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  • Chinese Internet Users Vs Chinese Economy

    Chinese Internet Users Vs Chinese Economy

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe decline in the number of Chinese Internet users has affected the Economy in China, as the New Economy is propelled by the advancements in internet and any changes in the usage has a direct impact. In the nascent stages, when internet was a new concept, the number of internet users has been steadily increasing.

    In fact, today they have reached the 16.9 million mark as recorded, in the early part of the last decade. The ecommerce transaction also increased by leaps and bound with subsequent advancements in B2C transactions. According to experts, Internet commerce has a promising future on the virtual front. The internet has transformed the mode of communication, as today one can communicate around the globe at an amazing speed that seems so effortless.

    On the flip side of the coin, internet has been blamed for social isolation and other mental problems of the Chinese internet users. According to an online survey, the number of Chinese internet users that socialize through the internet has increased significantly, and can be calculated to 4.8%. Various social networking websites are available on the internet, and are almost addicting as users spend more time tweeting online rather than communicating in the real world.

    In the present scenario, where everybody is too busy in the lives and have no time to visit friends and family, make use of the internet to stay in touch. According to a survey, internet has contributed to the development of interpersonal relationships in the virtual world. Around 90% of the internet users attested that internet usage enhanced their relationships with friends and family by 4.8%.

    Many users who find useful information on the internet are willing to share it with their colleagues; this has lead to enhanced life efficiency and spread of knowledge which is important for the growth of society as a whole. It is the nature of progress that is instrumental in enhancing efficiency among the people in china. The internet is the platform that offers both flexibility and personalization in communication for the Chinese internet users.

    The internet is an open arena for the various companies involved in ecommerce as the small business entrepreneur can compete against big conglomerates. Internet has also witnessed the downfall of major companies from the real world that could not survive on the internet. On the other hand, there have been many entrepreneurs that have made a phenomenal success on the World Wide Web. The Economy in China is now struggling to adapt as the number of Chinese internet users is eroding at a fast pace. Therefore, it is important to embrace change in order to propel the internet economy in China.

  • Digital Governance in China – Pros and Cons of Owning a dotCN Domain

    Digital Governance in China – Pros and Cons of Owning a dotCN Domain

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comToday, internet in China seems to be re-emerging as a major player in the virtual arena. In the present scenario, China is climbing the technological ladder at a fast pace, with an increasing number of businesses hosting web servers in the country.

    The Chinese government seems to have evolved into an economic power house with world power. China may seem to have become an economical and technological power house at the global forefront, but internally, it is very fragile as a result of the technological developments, the communist political leaders seem to be having a deep sense of domestic insecurity. And it is this insecurity that backs the introduction of various rules and regulations with Chinese censorship for every aspect of web hosting in China.

    Today, there are stricter rules in according to Chinese censorship for registering a .CN domain names at CNNIC. According to latest news, web hosts are looking for alternative places for registering their domain names. It is has been observed that the technical nature of the global domain name system is causing a political stir within China. It is the technological advancements in China that have caused the technocratic government to impose very rigid regulatory rules and Chinese censorship for web hosting in China.

    The DNS system was originated by the Americans and they have a complete veto on any kind of changes in the naming system. Therefore, Chinese censorship is trying to regain a control of what the government thinks, is its rightful niche on the World Wide Web.

    According to the latest additions in the regulations of Chinese censorship, the domain names need to be registered with the government. And in case, the owners fail to register, their website would be pulled down by the government. To add to the plight of web hosts in China, the .CN is commonly known to be used in phishing attacks of security infringement on the internet.

    According to statistics, as a result of the rigid regulations put forth by the government in China, there has been a steep decline in the number of users that are registering for .CN extension; as it reached a record low of 76% as recorded in the last month of 2008.

    The rigidity in regulations for domain names indicates that China seems to have been wedded to the belief that technological advancements can have an impact on the political and social aspects of the country, thus leading to digital governance.

  • Beyond the Great Wall

    Beyond the Great Wall

    As Featured On is a Chinese and Japanese search engine founded by Chinese entrepreneurs Robin Li and Eric Xu. According to co-founder Li, Baidu, which literally means hundreds of times, represents the persistent search for the ideal.

