Category: Ezine

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  • Practical Approach For Recruiting Affiliate Partners Management

    Practical Approach For Recruiting Affiliate Partners Management

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe first step to get your recruiting affiliate partners management to do well is to get your products ready. Create your products and sort out all the problems. If it is a software or website you have created make sure the bugs are fix before promoting it.

    Having a faulty, untested product or service will cause you more harm in the future. You will spend a lot of time on after sales support and leave you no time to market your product. It will also affect your reputation among your partners and you may not get their support anymore in the future if you ever launch another one.

    The next step is to get a affiliate management program. You can sign up at and Both of these sites are favourite among my peers for digital products and affiliate programs. After you setup the affiliate management program, you are ready to seek out affiliate marketing partners or joint venture companies through a popular site, to promote the product or service you created.

    Here you can find individuals and joint venture companies who are eager to sell your products or services base on commission. Combining individual internet marketers and joint ventures companies to promote your undertaking will yield great result for your endeavour.

    To grab the attention of your new partners, you have to grab their attention by offering attractive sales compensation plan. How you compensation package offer to them will determine how serious and focus selling your product or service. Offer as much as you can afford to give for the commission. Make sure you have done your maths and keep enough for yourself too.

    You can offer monthly competition to promote aggressive sales results and the top seller will walk away with extra cash. You can also workout an attractive rebate system to entice your affiliates to sell more.

    Beside a well crafted compensation package to attract your potential partners, you also need to create sales tools that can produce results for your partners to use and easily accessible. Provide a quick login to partners resources and make ad banners, links, copy writings, etc, easily accessible will make your partners more willingly to sell your stuffs.

    With all these recruiting approach in mind and get it done for your potential affiliate partners and if they are excited and motivated to promote your product or service with full attention, then you have successfully created a partners management system.

  • Slide Directories Can Give Your Web Site Traffic Too

    Slide Directories Can Give Your Web Site Traffic Too

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comSlide directories can bring high quality traffic to your web site too if you do it correctly and consistently. If you are a regular blogger, you should have lot of blog posts by now. You can reuse them by turning it into slide presentation and generate more traffic to your website.

    To get your slide ready to be placed online, you can turn your blog posts into slide presentation. You can use Microsoft Powerpoint if you are a Windows User or Apple Keynotes for Mac user. Extract your blog posts into points form and present it in the slides.

    Decorate your slides with pictures to illustrate your points. You can highlight your points or keywords by bolding them. Do whatever it takes to make it attractive to your viewers. If you do not have pictures or graphics suitable for your presentation, you can do a search on Google for royalty free graphic. There are a lot of websites out there that can offer you royalty free graphic if you give the creator proper credit to their works.

    If your website is new and do not have enough contents to reuse for slide presentation, you can look at PLR (Private Label Rights) materials. Customize the PLR materials you have acquire to the requirement of your presentation. Before using PLR materials, you may want to browse through the slide directories to check for similar contents before uploading to these slide directories.

    To get your slides searchable, you need to optimize it for the search engines. Add keywords to the slide title. Make tag and description of your slides same as the title. If ten slides a day for submission, by the tenth day you should see great results coming to your desired website.

    To get good traffic coming to your desired website you have to submit one hundred slides to see the result. Reaching one hundred slides is not difficult, if you do ten slides a day you have one hundred slides in ten days. It is not difficult if you are discipline enough. The most important skill you need is ‘cut and paste’. Learn to do it fast and you can accomplish a lot in a day.

    When your slides are ready for presentation, you can submit them to slide directories. The popular ones are,, and Some of these sites accept PDF too. Every slide presentation websites have their own features and strength. Try them all and use the one that suit you the best and give you the result you want.

    With little effort and discipline, slide submissions to these directories will bring to your web site traffic you desire.

  • Hide Your Money Away and Get Free Traffic Generation

    Hide Your Money Away and Get Free Traffic Generation

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIf you are on tight budget for your internet marketing campaign, here are some common methods you can use to to generate free traffic to your website. The basic idea is to try different methods and see which one fit your overall marketing strategy. Hide your money away and try these methods.

    Use popular blogging sites, such as and to create blogs and post summary of your blog posts and hyperlink to your main website.

