
  • 国内网上第三方支付模式的发展现状分析







  • 营销师考试-想知道你有资格做网上营销吗?









    请仔细阅读以下三篇,把这三篇文章进行总结写出一篇文章,字数不要超过五百字。注意你写的这篇文章中要包括“网页优化”这个词语。写好之后请发送电子邮件到我们的邮箱地址 。你也有机会成为一个合格网络营销师哦!我们会立刻把考试结果回复给您。

    1. 《针对中文搜索引擎优化Chinese SEO与用户体验编写网页内容技巧的四大重点》

    2. 《自己做网站依据关键词来组织网页内容的重要性》

    3. 《自己做网站编写让读者动心的内文需要注意的五大事项》



  • Avoiding Your Websites Block By The Chinese Internet Censorship

    Avoiding Your Websites Block By The Chinese Internet Censorship

    Avoiding Your Websites Block By The Chinese Internet CensorshipThere are many debates and discontentment between governments, businesses and even among friends, questioning why the Chinese government does not allow people residing in China have access to certain popular foreign websites. Some business sources claim the Chinese are doing it to eliminate foreign competitors in it own cyberspace. From political perspective, Chinese government sees it as an effective measure to control political uprising and social unrest from extremists that use internet as a media to spread disturbance to the public. There are rumors too, that the Chinese internet censorship uses the Great Firewall of China to counter intelligence of foreign hackers from sniffing in the Chinese internet world.

    Whatever reasons and speculations available out there, we still can create a lot of good websites and great contents outside of China and let the Chinese people accessing it and enjoy from within China. Here are some of the tips:

    No porn theme. If you are promoting sex, avoid your website look like a porn site. Avoid keywords that are already block by the Great Firewall of China. If you really have to use a block keywords, use a full stop in the keyword like this: She is a w.hore. Alternatively you can spell the keyword in a jumbled manner like this: She is a whroe.

    No badmouthing of Chinese leadership. Anything you say to dethrone the Chinese government, you risk your website going into their blacklist. Make sure when you post a video or a picture, it does not discredit the Central Government of China.

    Do not use prohibited keywords. Use Baidu to search for the long tail keyword. If it does not appear in the Baidu search result, most likely the keyword is block and your contents will not appear to the Chinese population.

    No overboard evangelism. You can share your religious faith and fervent hobbies but do not use it to recruit an army to go against the government and disturb public peace, such as riot and strike.

    No Multi Level Marketing (MLM) contents. MLM in china is illegal. Website that recruit downline and promote such nature of business will be banned and hardly survived the Chinese internet censorship.

    Police your site regularly. To do well and survive in the Chinese internet you have to audit your website regularly and remove anti-government comments and porn links left by visitors.

  • Online Invoicing Review – Invoicera, The Useful Web Invoicing Tool

    Online Invoicing Review – Invoicera, The Useful Web Invoicing Tool

    Invoicera Screenshot– The Useful Web Invoicing ToolIn recent years, you can find the different businesses are trying their best to get their business processing systems updated with the latest technology. It is very convenient for people to search online nowadays because the use of internet is very common. Therefore, you would not find it difficult for you to discover that some of the websites, such as the, are trying to provide the relevant support to these business customers.

    Invoicera is one of the companies designing the online billing systems for business customers. You would find that they would be able to help the customers with the web invoicing processes. There are actually many companies working in this direction as well. However, there are plenty of people who find that this company is particularly helpful and they would not mind spending the money and time to use the system from this company.

    There are several advantages explaining the success of this web invoicing company indeed. First of all, this is one of the companies which would provide the data back-up services for the customers. For any formal business, the loss of data is a very troublesome nightmare to them. Therefore, Invoicera would try their best to make regular back-up for the clients to save their information. Of course, their clients can also request a back-up service when they have made important business agreements or contracts with the clients.

    Secondly, this company can help the clients to generate the reports well. This is one of the advantages that make Invoicea a popular choice. It would try to establish reports for business clients to view the performance of the company. Customers can always try to keep an eye on the sales performance and to plan for the strategic development of the business. Many online business owners are not professional accountants. Therefore, they might not be able to establish all those documents on their own. Invoicera is creating the convenience for the customers to enjoy and this is definitely something wonderful for them indeed.

    However, there might be potential troubles that customers may encounter when they are using the Invoicera web invoicing system. First of all, the exchange rates have to be set up manually by people. In other words, you would need to monitor the exchange rate environment on your own in order to have the latest information about sales in the foreign countries. This can cost trouble especially when the users do not pay too much focuses on the exchange rate stuff.

    In fact, there are many supports of this system indeed. It is because this web invoicing tool can help them to check the filling and other stuff through the Google Apps function. This would save their time because they might be familiar with Google. With this App, they would not feel that the Invoicra system is new to them.

    To conclude, Invoicera is one of the systems that plenty of people would like to consider when they are searching for the invoicing system which is affordable to small and medium enterprises. You should also consider them if necessary.

  • Chinese SEO Writers – Best Helper For Chinese SEO Work

    Chinese SEO Writers – Best Helper For Chinese SEO Work

    白度搜索中文搜索引擎大本营图片In recent years, you would find that there are different ways for people to earn money indeed. There are plenty of options for businessmen to exploit the opportunities and turn them into real money. One of the common ways is to conduct businesses in China. Yes, you can easily find that plenty of businessmen are exploiting this market in order to earn money. If you want to get into this market, you certainly need help from the Chinese SEO writers.

