Tag: china

  • Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, eBook Published

    Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, eBook Published

    ATTENTION to Internet Business Enthusiasts: Use this coupon code: UP34D to get your FREE eBook, Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012.

    PRLog (Press Release) – Sep 26, 2012 – GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG, China – Hosea Lim has launched his 2012 report, Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, ISBN: 978-1-3011-7039-5. It has been written to give a refreshing look at the recent development and achievement of internet in China.

    eBook: Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012Some of the recent transformations in China have led to an abundance of opportunities in the fast growing country. As economic growth in China has forced the Chinese middle class to switch over to the online market to purchase foreign brands, taking the online route to sell your products and services is a faster, less costly and more convenient way of tapping the potential of this market. If you are planning to setup an ecommerce on the Chinese domain, this eBook give you a quick start in the right direction and latest trends on the highly volatile Chinese internet.

    The best part is that the eBook is now available for free until 1 October 2012 using this coupon code UP34D. It is distributed through Smashwords and will soon be available in Amazon Kindle, iTunes Store, ePub, LRF for Sony Reader, PDF, and other formats. With so many popular formats available, readers can enjoy reading it with their favourite devices. One can easily access the Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, at the webpage http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/239292

    About The Author
    Hosea Lim is the founder of hosealim.com and an advisor to many other websites. He is one of the popular and preferred partners. He has a unique understanding of internet marketing behind the Great Firewall and has help many businesses to establish their online and offline presence in the China. More at http://hosealim.com/

    Press Release at: www.prlog.org

  • Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009, eBook Published

    Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009, eBook Published

    eBook - Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009Things you should know about the Chinese internet development in China for the year 2009. This book gives you a comprehensive head start is you are new to the Chinese domain. If you are a guru, reading this book will get up updated on the latest internet development in China.

    Title: Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009
    ISBN: 978-1-4762-3059-7
    Author: Hosea Lim
    Available in all major online bookstores.

    Table of Contents:

    • About This Book
    • The Growth of Internet Economy in China
    • SEO in China
    • Get Set China For the Affiliate Marketing Race
    • How to Tackle the Chinese Market
    • The Chinese SEO in the Internet SEO Formula
    • Why Baidu Is More Popular Than Google in China
    • Chinese Internet – Learn The Way To Leverage It To Earn
    • Advantages of Chinese Search Engines
    • SEO and SEM in China
    • Growth of the Mobile Internet in China
    • Conclusion
    • About The Author: Hosea Lim



  • Use Chinese SEO and Earn Money

    Use Chinese SEO and Earn Money

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThere are lots of ways on how people can earn money through the internet, but you have to be extra careful because there are websites who will snatch your earnings instead if helping you to earn more money. If you are looking for ways on how to use internet to earn money, then you have to do business within the internet. The first step that you need to know is the importance of having your own website for your business. Whatever business it maybe, you need to establish a good websites in order to gain success and be visible n the internet. Without a websites, you will not be able to attract many customers on your business.

    It is understandable that not all people who want to start an online business are knowledgeable about this technology. Only professional information technology experts and online marketing experts know how to do it. You need them in order for you to establish a strong website that will brought money into your pocket. In the recent years, there are increasing number of Chinese people who are searching the internet to find product and services that are helpful for them. This is the reason why Chinese SEO is indeed important.

    Today, there are lots of people in China using their laptop everywhere and at mall, supermarket, coffee shop, schools, hospitals etc. the use of this gadget that can allow people to surf the internet everywhere they are proves that internet today is one of the most vital element in different field and sectors within China. If you are not using SEO for your website, you will outcast yourself from the many companies who are now using good and high quality internet SEO marketing. It is not enough for a business to have its own website on the web. Actually, having your own website is useless if it is not visible. The truth is that you need to be visible at the first page of search engines in order to make your online business successful. Chinese internet is the best way to earn more profit, but you need to use the technology for your own advantage to reap all of these benefits.

    With this in mind, there are increasing numbers of users who wants to further study about the Chinese internet market. They want to increase the opportunities that they have in the world of internet technology. SEO itself is field and a business where IT marketing experts earn money by helping other businesses.

    The Chinese government find out that there are businessmen from different parts of the world who wants to do business in China, because of its growing economy with the help of Chinese search engine. Using these search engines, investors find out that China is an emerging opportunity to open up new business. They see great potential within the country. Although there is a Chinese censorship it does not hinder the economy of China to progress, because of the global visibility of Chinese businesses within the international scene.

  • Chinese SEO and Internet SEO

    Chinese SEO and Internet SEO

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comSEO is very important for all websites no matter where you are located around the world. In the Chinese community people are very dependent with the use of internet for their needs and everyday living. SEO play an important role in the perception of many users, if a website is a reliable source or not. Chinese SEO is becoming more and more in demand in many Chinese online business websites, because businesses men already discover the goodness and usefulness of SEO for their online business. in the past, there are just very little Chinese company with website on the web, but today almost all companies in China whether big or small aim to have their own website to reach as many customer as they can.