    Use Squidoo to create lenses about topics related to your website. Squidoo is easy to use and is fun to create contents about a single interest. is now in the top 500 most visited websites in the world now and rank top 300 in America. Having contents on Squidoo will help you channel more traffic to your desired website.

    Create a hub at Hubpages is similar to Squidoo in many ways. They both have a forum. They have referral system for us to make extra cash by signing up friends to use their services. the distinct differences are Hubpages do not allow adult contents. Hubpages has limited HTML, while Squidoo gives you more control over HTML. If you like to hard code HTML then Squidoo most likely is suitable for you.

    Another good source for for getting more traffic is through article directory. The popular ones are,, and you can search more through Google. Articles submission is a another good source for quality traffic if you have good contents for you niche market. After submitting to article directories, the next progressive to article submission is press release. There are lot of free press release directories out there, google it and find the one you prefer to use.

    Heard of This is a social bookmarking website that simplify your content syndication and bookmark distribution efforts. With Onlywire, it is fast and simple because there is only one button to click.

    If you are a video guy with lot of good home-made video, posting them to Youtube and other popular video sites will also generate traffic to your site. Video marketing is another hot trend now in internet marketing.

    When you are bored with generating traffic, you can do something more interesting by commenting other people blogs. Make sure you find blogs that allow DoFollow attribute. Forum is also another place I leave my footprint. Posting constructive posts in the forums will also generate a handful of traffic through my link in my signature.

    With all these websites that give you the potential to generate high traffic to your desired website, be sure to optimize your contents for the search engines. Lastly, make sure you do it consistently to get the optimum results.

    So now there is a good reason for you to hide your money and do it without spending a dollar to get traffic to your website.

  • How to Use List in Twitter

    How to Use List in Twitter

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comFollowing hundreds of tweeps? Need to bring some semblance of order to all the tweeting chaos? There’s a twitterific feature to simplify your Twitter page: the Twitter list.

    Lists allow you to group Twitter users into any way you deem sensible and possible. Examples of noteworthy lists you can create are family, friends or colleagues. Currently, though this may be upgraded in the future, you can create up to 20 lists and add up to 500 users to each list.

    The quickest way to create a list is to click on New List on the sidebar. Enter the desired list name and description and mark it as either public or private. Note that private lists can only be seen, accessed and followed by you. Hit Create and you can start adding users to your lists from either their profile pages or from searches. You can even add users whom you are not necessarily following. The next time you feel reluctant to swim through your tweet stream for updates on a certain group or user, just click on their list and you’ve got their static posts all filtered out for you. You can edit your lists any time by accessing them from Lists on the sidebar.

    Now that we’re done with your lists, how do you manage other users’ lists? On the sidebar of your homepage, you will find a new link Listed alongside Following and Followers. Clicking on Listed will bring you to a page with two tabs: Lists following you and Lists you follow.

    Under Lists Following You, you can control which public lists you belong to. Should you find yourself in a distasteful sounding group, you can remove yourself from it by blocking the creator. This would disable him from following you and your tweets. This can be undone in the future should you wish.

    You can follow an unlimited number of lists without having to add every single person on them to your main feed. You can maintain these lists under the Lists you follow tab. This would sorely minimize any motion sickness you could develop from an overly active Twitter home page. You can search for interesting lists that cater to your interests and even needs. Want to get news while it’s still breaking? Subscribe to a list that has major news networks on it. Keeping tabs on Hollywood? Search for a list that follows celebrities, television shows, films and even music.

    Twitter list dramatically improves tweep management and keeps you abreast on trending topics with fewer mouse clicks. It’s the most tweetsome update so far. What’re you waiting for? Get Listed now!

  • The Lowdown on Google DNS

    The Lowdown on Google DNS

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe Domain Name System (DNS) is, more or less, an Internet naming scheme. By themselves, computers and other network devices use a set of numbers (called IP addresses) to refer to themselves or to each other. We hapless humans normally do not have the capacity to remember all of these IP addresses, so we use meaningful and often worded labels (called hostnames or if it needs to go online, Uniform Resource Locators, or URLs) instead.

    These names are then stored in a hierarchal manner in machines called DNS name servers. Name servers are distributed all over the world. There is usually at least one in every domain, organization, company, school, and other major establishments.

