Category: Now

Articles on current issues, announcements and latest news.

  • The Fruits of Persistence – Top Ranking in Chinese SEO

    The Fruits of Persistence – Top Ranking in Chinese SEO

    Champion in Chinese SEO
    The Fruits of Persistence
    We finally saw the fruits of our labour. My Chinese SEO websites were now in the top three pages among search engines. All internet marketers knew that the basic of online marketing was to capture niche markets based on keywords. I had been thinking if it was worth the effort to capture a broader audience than a niche. After a long contemplation and proper planning, I made the most important decision for this year.

    Six months earlier, my team took a leap of faith and committed to compete in the most competitive keywords. We were exhausting our time and resources, working round the clock to squeeze our optimized sites into the most congested search engine results.

    During these six months, there were times I wanted to give up. I also questioned myself if it worth my time going after very competitive keywords. Every time I wanted to quit, I incidentally saw my webpages ranked first on the first page. The results were comforting and assuring me, I was on the right track. This kept me going on and staying focus in my tasks.

    Six months later which is today, I feel proud and good, seeing my websites listed among the branded. Now looking back at all the hard works, I am glad I do not quit and all the efforts are well exhausted. If you are optimizing you websites, stay focus and be persistent and you will get your desired results in due time.

    Into the Game
    Twenty months ago, I was planning to enter the Chinese SEO market. The Chinese domain was very different from the rest of the world. In order to do grab a share, I started a handful of lab tested websites to test waters and tweaking them to fit the Chinese users. Some websites make it and some fail. Today I am commercializing my successfully tested websites, getting them out of the lab and turn them into money making machines.

    Since I started doing Chinese SEO, I have been very tense and uptight with my schedule, sleeping every sixty hours so that I have more time optimizing my sites. Now my sites are consistently rank among the top search results, I can now take thing at a slower pace.

  • Will Bing Make It in China?

    Will Bing Make It in China?

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comMicrosoft has recently planned to capture the online Chinese market by creating the Bing Chinese search engine, which they plan to be their next biggest strategy. China is a huge market, having the largest online and mobile markets in the world. The scale is quite massive, obviously because of its huge population. There are over 350 million internet users and 700 million cell phone users in China alone.

    Currently, the search engine Baidu is the leader in the search market in China with 63 to 75 percent of query volume. Google comes up only at number two with a measly 31%. Because it is still in its introductory stage, Bing had only 0.3 percent of the search market but researchers found out that there has been growth in the Bing Chinese usage since its launch last June.

    Bing is Microsoft’s attempt to dethrone Google from its throne, tying up with Yahoo Inc. to achieve their goals. The search engine industry is still an emerging market—thus, instead of concentrating at market share, Microsoft plans to focus in improving its search quality. Search is quite relative to scale—the more content and users it has, the better it gets. This is the very reason why they partnered with Yahoo. Yahoo already has a large base, giving out more relevant results. The partnership between the two giants will give huge long term benefits to Bing. A classic win-win situation.

    Bing’s plans are not market share or monetization. Rather, the company envisions it as a decision making search engine. They want to provide the best consumer experience through the latest technological advances available. Instead of inputting a keyword and giving a mass of all kinds of links, Bing’s strategy is to give the user more relevant results.

    Bing also plans partnerships with Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Twitter to improve their services. There have also been talks about getting an exclusive partnership with New Corp. These plans are all in hopes that the alliances will help Bing grow and move forward.

    Aside from this, Bing decides to provide accessibility to as much people in China as possible. What use will a great product be if it will only be distributed to a limited market? Distribution and logistics is the key to success.

    With the latest news of Google exiting China, Bing hopes to capture the rest of the Chinese market and compete against Baidu in market share.

    Despite all this plans, will Bing make it in Chinese market? All we can do is speculate, hope and wait.

  • Free eBook: The Best of Twitter Marketing

    Free eBook: The Best of Twitter Marketing

    Book Cover - The Best of Twitter MarketingIn my quest searching for marketing strategies using Twitter, I found many successful tested methods, I can use on my own websites. This book is the result of my research, sharing my ten favourite Twitter marketing strategies.

    This book is written for busy internet marketer that want instant answers that are already proven methods out in the wild wild web. Here, I present this book to you. Enjoy!

    Smashwords is my distributor and I use them to distribute my ebook, If you are not yet a member, you have to signup as a member before you can download. Signup here now!

    Through Smashwords, my eBook is available in these format:

    • Kindle (.mobi)
    • Epub
    • PDF
    • RTF
    • LRF (for Sony Reader)
    • Palm Doc (PDB)
    • Plain Text

    To get your free copy, follow me or direct message @hosealim with your Twitter account. and you will get the coupon code for free download.

    You can subscribe to my newsletter to get the coupon code too. Subscribe Now!

    Book Title: The Best Of Twitter Marketing
    ISBN: 978-1-4523-9145-8
    Author: Hosea Lim
    Published: 13 June 2010
    Category: Social networking
    Words: 4795 (approximate)
    Language: English

    Click here for Press Release.

  • Real Internet Income Secrets – Fast Track Cash Membership Site Leaked!

    Real Internet Income Secrets – Fast Track Cash Membership Site Leaked!

    Check out Ewen Chia's Fast Track Cash Website
    Ewen Chia’s Fast Track Cash membership site got leaked on a webmaster forum. This membership site contained a lot of real internet income secrets from the author himself, Ewen Chia.

    PDF manuals, videos, mp3 and resold with your own Clickbank affiliate link are all available at this membership page. Fast Track List Building was previously known as Ultimate List Building priced at $497 was also available for download at this site.