    SEO is one of the most reliable ways for a website to earn more traffic and without internet traffic, it means that or website is not gaining the popularity and visibility that it needs to be able to attract many clients to earn more profit. The Chinese internet is very useful for everyday living of people, because everything that people need is within the internet. There is no need for you to go out of your house in order to buy the things that you need. Even supermarket and department stores have their own website where you can shop online. Some of these companies even offer free deliveries. This is how powerful China SEO is. They can influence the perception and how people look in a particular product. You can make your product or any services sound very interesting on the web. With the use of right SEO and other elements like text, photos, and videos, you will surely gain the attention that you need.

    According to Chinese SEO experts, although people use internet for their daily living, people are wary in giving personal information on the web like name, address, email address and anything that is personal. People have very low trust when it comes to giving information over the internet. There are lots of users who install softwares to secure their computer from viruses and all kinds of fraud activities happening around the internet. Actually, it is true; there are lots of scam websites all over the internet and SEO should not be used in this kind of unlawful act. Sadly, many people who have bad intentions are using the power of Chinese engine to victimize a lot of consumers.

    This is the reason why Chinese internet censorship is created by the government to protect its people from this kind of internet threat. Thus, there are lots of terrorist attacks happening around the world and this kind of security will prevent conspiracy with the use of internet. This will also help the Chinese community to make sure that they are only getting email and searching information that is reliable. This will ensure satisfaction among the users plus their protection against any unlawful act happening in the internet. This kind of protection will not only protect the people, but the government as well. This is a way to secure and protect China from any threat.

  • China SEO to Billions of People

    China SEO to Billions of People

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comChina now has an enormous population around the world. If you are doing business in China, imagine the number of people that you can target to become your local customer, but this is not as easy as you think. Although, there are large numbers of people in China, you cannot just approach them and market your product or services. You need to find the right place where you can market and promote your products.

    The best place for novice businesses is on the web. Internet technology can offer you great opportunity to start your business and attract more and more loyal customers to your business. If you want to enter the field of Chinese online business, you need to find good company that can provide you with high quality Chinese SEO. The number of internet users in China is rapidly increasing to a rate of 200 million users. This kind changed when it comes number of users makes it more attractive to businesses to open their own website on the web for users to view the products or services that they offer.

    Since there are millions and billions of users in China, you need to think of ways on how you can attract more customers for your business. You cannot attract them and encourage them to try your products and services if you are not well visible around the internet. You need to aim for the top page ranking with each search engine to be able to be visible around the internet. Even if you have well constructed website with lots of attractive text, photos, and videos that will capture the interest of many users, it will all lose its value without good Chinese internet SEO. You cannot target these millions of users all at once. You need to determine your target audience base in your products or services.

    First, you need to determine what gender, age or social status of people you are targeting for your business. These elements are very important in SEO. If you want to attract as much audience as you want, you need to build your website for them. It means that you need to create website especially for them. To be able to do this, you need to find a reliable and well experience marketing company to help you with your SEO needs.

    The company that you will hire should be well aware about the Chinese online community and the Chinese internet censorship. The company should be aware to all the rules and regulations that these censorship holds. This is to make sure that your website will abide the law that covers this censorship. This is a vital aspect that every online business with website should keep in mind. If you want to market to millions of people in China, you need to find an expert marketing partner.

    Chinese search engine is a bit complicated because they are using complex algorithms to determine each website. This is important because there are large numbers of websites competing for the top spot. Chinese people are hungry for reliable and good source of information. If your website is providing reliable and informative information, then you will surely target the visitors that you want for your website and attract possible clients to increase the profit of your business.

  • Earn Money Through Chinese SEO Baidu

    Earn Money Through Chinese SEO Baidu

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIt is no doubt that Yahoo and Google are the most popular and widely used search engines worldwide. However, Google and yahoo are providing worldwide result and this is not very good for business with a local target. If you are doing business in China and you have your own online website, you can opt for a new search engine provider Baidu. Chinese SEO Baidu is a good and reliable option depending on the type services and products that you want to market. You have to know that the most preferred search engine in China is Baidu.com. The popularity of this local search engine in China is increasing day after day. If your website has anything to do with the countries in South East Asia, then Baidu can help your business and earn more profit.

    Goggle is worldwide and also operates in some regions within China, but Baidu is the most visited. It means that you will have greater opportunity to reach more customers locally using this search engine. If you want to use PPC, this option is wise and practical to use this marketing strategy in Baidu instead of using Google because it is much cheaper and effective in encouraging more visitors in your website.