    If you aree subscribed to an internet service provider (ISP), part of their service is the setting up DNS or your connection using their DNS name server. These ISP name servers often have caching abilities, that is, they store DNS query results for a certain amount of time, enabling another computer looking for the same URL a faster result. It is important therefore that ISPs keep their name servers and their DNS information secure, fast, and reliable. Unfortunately, some ISPs do fail in one (or in a few cases even all) of the three criteria.

    Enter free and public DNS services. There are lots of companies out there (OpenDNS, ScrubIt, dnsadvantage, to name a few) that provide free use of name servers to anyone or any devices that need DNS lookups. In setting up these DNS, you just enter the IP address of one or more of these free name servers. Thus, Google DNS really is not new in the game. What they claim is that as part of their effort to “make the web faster”, they are offering free DNS services that is more secure, faster, and more reliable that we had ever seen before.

    Some online experts conducted some quick performance tests. A ping to Wikipedia ( clocks the average speed at 288ms, a bit slower than my ISP’s name servers (clocked at 281ms) but still satisfactorily fast. For non-existent URLs, Google DNS returns with non-existent domain (NXDOMAIN) replies, which show up in browsers as the usual “Server not Found” error. This is one of the good things that make Google DNS different from most public DNS resolvers: Google is saying that they are taking a stand against NXDOMAIN redirects (i.e. the tactics of many public DNS to redirect NXDOMAIN errors to a company-made website with some links, maybe a search engine, but always with tons of annoying ads).

    Everything looks too good to be true. The Google DNS’ privacy page states that they don’t keep user-specific information, including full IP addresses of users’ computers. They do keep statistics though: of browsed websites, general geo-locations, and some other technical information, but then most other web analysis tools do that too. In short, Google DNS is just an additional way for them to know more details about how you use the Internet. No wonder people are getting the suspicion that Google is taking over the world.

  • Tweeting For Bucks – A Review on Ads Companies for Twitter

    Tweeting For Bucks – A Review on Ads Companies for Twitter

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comWith around 27 million usages per month in the US alone, Twitter is a global phenomenon. The social networking and micro-blogging site had grown multi-fold since its launch in 2006, with forecasted revenues up to $140 million by the end of 2010. There is no surprise that there enterprising people out there who want a piece of the birdie pie too.

    Simply put, the role of these ads advertisement web companies is to be the intermediary between the sellers who need to promote their product (the advertisers) and the tweeters who will post tweet ads for them (the publishers).

    For publishers, the first step is to sign up into the ad company website. Once logged in, they need to set their payment terms, including setting the price for the tweets. Advertisers will then select the publisher they like to represent them (or looking at the other side, publishers will then choose which advertisement offer they like to accept). Once everyone agrees, it is up to the advertising company to assist both advertisers and publishers, from checking up on the tweet ads made, to facilitating the payment given to the publisher.

    While the steps are generally the same, details of the offers to advertisers and publishers depend on the advertisement intermediary.

    Tweet price. While the publisher can set the price for tweet ads, the actual earnings depends on many things. One important factor to consider is if the ad company has ‘compensation options’ for the publisher to choose from. For example, Magpie ( has options for per-click, per-view, per-sale, or per-lead payments. Many cases, the only option offered is a pay-per-click one; if this is the case, it would be better to know the how much is given per click.

    Celebrities and followed tweets. Advertisers give more money if you are a celebrity (both online or offline), as well as if you have many tweet followers. A good example is Sponsored Tweets ( which offers exclusive programs for celebrities.

    Selling your twitter account? Some advertisement company (e.g., Twittad, lets you sell your account to advertisers.

    Cashing out. A tweeter must know if he can actually have an earning do thing this. Sponsored Tweets and Magpie have $50 and EUR50 respectively as cash-out price. For AdCause (, it is $25. Revtwt ( is lowest at $20. Also note that some advertisement company can only pay via Paypal.

    Check out their reputation. It is a wild world out there so be wary of advertising services with bad reputations. Check out the ad company’s credentials. Also note that even if the company is legitimate, it may not be giving that best deals to the publishers. Research for payment proofs online and read experiences from past publishers. Ask how much are the actual earnings, if there are unexplained trimmings, and how many tweets and followers do publishers have to have to earn reasonably. Use these companies at your own risk.