    If you really want to find one of these writers to help you with the SEO work in China, you should bear some tips in mind. First of all, you should try to learn to get a platform where you would find the writers. There are some of the writers who would not be able to response to their clients well if their clients are using English to communicate with them. Yes, they might be good writers in writing Chinese articles, but they might not be able to interpret your meanings and create the suitable articles for you.

    Therefore, you certainly need to search for a reliable and intelligent writer for you to finish the Chinese SEO work indeed. There are several websites operating online to offer you relevant help. You would find that the relevant help would be useful. It is because these websites are written in English and there would be quite complicate procedures for the writers to register to be the members of the website. Therefore, all the SEO writers writing Chinese articles there might be your help because their English should be somehow proficient.

    When you are creating a website with Chinese article, there are several ways. You can choose to write something about China in English, or you can try to use Chinese language to compose the website. Of course, you can try to do both if you have the money. You can just post two versions of your website to the website database and this may help you to captive the attention of both Chinese and foreign customers. When you are trying to do this, you should bear in mind that the native Chinese writers might be better for the Chinese SEO work. They would know the common languages used by the Chinese people and they would also have the ability to explain clearly about the traditions of Chinese people. Therefore, they would be able to provide you with the native cultural products to target the local Chinese people.

    When you are hiring this kind of people, you need to prepare for the disagreement between you and your writer. It is because your writer might simply use their Chinese cultural perspectives to write the articles and you might not be able to understand well. In that case, you should judge the aim of the articles.

    To conclude, it is not very difficult for you to get the support from Chinese customers as long as you use the right way to hire the right guy for the Chinese SEO work.

  • Online Invoicing Review –, The Help For Business Invoicing

    Online Invoicing Review –, The Help For Business Invoicing

    Online Invoicing Review –, The Help For Business Invoicing ScreenshotBusiness invoicing is sometimes very troublesome in the eyes of some people. In fact, it is not really difficult provided that you can try to use your own method to get the right help. There are so many people working online for their own business and there are actually also plenty of companies operating online to provide the suitable invoicing services for the businesses as well.

    When you try your best to search for the companies, you probably find the is one of the choices that you can get indeed. This is one of the comprehensive tools for helping the business owners to handle the complicated stuff of the business invoicing things. Therefore, you should not hesitate to find information about this company.

    There are a lot of advantages that you can enjoy when you try to hire this company to handle the invoicing work of your company. First of all, this is the company which can help you contact your customers easily. You will be able to use the contact system provided by to maintain good contact with your clients. It would not be difficult for you to do this. With this kind of contact list, you can maintain a close relationship with your customers easily. For instance, you would be able to send them the subscription letters easily. You would also be able to inform them with the sales and keep track of their purchasing pattern with ease.

    Secondly, you might find that the business invoicing services from is advantageous to your business because you can generate all kinds of reports easily. You would not need to experience hardships in preparing the financial statements and also other kinds of statements. This can help you to persuade your friends or even the lenders to give you capital for expanding your business. This is also something that plenty of people would find it helpful indeed.

    If you have the smartphones, you would also find that this system is something that you need. You will be able to, conveniently, use the system with iPhone Apps. This kind of mobile applications can help you to monitor the performance of your business anytime and anywhere and it would no longer be difficult for you to create big business anymore.

    Sometimes, some users of might complain that they might not be able to store the information and make back-up of their information easily. This is something true with this business invoicing system because it would not be designed for totally new users. Therefore, you should have your own method to back up the data and new users might need to select helps from the others, which might cost them money anyway.

    To conclude, using the business invoicing tools like the would not be something impossible nowadays. You would be able to build successful businesses with the help of these systems. As long as you are willing to learn to control these systems, you can successfully establish a firm base of your business.

  • Tips To Start Blogging Successfully

    There are a lot of bloggers on the net already and if you would want to attract readers then you need to establish your credibility. It is not just a matter of blogging anything but if you need to start blogging successfully then a topic that you are passionate about will do well for you. Something that you have lots of experience. You have to make a decision as to whether you are going to host the blog or you are going to use a free blogging services that is hosted for you.

    With free blogging services you don’t get your own domain rather you use a hosted blog where there are millions of other blogs at the same which means you do not actually own the blog and in an event you want to shift you cannot shift with your readers because you have no control over the site. Kindly note this point before you can start blogging for free.

    Choose the subject of your blog with much care and deep consideration before you start blogging. Your blog must mirror your passion and knowledge on the subject. Get more knowledge on whether you will be able to consistently post on the subject or get some topics that are search engine friendly and that never really die out of technology blogs, product related blogs, city centric blogs and money making blogs.

    There is always news to give your readers and also there are a lot of points to discuss about. The most challenging blogs are blogs written on thoughts, short stories, poems, ideas where you must be able to provide self driven original content whereas in the previous kind of blogs you can borrow ideas from thousands of ideas other websites out there that share in your ideas.

    After you start blogging the next thing is to inform the world that your blog has what they are looking for. This may pose a great challenge to many people and more often their blogs end here and go without being noticed. Both social and interactive site like face book, twitter, orkut, MySpace, zillion and many more are breeding grounds for finding prospective readers. Building a network can be a time consuming, never ending task but it does not end there you need to make your network to be aware of what you are doing on your blog.

    On the other hand also, before you start blogging, it is also very important to have a technical knowledge which lack of it may hinder you from tweaking your blog and giving it the finesse and feel that you envisaged for your blog.

    With the aid of technology and different software programmers on the internet you can get that uniqueness, user friendliness and functionality that will make your blog to stand out. It is also important to invest some time and money to invest in learning these web technologies for one thing is sure that you can go along way in getting the amount of traffic that you are looking for.