are collaborations, innovation, and researches happening in the international scene, despite of the growing effect of the censorship created by The Chinese government. CEO is proven to be one of the vital aspects why China is now one of the leading countries when it comes to exporting different product all over the world. Internet technology makes it very easy for Chinese companies to shift their goods from other countries.

  • Chinese SEO – Understand How To Expand Your Business In This Market

    Chinese SEO – Understand How To Expand Your Business In This Market

    A lot of companies would try to establish eCommerce websites to have a firm business basis nowadays. When they are trying to explore new market, it is very common for them to reach the idea of exploring the China market. However, it is not very easy for people to target Chinese internet users indeed.

    According to some statistics reports about the development of the Internet in China, the SEO in China actually plays an important role in the promotion of businesses. Compared with other forms of marketing tools, Chinese SEO is usually more effective. Therefore, you will easily find that there are a lot of companies which would try to target the behavior of the users in China using the SEO techniques.

    More than 85% of the internet users in China would use the internet as the major source of information. Therefore, it is understandable that they would spend a lot of timer to conduct searches in the search engine. The work of SEO in China is very useful as a result. When you are trying to do Chinese SEO, you surely need to study the demographic background of this country so that you can do the promotion effectively. First of all, you should know that there are more and more students using the internet to do the search. Therefore, you can try to incorporate more keywords that students would like to search.

    On the other hand, you should try to minimize the request for personal information from the users. According to some studies, a lot of users in China would refuse giving their personal information to the internet websites because they feel not secured in China while they are surfing. Therefore, traditional marketing tools such as online subscription are not something effective in China.

    If you do not want to waste the resources of marketing in China, you can try to consider exploring the mobile phone surfing market. It has been found that there are more and more users who would try to use their mobile phones to do the surfing. If you want to save the money for the promotion, you should try to create a simple website or a version of website which would work for the

    There are over 75% of users in Chinese internet world who would try to pass the information to the others. Therefore, if you can target one of the customers in China, they may help you to spread the message to other people and this kind of chain effect may create a firm and long term base of customers for your business.

    To conclude, Chinese SEO is crucial for businesses to expand in China. Compared with other online marketing tools, Chinese SEO is relatively more cost-effective and a lot of target audiences can be reached. Therefore, businesses should focus on developing this form of marketing in China in the foreseeable future. When the censorship problem is getting less and less serious, SEO would be more effective and more keywords can be used for businesses to establish business websites with quality content.

  • Chinese SEO For Better Internet Traffic

    Chinese SEO For Better Internet Traffic

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIf you are aware about the economic trends of the world, you will observe that China is now one of the most powerful countries in terms of economic stability. The population of Chinese website is dominating is increasing and dominating the world of internet technology. As you all know, China is one of the most populous country in the world and now they are also making a vey huge impact online. If you want to penetrate to the Chinese audience, you need to opt for Chinese search engine optimization.

    You have to know that China has different SEO compared to the traditional one. It is imperative for all business owner and website owners to be aware about these different protocols which will help you the reputation of your business within the Chinese community. By going through a Chinese SEO, you will increase your chances of entering the Chinese business community. Not all businesses are given the opportunity to enter the Chinese communities because of their strict rules and regulations, especially when it comes to website permission.

    The most obvious different between the traditional SEO and China SEO is the selection of a particular search engine. For many countries around the world, Google is one of the most popular choices of website owners, but in China it is different. The most widely use and primary search engine used in China is Baidu. Therefore, if you want to enter the Chinese community and be visible in the eyes of the Chinese users you need to find a SEO provider that can create special SEO strategy that will revolve around this search engine. This search engine has fewer elements compare to Google, but it has the most number of users in China.

    One of the main factors that will differentiate Baidu from Google is the link building. Google gives emphasis on creating quality links, but Badu gives focus on inward links for every website. the relevance and the quality of link to every website is not given a lot of emphasis in Baidu that is why it led to a website stuffed with lots of links and keywords that are spammed. Chinese internet runs within Baidu and if you want to become part of them, you need to follow hat rules and regulations.