  • AdLy Micro Bloggers Versus Social Media Advertising

    AdLy Micro Bloggers Versus Social Media Advertising

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIf you are looking for ways in order to take advantage of the Twitter network for your business or organization, is the best choice. makes use of micro blogging, forums, opinions and reviews that are available with the Twitter ads pages. Some of the major social networks that are available on the World Wide Web include Facebook and LinkedIn. The success of your online venture depends on what you choose from the best, and avoid the worst marketing opportunities. marks the beginning of the era of endless possibilities that are available on the Social Web.

    Today, there are a large number of communities, platforms, and advertising agencies that are available with Twitter ads pages, and one has to decide on the best service and how to make the most of the social media marketing services. According to experts, Twitter ads are interested in raking plans and, measuring results and tracking the return on investments. is useful in making sense of the rapidly evolving Twitter social networking website as the email campaigns with, make a through analysis of the Twitter page before putting the Twitter ads on the page.

    This form of advertising is useful, as it enhances the company and brand value by engaging the Twitter account holders in conversations that are insightful and entertaining with marketing intentions. It is also useful to determine the tools and applications that make the social networking website an effective and strong marketing tool.

    But before, one can register with the service; the user is required to improve upon the internal operations as well as those outside the community, thereby monetizing relationship with prospects as well as customers.

    Virtually every business can make use of in order to increase sale and profits with the biggest social networking service available in the whole world. has been touted as an advertising platform that matches Twitter publishers involved in the process of micro blogging with the advertisers. All that the publishers are required to fulfill is to send out Twitter ads that are created by the advertisers. gives the publishers an authority when it comes to choosing the right advertising agency for the website. The publishers can also choose to publicize their micro blogs with specific advertisers. Micro blogs are messages that are available on Twitter for public viewing and one doesn’t have to give specific permissions for allowing the audience to view the posts on the Twitter page.

    The publishers can opt to send the Twitter ads along with the Twitters as they have to be interesting or else the users will find it very confusing. If you are interested in signing up with you can logon to their website as it is specifically designed for the Twitter publishers and one can also make money with the services.

  • Globalization of the Chinese Economy – Breaking Linguistic Barriers

    Globalization of the Chinese Economy – Breaking Linguistic Barriers

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comUntil a few years ago, Chinese Economy had been confined within the great firewall of China, and was a closed socialist economy. But today, Chinese economy is booming and is opening up to the western mode of free trade and capitalism.

    It caters to wide variety of clientele around the globe interested in banking, insurance, export import, real estate, stock market and agriculture and much more. Thus, there is a growing need to break the linguistic barriers by applying technology in order to make use of English to Mandarin translation tools.

    Technology has a knack of arranging things around us; therefore various online English to Mandarin translation services are available for English to Mandarin translation and Mandarin to English translation language pairs. Today, one can easily make use of these services in order to translate Mandarin Chinese into over 100 other languages in the world.

    Their Chinese team usually comprises of many experts and experienced translators. Each translator essentially specializes in various fields of translation like legal translation, business translation, technical translation, medical translation and many more. The services are extremely efficient and provide service based on individual translation needs.

    Technical and software translation comprises of excellent Chinese software engineers and quality assurance editors who can translate any software or website. With increasing Globalization, it is essential to transform any website from English to Mandarin language translation mode. This is considered as a long term investment which is cost effective and aids to new ventures too.

    Some of the websites also offer English to Mandarin translation and interpretation, transcriptions, voice overs, multilingual search engine optimization. Irrespective of the English to Mandarin translation needs, the websites offer translation services which are cost effective as well as exact.

    Experts state that, the best translators let their work speak for itself. According to them, for a translation to be exact, it is required that the translators should have been to China and lived among the people there. It is only when one has lived in the country, can we fully understand the culture and traditions there and get the feel of the language.

    Chinese Mandarin pronunciation, which is mostly phonetic, is difficult to master as complications may arise from its complex stress system. The need to stress does not follow any rigid rules and is pretty flexible and mobile. Therefore, for one trying to learn the sounds of the language, the correct placement of stress in sounds is the most difficult part of the task.

    Various translation tools are available online and are designed for those who want to learn Chinese Mandarin language through the online tutorial program that is fast and easy.