    However, it is very important for one to do necessary research before switching. Expert Chinese internet SEO can really help your website to determine which search engine is suited for the kind of online business you have. There is a possibility that you will need Google for your business. You are lucky if your website can do with both search engines. It s important for a website owner to find reputable SEO marketing company in China to help you analyze the need if your website. There are too many aspects that you need to consider right before you opt for a particular China SEO strategy.

    It is imperative for you to make sure that you are acquiring the right guidance for the development of your website. If you are not sure, then you might be wasting your hard earned money. If you are going to hire Chinese SEO for your business in China you need to find out companies that can deal with Chinese censorship better. This is to make sure that your website will be visible and many Chinese can access your website. It is important to develop a friendly website for people, if not your website will surely be restricted to the eye of Chinese users.

    Chinese people know that there are certain websites that they cannot access and people are following these rules and regulations. A good internet marketing company should be well versed about this Chinese internet censorship. Every website who wants to enter the Chinese online community should abide and follow this censorship. There are certain rules and regulations that should be met by all websites trying to penetrate the Chinese online community. To sum up all the ideas presented in this article, you need to find reliable SEO provider and find out the best search engine for your business.

  • Chinese Censorship – Beware Of It When You Are Building Your Business

    Chinese Censorship – Beware Of It When You Are Building Your Business

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comChinese internet market is a market that a lot of foreign businesses would like to enter nowadays. The economy of this country is growing rapidly despite of various economic crisis in the world. It is expected that this country would start to lead the economic growth of the whole world in decades. Therefore, a lot of businesses would like to establish a firm customer network in this country now so that they can build up long term relationship with customers and with a reliable image.

    One of the most effective ways of doing the promotion in Chinese internet market is to use SEO techniques. A lot of internet users in China would do a search in search engine when they need to find information about something. Therefore, having a high position in the results page is the key of success for a lot of businesses.

    However, this kind of work may not be very easy. It is because the Chinese government is adopting a control over the spread of message in Chinese internet market. In order words, Chinese censorship is affecting the strategies used by businesses to position themselves in China.

    In order to have a good start of a business in China, businesses are always advised to understand the rules about Chinese censorship. Even though there is censorship, there are still websites and businesses running online in China. Therefore, there would be some rules that would hinder businesses but businesses can still develop under the existing rules. If businesses can know about these rules clearly, they can surely operate well in Chinese market.

    Regarding the SEO process, there are restrictions over the use of keywords. People should not try to use some politically sensitive keywords to create the websites. There are some sensitive events in the history of modern China and if you use some of these words to create the website, you could not get through the censorship and you definitely would fail to have a good effect of SEO.

    In many cases, businesses would like to employ some experts in China SEO to help them design the articles and contents of the website. This is quite good because those people are usually Chinese and they know the rules of the government. They can usually help to design suitable content with SEO while not breaking the censorship rules. No doubt, this requires money to hire them but the work of them is of good quality. Therefore, a lot of businesses would like to hire these people to help them arrange with the SEO work.

    To conclude, Chinese censorship is something that businesses have to study and follow. A lot of businesses can successfully work under the frame and it is possible for other new businesses to do so. Therefore, as long as businesses are willing to study the rules carefully and follow the rules in designing the SEO contents, they can definitely create a new and attractive business website with fruitful traffic so that they can be a hit in China.

  • SEO for Chinese Internet Censorship

    SEO for Chinese Internet Censorship

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comFreedom is what every person want in this world, but sometimes freedom are being abused by people wants to become free to do anything that they want. When you talk about China SEO, you will be surprise to know that not all website are accessible for people. If you will take a vacation in China or you are going to migrate there, you have to know that there is a Chinese internet censorship going around.

    This started in 2003, but since the year 2008 upon the arrival of Olympic Games this censorship was strongly implemented. This s called Golden Shield and it is a surveillance program conducted by the ministry of Public Service of China. The government of China is using a firewall to censure and blocked websites since the year 2003. Many of people around the world especially Westerners are not aware and do not understand this censorship. This article is not against this censorship, this article will help other people to understand this censorship to Chinese online businesses.

    If you are going to do business in China and you want your website to gain access Chinese online community you need to a friendly Chinese SEO. This is the reason why you need to locate for reputable Chinese marketing company that understand the rules and regulations within the censorship to make sure that your website will pass the keen eyes of Chinese regulators who regulates and screen all websites that they will allow to enter their Chinese online community.

    People around the world have the right to choose which website they want to access and surf, but the Chinese community do not have this kind of privilege, but they are thankful about this. There are websites that expresses negative views and opinions about the country and people in China do not need this kind of information in their mind, the government want their people to concentrate on how they can improve their quality of life. They do not want the minds of their people to be polluted with lots of negative thoughts.