    This is the concept behind which makes it a popular choice among Chinese Internet users for reliable and valid search engine results. Coupled with Baidu’s strong advocacy of the Chinese government’s Internet regulations, Baidu has stepped up to fill the void left by the death of Google in China on March 30, 2010 when all access to the leading search engine, including its international sites (with the exception of Google Mail and Google Maps), was banned in the mainland.

    The domestic search engine Baidu’s strong online presence, as well as its firm grasp on intrinsic Chinese values and culture, has made it a household name and virtual bulwark akin to the Great Wall of China.

    With the implementation of the Internet regulations, Chinese homes, schools and offices are turning to Internet search engines that would give them optimum results each and every time. Parents and teachers would trust only a search engine that can filter inappropriate content for children, as students comprise the largest group of Chinese Internet users. Offices would also prefer censored accessible sites to maintain productivity and proper conduct in the workplace. Corporate workers, managers and professional and technical staff combined also make up a majority in the demographics.

    The onset of Chinese Internet regulations should prompt Internet marketers to step up their game and ensure more traffic passes through their sites despite the limitations. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most cost-effective, painless and quickest way to do just that. Moreover, Chinese SEO on would give you an edge. If your site comes out at the top of the hierarchy of results on a search engine that actively censors content and which many Chinese users utilize in school and at work, then you would have marked your site with a large, red X on the Chinese map of the Information Superhighway.

    This highway is traversed everyday by roughly 338 million Chinese Internet users. With the largest population in the world of 1.3 billion, the increase of Chinese Internet users in the next years would undoubtedly be viably incremental. Reaching out to an established and growing target market of that size and potential at a relatively lower cost of advertising makes for a lucrative ratio.

    Don’t be left on the other side of the wall. Chinese SEO on could be your ladder to the top.

  • Growth of the Mobile Internet in China

    Growth of the Mobile Internet in China

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe year 2009 has witnessed major changes in the internet development in China. The Chinese internet is no longer confined to the computer terminal, especially with the advent of mobile internet technology. The number of Chinese internet users that make use of mobile phone for browsing the internet has been growing at a fast pace. According to statistical data, the count of mobile internet users has touched the 155 million mark and shows a growth rate of 32.1% for the last six months.

    The state council government has passed a resolution in favor of the application of Chinese internet technology to mobile devices. This has been made possible by issuing 3G Licenses to mobile phone manufacturers in China. The internet services also reduced cost of internet access on the mobile gadgets. Therefore, there has been a considerable advancement in mobile phone technology and this combined with easy access to GPRS, where the Chinese telecom services are working in favor of advancing the mobile phone technology by reducing the fee for wireless connectivity.

    Other major telecom operators in china have also contributed towards bringing Chinese internet technology of the mobile phone users in china. The concept of internet on the mobile phones has been catching up with the Chinese internet users, especially with the younger generation.

    The younger generation is very interested in standing out in a crowd with some of the latest gadgets and high tech accessories. Mobile devices with GPRS are very much in vogue among the youngsters as they make use of the mobile internet technology as a status symbol. As they say, with an increase in demand there is a consequent increase in supply, therefore, with the increase in the usage of mobile phone technology, various internet applications have evolved like the mobile blog, mobile video and mobile entertainment TV that is very much in demand.

    Today, the mobile devices have recorded a penetration of around 60% or more, in some of the developed countries. Another fact, the mobile and internet have been the driving forces that created demand for information on the internet that is available anywhere anytime and comes at a low cost too. In terms of ecommerce, there are many advantages of having an interconnected population in china, that also presents a vast opportunity for technological as well as ecommerce advancements, as distance is no longer a barrier.

    Mobility of the internet and easy accessibility has given a new face to ecommerce, as it can provide more meaningful service to the mobile phone users. This has lead to a universal availability of useful information and adaptation and management that has been critical in the success of mobile internet in china.