  • How Chinese Censorship Stabilizes the Usage of Internet in China

    How Chinese Censorship Stabilizes the Usage of Internet in China

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comEasy access to internet has its own advantages as well as disadvantages; as in the positive light Chinese internet is considered as a major source for information acquisition, interpersonal communication, social participation, practicality and much more for the Chinese people. On the flip side, internet has isolated the user from the real world and is also the cause for various mental illnesses that related to internet addiction and requires Chinese censorship. According to a survey conducted to find out the overall lifestyle recognition, the need for Chinese censorship can be grouped under internet trust, internet interaction and internet reliance.

    In the category for internet trust, the web users were analyzed for information trust as well as transaction trust. Around 84.3% users attested that the world wide web is their major source of information and 48% stated that they trust the information available on the web over Television channels.

    When it comes to transactional trust the numbers seem to be coming down, as people in china are vary about giving out their personal information over the net. Only 39.4% of internet users were willing to provide true data during online registration. It has been found that 29.4% of Chinese users say that Chinese censorship is lacking and one believes in online transactions are inadequately protected.

    Interaction on the internet can be addicting for the surfers and requires the Chinese censorship. In this 56.1% expresses an opinion poll and there has been a steep rise in the number of users taking part in important social events since the advent of internet. Around 78% of the web users attested that whenever they come across any useful and interesting information on the net, they make sure to share it with their friends on the internet.

    Among others who comment on the reliance of the common man to the internet, feel that there is a growing need for Chinese censorship as today, many people are getting addicted to the web because 77.5% of the users think that life is inseparable from it. 81.6% of the users say that the internet saves them a lot of time spent in acquiring information from other sources; it is also very convenient when it comes to the web as a life aid. However, some users feel lonelier even in the era of social networking website available online. But internet also leads to social isolation as the user is spending more time online rather than with the significant others, in the real world.

    Therefore, the Chinese censorship of the internet is very useful as it limits the usage of internet and ensures a healthy lifestyle.

  • Assetize – The Twitter Powerhouse

    Assetize – The Twitter Powerhouse

    Assetize Logo – The Twitter PowerhouseAssetize is very popular as it creates magic with the 140 character messages and is available as a Twitter ad. Assetize applies some the more serious and effective ways that can boost the business. Some of the most amazing advices with clear explanations are available at Assetize. The global presence of Assetize guarantees to transform you into a Twitter power user on the World Wide Web. One can make use of use on Twitter in order to connect with colleagues, customers, family and friends.

    Assetize makes the Twitter ad standout in the crowd of internet fanatics. It also aids in building critical professional communications channels available with the Twitter ads, that aid in speeding up the face value of the customers products and services on the internet. Assetize caters to the needs and requirements of the modern generation, and is available with an extra dosage of hospitality as the Twitter ad is converted into a powerhouse that has an appealing communications platform. The Twitter ad has high level of ambient intimacy that come in association with Twitter.

    If you are looking for ways to signup with Assetize, the application process for joining Assetize is very easy, as the user gives keywords that best describe the Twitter page and then the Twitter ad service, will run Twitters through the same account, with prior permission from the Twitter account holder. This is very convenient, as the Twitter ad agency will promote the product and services, by circulating the campaign to the Twitter followers.

    The application is processed, based on the number of followers and the marketing campaign. One is paid accordingly and the customers are very satisfied with the service. Some of the tweeters also attest that the processes for signing up with Assetize is simple and one can easily make a lot of money with the ingenious ideas.

    Moreover, the company does not make available information about the owners of the website and the domain name for public viewing. This is very unusual, as some of the most popular social marketing agencies with Twitter are very transparent in their policies. This also points towards the fact that the company has something to hide.

    It is advisable to monetize the Twitter page before signing up with Assetize as the Twitter page will be highlighted with a wide variety of Twitter account holders that signup with Assertive. The Twitter page will have a large number of audiences now and one can also make a lot of money through this method.

    These are some of the unique features of Assetize available with Twitter and serve as a powerful and appealing medium for communication that turns out to be very useful for a plethora of individual and professional needs. One can signup for the services at Assetize as the advertisements are distributed real time.

    These are some of the unique features of Assetize available with twitter and serve as a powerful and appealing medium for communication that turns out to be very useful for a plethora of individual and professional needs. One can signup for the services at as the advertisements are distributed real time.