    The next important things that you need o keep in mind is to create content for all Chinese users. You need to be extra careful in creating the content for your website, because the Chinese government are very strict when it comes to website, blogs and forum contents. Any misleading or forbidden words will caused your website to be banned within their system. It is important for you to aim for professional written contents and should contain appropriate keywords at the same time. Expert SEO will surely help you come up with a website that is Chinese friendly. Since, there is a very big difference when it comes to regular SEO and SEO in China, and not all aspiring players successfully enter the business scene. It would be very challenging for you, if you will try to enter the Chinese business online community.

  • Chinese Internet – Understand The Features Of It And Plan Your Business

    Chinese Internet – Understand The Features Of It And Plan Your Business

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comChinese internet market is full of miracles indeed. In recent years, there are a lot of successful websites from China which could influence a lot of people over the world. Since this country has a lot of people using the internet, a lot of businesses would recognize this place as a great opportunity for them to explore new markets. Therefore, you can easily find that there are some businesses which would try to use SEO techniques to target these people in China.

    However, you should understand that there are some differences between the cultural background in China and other countries. Therefore, it is not clever to directly apply the SEO techniques used in other countries to Chinese internet market. Before studying something about SEO, people should try to understand the background of the internet usage in China.

    First of all, the number of males using the internet is more than females. Compared with the figures in other countries, the situation in China implies that businesses can try to consider more about male products and attract men to purchase the product. Men, somehow, are not like women when it comes to shopping. Men would like convenience and they would not enjoy spending a lot of time to go around the shopping malls. Therefore, eCommerce websites would be an attractive platform for men to go shopping. When conducting SEO for websites, businesses can consider using more words that men would normally try to search.

    Secondly, the internet composition in China consists of a large proportion of students. In order words, the purchasing power of the major internet users in China is not very high. Therefore, businesses have to use some keywords such as discounts in order to attract students.

    There are more than 70% of users of the internet in China who would try to search in search engines in order to find the products that they need. This means that businesses should focus on developing a comprehensive set of SEO campaigns in order to target the customers well. In other countries, using other methods of online marketing tools may also be important. But in the case of China, the focus should be on SEO.

    Moreover, the power of ‘word of the mouth’ is quite great in China. You can find that a lot of people would like to seek advices from the others when they are trying to find something online. Therefore, you should try to build a good and long term customer relationship with those clients in order to make them help spreading the message of your business to the others. A lot of businesses are aware of this form of promotion and they are utilizing this form of channel to promote their products.

    To conclude, Chinese internet market is quite unique compared with internet in other countries. Therefore, businesses have to be flexible and change the strategies in order to suit to the local context more. Otherwise, they would not be able to overcome the fierce competition and have a profitable business.

  • China Internet Censorship – You Should Pay Attention To When Doing SEO

    China Internet Censorship – You Should Pay Attention To When Doing SEO

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIn recent years, you can find that China is growing rapidly. According to some statistical reports, the number of internet users in China has increased with a double-digit percentage from year to year. And the average number of hours being spent on the internet has increased to 18 per week. This clearly shows that China is getting more and more influential on the internet. However, a lot of people have found that there is great censorship being conducted in this internet world.

    Due to some social issues, the Chinese government has adopted straight internet censorship. This form of Chinese internet censorship has created problems for businesses to enter Chinese market indeed. Even Google had encountered difficulties in positioning itself in China and considered to quit the market. Therefore, you should pay attention to some techniques that you should apply in order to conduct SEO in China effectively.

    In recent years, Chinese authority is working hard to eliminate the website which would have too much sex appeal. Therefore, you should not try to use some sexy images to do the SEO work for your website. The local search engines such as Baidu would have a straight control over this form of SEO technique and they would not rank your website at a high position in the results page if you try to use this kind of technique to promote your website.

    Since the government wants to emphasize the harmony in the society, businesses can consider using this as the central theme of the SEO work. They can consider using some keywords to show that this website is matching the social harmony and this can let the website pass the control or the censorship. However, businesses should also be aware of the fact that some Chinese citizens are fed up with the message of ‘harmony’. This means that they, as the final consumer, may not like that business website. Therefore, a great challenge for the businesses in China is to balance between the censorship and the satisfaction of customers needs.

    Some of the businesses would try to employ Chinese local consultants to help them design the keywords and the promotional tactics so that they can target Chinese citizens more. This is possible if you really want to have a firm base of customers in China in long run.