  • Chinese Translation Tools – Machine Mode Vs Human Mode

    Chinese Translation Tools – Machine Mode Vs Human Mode

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe Internet economy is changing at a fast pace, as the Chinese Economy is also opening up for trade. Today, the virtual world has revolutionized into a seamless global arena, and the business language seems be in a state of flux. Therefore, there is an increasing need for new business translation tools that meet the translation needs of the modern day global economy.

    This is particularly true in the case of Chinese pin yin to English translation tools, that are strategic in bringing together two economic systems in the global arena that are far from being identical. Presently, China has been transforming its internet economy in order to match the virtual strides of the west and thus a linguistic approach is necessary to break all barriers of the great firewall of China.

    In order to meet the standards of the global market, new Chinese pin yin terms have been coined, that are compatible with the American business terms. Various Chinese pin yin translation tools are available for business related computer and internet terms that are required by the modern business executives.

    Some of the latest Chinese pin yin translation tools include a software application that is very simple and is being touted as very reliable translation tool- Roboword. This software has become very popular and is being purchased by individuals interested in ecommerce in the Chinese market. One does not have to be a techno geek in order to make use of the Roboword software, as the tools can be effectively used by even the least knowledgeable individual with limited experience of the computer jargon.

    One does not have to browse through hoards of text in order to find the right answer, as the Roboword software provides dictionary solutions with just the click of a mouse. Also, one does not need to apply any traditional software like internet browser or word processor as the tool is very basic, and can perform search and dictionary lookups with the aid of the mouse.

    Roboword makes the process of learning Chinese pin yin to English translation, simple and easy. It can be used by people who travel to China, and also by companies that are interested in ecommerce with the Chinese counterparts.

    One can also seek the aid of human translators that help in learning the writing and phonetics of Chinese to English translation. This mode of translation has an advantage over the software translation tools; as the individual will have a better understanding of the native dialect as well as the culture and tradition of the country.

    Although, the process may seem to be very time consuming as compared to the machine mode of translation, but it gives a more structured and in depth approach to learning the new language.

  • China’s Digital Leap in the Domain Registration Game

    China’s Digital Leap in the Domain Registration Game

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comChina has been the focus for technological developments in the cyberspace, within the great firewall of China. Today, the social and political impact on the internet in Chinese censorship has lead to a convergence of different types of information technologies with a much broader perspective.

    This can be marked with the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) working on creating a personal domain registration system for individual web hosts in China. It has also been projected that the authenticity of the domain name owners would create a platform for various individuals applying for domain name registrations under the Chinese censorship.

    Today, the CNNIC caters to the personal applicant, which is in high contrast to the earlier times when China’s domain name “.CN” required the organization to be legally registered with the government of China and would be held liable in case of any discrepancies. It was very difficult for the individuals looking for web hosting in China as they would have to register only through an agency which was a very tedious task. According to the assistant director of CNNIC, the Chinese government has opened doors for the personal applicants, as they can create their own website and also apply filing.

    This change in the domain name registration system has been the result of a long strife between analysts and the government, stating that the rigidity in the registration system was driving individuals and resources to foreign countries and even though they did apply for a domain name in China, they were resorting to fraudulent practices, by faking agency papers in order to attain registration of domain names within the great firewall of Chinese censorship.

    Thus on December 11, in the year 2009, the CNNIC had supported this decision by stating that the government would work towards creating allocations for personal registration of domain names, as it would protect the legal rights of the Chinese internet users, real name system and administration.

    Behind the scenes, one cannot ignore the fact that china’s political leaders are trying to create an illusion of freedom in web hosting while they are trying to make a digital leap forward on the back of technological advancements by easing the Chinese censorship.

    The consequent achievements have been remarkable, with the CNNIC issuing notice that it would state that the government would verify the authenticity of the applicants and domain names that have authenticity, and precise information would be protected by the government; but the CNNIC failed to comment on the prospect of individual applicants applying for the.CN domain name.

    According to statistical reports, it has been found that among the 16.81 million domains available in cyber China, only 80% end with the.CN domain name pertaining to Chinese censorship.