    Or was this leaked a deliberate act of the author, an internet marketing strategies to promote his products? I had no idea but I had sent him an email notifying him. Checked out the member site before it was removed.

    To access this priceless leaked of real internet income secrets, search the webmaster forums using keywords on this page. Hint! Hint!

    Link To Fast Track Cash Training Materials

    More review on Real Internet Income Workshop:
    Real Internet Income: Get Real! (Day 3)
    Real Internet Income: Get Real! (Day 2)
    Real Internet Income: Is it Real? (Day 1)

    His Training Materials:

  • Domain Name Renewal Scam From China?

    Domain Name Renewal Scam Website

    Was this an internet domain name renewal scam? I shared my expertise and you examined it yourself.

    I just received this email titled ‘Internet Trademark Protect’ claiming that one of my domain names was going to be trademarked by a company call DERUI Investment and I was asked if I objected to the third party application claim. I started to get worried and troubled if my domain name would be revoked.

    Then I read the email again and I began to doubt because I spotted simple grammar and syntax errors like ‘asia’ is spelt ‘ASIA’ and the date is typed ‘February,2nd,2010’. The ending signature was really done unprofessionally. If a big company was big enough to buy up all the variant domain names and trademarked it, then they would get a decent representative to handle such matter and the representative would unlikely sign off so mildly.

    The 2 giveaways were the contact ‘Tel:+86(0)21 6296 2950’ and the website link ‘’. If it was a China based  company, unlikely they would put the plus sign (+) and the bracketed zero. A typical Chinese company would put the contact in this format, (021) 1234 5678. Obviously, the sender was targeting non China resident to call into China. The website was not hyperlinked and used the word ‘web:’ which was not what a typical Chinese company would do. Not hyperlinked mean it was deliberately unlink, then why still typed in the web address.

    I did a whois on the domain name and and traced it. The whois information were messy. Then I quickly checked the email header and the email address could not be validated. It was interesting to note that the A in the Angela@ was capitalised.

    Finally I went over to view the website. First thing, I scrolled all the way down to the footer to look for the ICP licence. The ICP licence was not displayed. No ICP licence number on the website means it was not registered with the local authority that the company was registered and this was violating China internet regulations. In simple English, it was illegal and law breaking. How could a company that claimed to be a domain name registration and bearing the .cn without displaying ICP licence. This was the greatest giveaway that it was a scam.

    There were many things I could still checked and exposed if it was a domain name renewal scam like, the phone numbers used on the website was it a mobile number that faked a land line number. I could also check the directory to validate the occupant of the address and so forth but I need not anymore because the ICP number missing from the website was sufficient for me to pass the judgement.

    If you went to the contact page, you could find the Beijing and Hongkong share a similar address. If you were familiar with Hangzhou, you would easily spot that the address was wrong. Lastly, how could a .cn website not available in Chinese language.

    The whole setup had a lot scam elements. An invalid email address that you cannot reply but to make a call to one of their numbers. A scammer always preferred a phone call than email conversation because it was not traceable. A lot of cannot-make-sense credentials to valid the website legitimacy. Contact numbers displayed in a uniformed format that made it easy for it potential targets to make the initial call.

    A domain name renewal scam or a real legitimate business, you decided?

    Below was the content I received in my email.

    Dear Manager:

    We are a Domain Name registration service company, which is a professional Internet Domain Name Registration and dispute resolution organization in China.On February,2nd,2010, We received DERUI Investment company’s application that they are registering the name “mydomain” as their Internet Trademark and “”,”” ,””domain names etc.,It is China and ASIA domain names.But after auditing we found the brand name been used by your company. As the domain name registrar in China, it is our duty to notice you, so I am sending you this Email to check.According to the principle in China,your company is the owner of the trademark,In our auditing time we can keep the domain names safe for you firstly, but our audit period is limited, if you object the third party application these domain names and need to protect the brand in china and Asia by yourself, please let the responsible officer contact us as soon as possible. Thank you! Looking forward to your reply.  Kind regards



    Oversea marketing manager

    Tel:+86(0)21 6296 2950

    Fax:+86(0)21 6296 1557

  • The Who Website?

    Book Cover - The Best of Twitter MarketingWelcome to
    As an appreciation for visiting my blog, I would like to give you FREE, my newly published ebook, The Best of Twitter Marketing, ISBN: 978-1-4523-9145-8. Yes, is free and most likely you are thinking now, I want your email address, right?

    To prove you are wrong, here is the coupon code NP77H, expire 31 August 2010, GMT -8. But you have to signup as a member with Smashwords in order to get the download because they are my distributor. Signup here and use the code.

    Of course, I would like to encourage you to signup for my newsletter too because I can keep you update on my future releases and other stuffs you may be interested.

    10 Seconds About The Hosea Website
    This website started in 1995 sharing about my life and hobbies. As years went by, it morphed to a blog, changing from different domain names and finally, The contents were bilingual, English and Chinese because most of my audiences were monolingual to one of them.

    Another 10 Seconds About
    This website is morphing again, expanding to provide insights on search engine optimisation and internet marketing pertaining to the Chinese market. Happy living combines with dream interpretation is another topic I will be sharing too to help and inspire my friends to be successful in life.

    Last 10 Seconds About this website
    Please bookmarks and come back regularly or sign up for my newsletter to get updated. I am going full time and committing my uttermost focus and resources to make this, one of the most seek after authoritative websites in the coming years.

    Once again, I am inviting you to ioin my newsletter by entering your email address below. I respect your privacy and will never sell or abuse your details. If you have any concerns about your privacy, please visit my privacy policy section.

    Friends of Hosea