    To conclude, there are both opportunities and threats raised from the China internet censorship. With the control over the content in the internet world, you can see that harmful or negative messages about a business would not flow online easily. In other words, your business would not be intentionally harmed online. But you have to pay attention to the rules that the local Chinese search engine would apply in ranking the websites. If you do not follow this kind of rules, the work of SEO may be wasted. Therefore, altering the SEO techniques to suit Chinese search engine may be necessary and this is something that successful businesses would do in order to attract Chinese customers.

  • Google Freedom of Speech – In The Mercy Of The Chinese Law

    Google Freedom of Speech – In The Mercy Of The Chinese Law

    Google.cn Landing Page - Google Freedom of Speech - In The Mercy Of The Chinese Law
    When Google redirects Chinese users to it Hong Kong search engine, Google thinks they have win the Freedom of Speech war. Everything seem fine and quiet for awhile and they are proud to circumvent the Chinese law and bypass the Great Firewall of China.

    As the saying, calmness before the storm. Is the storm coming? From The Official Google Blog, Google ICP (Internet Content Provder) license is due today, 30 June. Today, Google once again put itself in an awkward position, Google still in the mercy of the Chinese law. Without the ICP license, Google is out of the China market. The recently fight over Chinese censorship, Google loses it face and redirect China users to Hong Kong.

    In the article from Computer Weekly, China Threatens Google Following Hong Kong Redirect, Computer Weekly uses the word ‘threaten’. I think it is a propaganda and have no regard for other country laws. As the Chinese saying, every home has it own rules, every nation has it own laws (家有家规,国有国法). When a law of a nation is not in favour to a corporate strategy, it does not threaten it. If the law do not suit your corporate mission, you can look for other greener pastures. No one force you to stay in China. Do not be a moron, saying China threaten you.

    Google and foreign corporates, especially American corporations, I think is time to learn to respect and stop hiding your corporate ego behind the freedom of speech. Start learning to respect the law of a sovereign nation.

    So who has the last laugh? I think is me, seeing Google the 4-colour corporate clown on the world stage making a fool of itself!

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  • SEO To Be Seen

    SEO To Be Seen

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comWith over 60 Internet regulations, the Chinese government has successfully built a virtual Great Wall that even Google got tired of climbing over. On March 22, 2010, Google officially redirected all traffic from its Chinese mainland site to its uncensored Hong Kong site. Eight days later, all hits for Google and its other international sites ended in a DNS error for mainland Chinese netizens. Some fear the ban may be permanent.

    But where Google left off, baidu.com, a Chinese Internet search engine and Google’s closest rival in China, has emerged to fill the gap. Well, if the shoe fits. And what a snug fit it is.

    Baidu, owing to its domestic roots, has emerged as the leading search engine service provider in mainland China. Knowing one’s users in and out, their environment and culture has proved to be the home court advantage of the 10 year-old search engine. Baidu actively censors its content in conjunction with the government’s policies. Its host of local offerings makes the World Wide Web more accessible to its users. With over 140 million sites indexed and growing, Baidu has carved its niche in Chinese Internet so deeply that it is here to stay.

    Despite the censorship, and perhaps because of it, Internet marketers would be well advised to tap into growing market that is the community of Chinese Internet users. Approximated at a staggering 338 million in June 2009, this number jumped by 13.4% from 298 million in a period of six months. This trend is most likely to continue with the reality that the Internet has become an essential aspect of life in the 21st century – yes, even one in virtual China with its virtual wall. 81.6% of Chinese Internet users cannot imagine a life separate from the Internet. A sentiment that is echoed by netizens all over the world.

    Implementing Chinese SEO on Baidu would target the steadily rising group of Internet users in the largest country in the world. It would be like putting your site’s name in Chinese on GPS for the World Wide Web. Over 338 million users will know where your site is and the potential for marketing and generating income would increase dramatically.

    Chinese SEO on Baidu will prove to be a long-term and worthy investment. The ratio between the cost of advertising and the extent of the market range is certainly a profitable one and Baidu’s longevity is undeniable. Claiming a stake in what will become cyberspace prime property in the years to come will ensure your spot in the middle of it all when the real estate booms.