  • Up Gradation of the ‘Bei An’ (ICP License)

    Up Gradation of the ‘Bei An’ (ICP License)

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comWeb hosts in China have to follow the rules and regulations set by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. According to their policies, all applicants looking for hosting their websites inside the Great Firewall of Chinese censorship are essentially required to fulfill certain regulations before registering for a domain name.

    According to the government policies, the applicants will need to obtain an internet content provider (ICP) license, before hosting their websites on the internet in China. This will aid the website in getting the approval of the Chinese censorship which is a very important requirement while doing business in the Chinese market. There is so much hype about ICP license; therefore before going any further, it is essential to decipher the ICP.

    An ICP license is essential described as Internet Content Provider License. And if the applicant is not familiar with Chinese, the ICP License is pronounced as “Bei An” in the local dialect. The ICP license is a permit that is essential issued by the ultimate authority, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the license is essential for a business or an individual interested in operating in China.

    It is critical for all websites to display the ICP number on their websites. In the absence of this, the website would either be blocked, or seems to take an extremely long time to load. In worse case, the website could also be banned including the web server if it fails to meet the requirements of the great firewall of Chinese censorship. Web hosts can easily find the application form for the ICP license by navigating to the ministry of information website that is available in Chinese language.

    Various online forms are available for English speaking as well as Chinese applicants. One can also register by filling in the online form. But before applying for the ICP license, it is essential to make sure that the web hosts have a valid Chinese business license. According to a latest update, the government of China has enhanced the censorship program by announcing that they would be making a detailed verification, in order to check the authenticity of the applicant’s information.

    And according to this new provision, all websites that have a.CN registration may be required to provide additional information at the time of registration. Chinese censorship is gaining importance and the government is now concentrating on verification of the applicant’s data, by requesting additional documentation at the time of registration for the ICP license.

    Therefore, individuals or business associations interested in applying for the ICP license will have to wait longer for their applications to be processed and verified by the government.

    Other Interesting Posts About ICP License:

  • ICP License to the Chinese Gold Mine

    ICP License to the Chinese Gold Mine

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comToday, business is booming in China, as the profits recorded by businesses in China are in mind blowing numbers. It is very tempting to invest in the Chinese SEO that has been predicted as offering sustainable growth that is very futuristic. Although one may consider, that the boom in Chinese SEO is hype, but it is definitely not fiction.

    As according to facts, the Chinese government recently passed a budget making the installation of 81 gigawatts of new electrical generating capacity in a year. According to statistical reports in the first half of 2009, the count of Chinese internet users continues to increase as 338 million, which includes 155 million mobile users and nearly 320 million broadband users. This has a high level of potentiality for web hosts interested tapping the potentiality of the internet users, for enhancing the Chinese SEO of their website.

    The statistics are even more jaw dropping when it comes to China’s chemical fertilizer industry that saw a 64% surge, in its profits with exports amounting to more than 10,000 percent in the last decade. If you are considering investing in the sheer size and growth potentialities in China, it is important to consider other aspects.

    According to China’s ministry of Information Industry, in order to host a website in china, one must possess an ICP license. In the absence of which, the website would not be allowed to gain access into the Chinese SEO market. In order to get an ICP license, one needs to have a unique Chinese business name or personal application with authentic papers.

    Many companies also tried to dodge the regulation by signing up a deal of partnership with the authentic Chinese forms but this only leads to more complications. Therefore, it is essential to get a unique Chinese business name with an authentic ICP license, in order to avoid any discrepancies in making the most of the Chinese market.

    On the other hand, foreign websites will have a difficulty gaining foothold not because of the explicit regulatory barriers of digital governance in China, but the psychology behind the Great firewall of China mainly caters to the local competitors. The inside story is that, due to connections with local bureaucrats, the local websites in china, are able to make the most of the advantages as they have access to a major portion of the Chinese market.

    Last but not the least, it is encouraging to see the increase in the number of domain registrations during the year 2008 to 2009, and the usage rate of domain names is also high. Also according to statistics, the proportion of the number of websites to domain names has also hit a record high. This has lead to the transition of maximum Chinese SEO to the next Gold Mine of China.