    Chinese internet is very different from other country that is why SEO is very much needed to make sure that people will find your website within search engines. Websites that post negative thought about the government and views opposing the Chinese government are banned, but not all of them are being banned. They will face some criminal charges and will suffer from lengthy prison sentences, you need to be extra careful when building a website, especially if you are targeting customer within the Chinese Community. You need to find SEO Company that understands this law.

    Today, there is self censorship that many Chinese practiced within themselves. These only shows that these people have strong self-discipline that people around the world should posses. They learn to censor themselves and avoid websites that they think is not lawful for them to see. This is also helpful to prevent younger generation in exposing themselves to pornography that is very prevalent all over the internet.

  • How to Do SEO in Chinese Market

    How to Do SEO in Chinese Market

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comSEO is also known as search engine optimization is one of the widely used internet marketing strategy of almost all websites on the web. This is a tested and proven strategy that will give online businesses the opportunity to reach greater heights when it comes to online business. If you want to reach bigger market and earn huge profit, it is important for one to go for trusted and tested strategy that will bring their business to the success that they want. If you are going to take the risk of trying new ways of internet marketing, then it might fail and you will waste huge amount of money.

    If you want to be a part of Chinese business community and earn huge profit by targeting the Chinese community then you need a good China SEO that is perfectly created in such a way that it can encourage and attract customers within your business. SEO is not limited to business that wants to enter China, but it is possible and offered to all online businesses around the world as long as you have your own website.

    There are certain countries with specific rules that need to be followed. These rules and regulations make business more challenging. Just like in China where there is a China internet censorship that every aspiring businesses should keep in mind, if they want to enter the Chinese business community. Your website should past all the rules and regulations of the government.
    If you failed to pass all requirements needed, you will not be able to access within the Chinese internet market. Websites are censored by the government, especially if they see that your website is a threat to their society. It is imperative to find company that understands and have experience in creating SEO for the Chinese market. Without any experience and expertise, all your investments and hardship will be wasted.

    As you think of the best SEO strategy that you can use for your business, you will have two options when it comes to search engine. You can either choose between Baidu and Google. People in China are very conscious about information that every website has. You need to prove to them that your website is worth visiting and worthy of the time that they will spend. They want reliable and rich information. The Chinese search engine is Baidu, if you really want to focus on targeting local consumer in China, you can opt for Baidu. You need to ask the opinion of an expert SEO as to what search engine is suited for your business.

    You have to know that the Baidu search engine dominated the search engine in China and not Google. The reason is that Baidu is very sensitive and restrict all blogs and forum that contains pornography as well as forbidden words that the government does not allow. It is safer for people in china to browse within Baidu, because all the contents are screened and safe. Just like in Google, there is also a need to optimize everything in Baidu such as titles, heading and the keywords density, so you need a good SEO provider if you want to do business within Baidu.

  • Chinese SEO – A Business That Requires You Time To Build

    Chinese SEO – A Business That Requires You Time To Build

    When doing Chinese SEO, businesses would usually find that it is not as simple as it was in other countries. Yes, there are things that people should pay attention when they are doing SEO work in China.

    First of all, businesses have to understand that a lot of people are worried about viruses or adware in China. It is because a lot of websites are found to have this kind of harmful things for computers. Therefore, search engines would try to rank the safety of browsing the website as a kind of factor affecting the overall ranking of websites.

    As a result, businesses should not try to include a lot of images or videos in their own websites. In other parts of the world, using images and videos may make the websites more attractive and this may help the SEO process. It also applies in China, but not to a great extent indeed. In order to earn a high ranking in the search engine results pages in China, the most important thing is that the keywords used are simple and politically right. There should not be messages comparing the political or some other aspects of China and foreign countries. Otherwise, there would be some ‘internet police’ surfing the internet all the time and they would try to report to the authority and your website may not be disclosed in the search engine results page.

    When businesses are doing Chinese SEO work, they can also understand that the average income of citizens in China is not high. Therefore, it is not very clever for them to target high-ended customers using some keywords like ‘luxurious’. Most of the people in China would like to have simple and practical products. No doubt, there are some who would like to spend a lot of money to buy the luxurious things, but they may not like to purchase online indeed.

    To conclude, working in the SEO work in China is not something as easy as it is in other countries. There are a lot of restrictions that businesses have to follow when promoting the websites in China. When the government policies change, businesses would have to change some of the contents in the website in order to fit the requirement of the government. Therefore, businesses would have to update the website all the time and they are always advised to predict the future government policies and make a back-up plan. When the changes realise, businesses can put the back-up content to the website quickly and then immediately target the customers better. In this way, businesses can build a long term profitable relationship with customers instead of skimming the profits in short run.

    In the foreseeable future, it is expected that Chinese SEO would become more and more influential in the design of marketing campaigns for eCommerce businesses in China. There would surely be plenty of people who have the experience in doing this kind of SEO work and they are surely the leader in the Chinese market in the future.