  • SEO Your Way to the TOP

    SEO Your Way to the TOP

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIf you cannot beat them, join them. Instead of trying to find your way around China’s Great Firewall, why not work with it to your advantage?

    Baidu.com is a Chinese search engine that voluntarily and actively censors its output to adhere to the regulations set forth by the Chinese government. Established and developed by and for Chinese, Baidu has become the logical choice for search engine services because of its domestic advantages and wide array of offerings.

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the easiest method to ensure your site is at the top of the pack when related search results are produced. Chinese SEO on Baidu could prove beneficial to Internet Marketers owing to the large number of Chinese Internet users, which has risen to 338 million in 2009.

    An in depth survey of Chinese Internet demographics also shows that the Internet has become a vital source of information and interaction as well as a means of communication and convenience for the users. 84.3% say the Internet for them is a major information channel. 81.6% say the Internet saves them a lot of time. The value of the Internet in today’s digital age is undeniable. The power of information and of convenience has turned the Internet into ally rather than a foe.

    By doing Chinese SEO on Baidu, you would be advertising your products for a relatively low cost because of the large target audience you can reach. China has a sprawling population of 1.3 billion, the largest in the world. More than 25% of that population is already wired and the number of Internet users is steadily growing despite the censorship implemented by the Chinese government. A sprawling nationwide market with a size at the fraction of more conventional advertising costs is a marketer’s dream. Moreover, word of mouth about your site from returning users is always welcome. And 76% of Chinese Internet users say they will forward something good when they see it.

    SEO is also a natural way to lead users to your site unlike other paid Internet marketing alternatives. Though the clever use of keywords to rise above the ranks to the top can be employed by other dummy sites, leading search engines such as Baidu remove from their indices or records these sites that aggressively use SEO to the point of nonsense and miscorrelation. This will ensure the results are always valid and that your site does not get lost under the rubbish.

    Chinese SEO on Baidu will put your site on the map accessed by millions of Chinese users everyday. To target and tap into a market that is already established and growing could open the doors to your site. And, as everyone knows, the Internet is open 24/7.

  • Chinese SEO – Scaling the Great Firewall

    Chinese SEO – Scaling the Great Firewall

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comAt approximately 1.3 billion, it has the largest population in the world. The number of its Internet users rises significantly each year. It has a great virtual wall that rivals its real one that stretches 8,800 kilometers from Shanhaiguan to Lop Nur. It is the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

    On March 22, 2010, all users who tried to access google.cn were redirected to google.hk to bypass more than 60 Internet regulations set by the Chinese government. Hong Kong, being a Special Administrative Region (SAR) and having special judicial powers, is not subject to some national laws including Internet censorship.

    Google, one of the leading search engines in the world, gave up its stake in China leaving in its wake a void teeming with potential and growing opportunity costs. One such search engine can fill the gap. Enter baidu.com.

    Established in 2000, baidu.com is a Chinese and Japanese search engine that censors inappropriate web content in consonance with the Internet regulations set forth. Moreover, owing to its domestic nature, Baidu, is privy to the inherent cultural and social tendencies of its users. This makes it the preferred search engine of the largest country in the world.

    Chinese Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on baidu.com could prove quite profitable and lucrative for Internet marketers. SEO is a method by which keywords are strategically repeated in a website to produce a top result for that site in a related search engine query.

    It is undeniable that the Internet has become an indispensable tool in people’s lives. Despite the censorship, the number of Chinese Internet users continues to grow each year so much so that the Chinese Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) concluded in 2009 in its 24th Survey Report that the construction of network infrastructure is being overtaken by the increase in Internet users. It has even called for more rigorous means to improve the quality of Chinese Internet.

    What else did the CNNIC report? 77.5% of users say the Internet is separable from their lives. 78.5% say they share their knowledge with others. This chain of users relying more and more on the Internet and their tendency to share information with others is an overflowing resource waiting to be tapped. The higher your site ranks on search engine queries, the more mouse clicks to your virtual door, the greater your web presence.

    By implementing SEO for your site on Baidu alone – you could be reaching out to 338 million prospect users. The figures are staggering. And the possibilities that lie beyond the Great Wall? Unbounded.