    Other Interesting Posts About ICP License:

  • Technocratic Policies of CNNIC For .CN Domain

    Technocratic Policies of CNNIC For .CN Domain

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comAccording to the latest news, the China Internet Network Information Center has suspended the processing of any new applications for .CN domain name registration, coming from the overseas. Webnic, a company located in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia attested that when it tried to apply for a .CN domain name registration with CNNIC in the first week of January, it was rejected under the notice that CNNIC was not accepting any overseas application for .CN domains.

    The news came as a bolt for various overseas domains that already exist in the Chinese ranking of websites. But fortunately for those, who already have a well established domain name in China, remain unaffected by the new regulation. The new policy affects the foreign as well as the domestic firms interested in web hosting and attaining a high level of Chinese ranking and acceptance in China.

    But seems like China’s policy makers and leaders, are well aware of the threat posed by an infringement of security invoked by the necessity of relying on foreign, mainly American technology and other technologically advanced states. Therefore, the policy makers seem to be dwindling in their rules and regulations regarding domestic and international rules to govern domain name registration in China. While addressing the issue, it seems that Chinese ranking policy makers tend to reflect the political leaders and traditions from which they emerge.

    According to a latest report, the internet regulators have lifted the ban on individuals from registering domain names ending with .CN. This has been confirmed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology which states that individuals are considered as eligible for web hosting, but the applicants would have to provide detailed information that would be verified for authenticity.

    According to the guidelines, as stated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the term website operators refer to the individuals and enterprises that apply for the .CN domain registration. Analysts observe that the regulators seem to be very inconsistent in setting rules according to Chinese ranking as the open welcome for the individual operators for domain registration is in high contrast to the ban on non-business entities that was set just three months ago.

    This lack of digital governance on behalf of the China Internet Network Information Center has lead to the prevalence of various pornographic websites on the internet. The regulations were very inconsistent with the economy of china, as a large number of Chinese ranking websites that were owned by individuals migrated to the other countries while other resorted registration services.

    But, according to latest reports, the CNNIC has stated that it would check the authenticity of the individual applications and register domain by the end of September 2010.

  • Million Dollar Follow – Leverage Social Media Marketing

    Million Dollar Follow – Leverage Social Media Marketing

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comMillion Dollar Follow puts the buzz in social media advertising business and can effectively make it work for you. It is a comprehensive perfectly paced advertising strategy that will transform your Twitter page into a live wire that actively implements the marketing plan available will Million Dollar Follow. It has the power to convert the tweeter tweet about the brand, product or services available with the advertising agency in sustainable competitive advantage.

    Million Dollar Follow can effectively tab the social web of Twitter tweet and amplify the current marketing strategies, by listening and participating in conversations on the Twitter page, which can drive monetization of the results. It has been found to aid the users in developing and effectively pitching a successful social media campaign on your Twitter page. One can easily signup with Million Dollar Follow and also learn to become a genuine social web entrepreneur.

    As a Twitter account holder, it is essential to build a map of all key conversations that are the generators of sales and revenue, as you evaluate every point of contact between you and the customers. It also applies various social media measuring tools in order to gauge the effectiveness of the Twitter account in propelling the products and services of the advertising company.

    In short, it is a tool that allows creating profitable relationships with like minded people available on the World Wide Web. By applying the services, the Twitter account holders learn a lot about attracting a flood of followers including fans and clients. It is also a great channel to make project yourself as follow worthy. It is the best way to market or brand your Twitter tweet online, thus increasing your influence on the social media network.

    It also reveals how entrepreneurs make massive revenues with some of the most whimsical Twitter tweet lines. Micro blogging is the future of Twitter tweets, and Million Dollar Follow has proven marketing strategies that are effective while learning to browse the internet and also make money online.

    In fact, today one can make use of their Twitter account just to connect with colleagues, friends and family members but it can also be applied for making money on the internet. Thus the users build professional communication channels and make use of the best third party hold for social media advertising like Million Dollar Follow.

    The minute one signs up with the Million Dollar Follow services, one is subscribed with 150 million dollar followers and if you get lucky you can also receive a reward for one million followers in the lottery draw.

    If you want to avail this lucrative offer on the internet you can signup with that is easily available for the users.

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