Category: Ezine

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  • The Best of Twitter Marketing from Shoemoney

    There are many ways to make profit online these days. A lot of companies claim they can make you richer just by utilizing the online marketing system. But no one rode on the online marketing wave better than Jeremy Schoemaker. Schoemaker is the founder of the Shoemoney Group of Companies, which owns AuctionAds, and eBay marketing affiliate.

    Shoemoney is a very successful company. But as there are so many sites that claim to offer instant online earning these days, Shoemaker has a lot of competition. Moreover, some of Shoemoney’s so-called competition has given online profit a bad name as some of them turn out to be scams. This is the biggest hurdle Shoemoney has to surpass. They need to prove to the online community that they are legitimate.

    One of the best things Shoemoney did to overcome this problem was to show people tangible proof that their system really worked. Twitter marketing is a big income generator for Shoemoney. Here, Jeremy Schoemaker personally microblogs about a lot of companies. In actuality, these companies pay him to do that. So basically, the most important thing he should invest on is a big following. With Twitter marketing, Shoemoney follows social media trends and shows the Twitter community first-hand how it can make money before their very eyes and using their attention.

    Shoemoney gets paid by companies, such as Kmart, to tweet about them. Kmart pays Shoemoney $250 per Tweet. The reason these companies pay him is because a lot of people listen to him. In order for this Twitter marketing technique to succeed, Shoemoney needs to invest on a lot a good following. They were successfully able to do this by giving incentives to followers.

    In short, they ran contest with cool prize and gave giveaways every now and then. These prizes are reserved solely for the loyal followers. Having a good following would make Shoemoney’s Twitter marketing technique successful. Shoemoney doesn’t only follow social media trends; they show you how it’s used properly in Internet marketing.

    This display of practical application not only had Shoemoney making loads of money; it also showed people the effectiveness and the legitimacy of Jeremy Schoemaker’s techniques. It showed how social media trends can be translated into actual profit. What can prove Shoemoney’s legitimacy better than showing people first-hand how the magic is done?

    By getting a good following in Twitter, Shoemoney showed that you can earn money online without breaking much of a sweat. This is definitely one of the best Twitter success stories today.

  • Chinese Government and the Use of Internet

    Chinese Government and the Use of Internet

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe focus is on the use of the internet by the Chinese dissidents, members of the Falugong, Tibetan activists and other groups and individuals in the Peoples Republic of China and it also includes member from the abroad who are regarded as subversive by the Chinese authority. It also examines the counter strategies that the Chinese government has employed in their efforts to prevent and minimize the impact of dissident used of the internet. Ultimately it attempts to assess future trends in these areas.

    A comprehensive review of the impact of the Chinese government has been conducted by a survey of the numerous government officials in various categories. This includes the government officials from Washington D.C. and at the home front it includes various members from the Chinese government in Beijing. There has been discussions with dissidents, faulgong members, human rights advocates and academics that have been based in China as well as North America.

    There is a growing record of the information that is gained from the survey and it includes many relevant reports from the western as well as Chinese media. The research also includes a survey of hundreds of Chinese language websites, chat rooms and bulletin board sites available on the Chinese internet. It also includes data gathering from fieldwork in various cities in China and extensive data gathering from other sources. The report also focuses on case study that focuses on China and deals with a number of themes that are relevant to the analysis of the political impact of the internet in various authoritarian states and other non democratic regimes.

    The debate is based on the issue that supports the use of internet by the dissidents as a tool that can be used in order to promote their cause, breaking the barrier of censorship that has been put forth by the Chinese government. It is also important to determine the power and authority of the non-democratic regimes in the Chinese government. It is also more likely that the authoritarian government will use the internet as a tool to press dissent in China by imposing the Chinese internet censorship.

    The Chinese government has been condemned for imposing rules and regulations in order to silence the critics and strengthen its power in China. Today Beijing’s responses have been successful and there are no credible challenges that threaten the existence of the regime. This is prevalent despite the massive amounts of modern telecommunication infrastructure. The scale of China’s information technology modernization suggests that time maybe on the side of the regime’s opposition party.

  • Implications of the Chinese Government

    Implications of the Chinese Government

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIt is a well known fact that the Chinese civilization is one of the greatest in the entire world. Today China occupies an important position with political governance over its core territory that has remained in power longer than any other nation. The people in China have immense talent and they are very industrious when given the opportunity and Chinese internet is the best platform. Until the time of the French revolution, the Chinese government was probably unparalleled among all communities.

    The Chinese leadership is known to have a bureaucratic sophistication, wealth and as any gallery or library in the world can attest, it is the best in terms of arts crafts and literature. At the beginning of the twentieth century the Chinese authority emerged toppling the monarchy that had stood intermittently for ten times as long as the history of the United States of America. There are very few who know that many remarkable products that are taken for granted and form a part and parcel of our everyday life originated in China. There is gunpowder, printing and the compass just to name a few of the amazing products that were invented by the Chinese.

    The Chinese government has paved the way for progress in astronomy, strategies of warfare and there are many theories of hard nosed statecraft that are visible in the Chinese regime. But according to observers the nineteenth and the twentieth century have been the poorest ones for the Chinese. As according to John Paton Davis who has written a memoir called the Dragon by the Tail is calling upon the Chinese government since the fall of the monarchy in 1911-1912 which has been a disappointment for everyone.

    According to Davis the western businessmen, missionaries and educators who had tried to modernize and christianize have failed. The Japanese militarists that tried to conquer china have failed. The American government, which tried to democratize and unify China, has failed in their venture. Then the Soviet rulers who tried to insinuate control over the Chinese government have failed too. But, it is very regrettable to note that the Chinese government’s own political experiments have failed too.

    After five decades of the Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, the people’s republic of China stands as the most contradictory of the major nations from around the globe. The Chinese state hovers between a set of unsustainable authoritarian traditions cum myths like the Chinese internet censorship and an elusive modern political form to match its now transformed society and economy.

  • Governance of the Internet Freedom of Speech

    Governance of the Internet Freedom of Speech

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comToday nearly ten percent of the world’s population use the World Wide Web and many more people keep on adding to its database every day. With such a growth, the internet stands to become the most powerful tool for connecting, interacting and exchanging views by the people around the world. However, this advancement is viewed in a different way by Chinese government in authority and hence they systemically yet aggressively censor parts of Internet which they feel are damaging to the Chinese society. Anyone who tries to go against this move faces severe legal consequences which also lead to prison.

    According to the global human rights of internet freedom of speech law, this type of association requires new efforts in refuting such restrictions that directly attack the personal freedom. According to the observers, repressive authorities will cease to exist if complete freedom is granted in accessing the material on internet which is nothing but free exchange of views from around the world. According to sources, it is imperative to defend and promote the internet freedom of speech and the citizens of China must speak forcefully in support of the expression on the internet freedom of speech, work internationally or in order to protect peoples internet access and direct international broadcasting bodies to refute and speak out against such uncalled censorship.

    China is not the only non democratic regime that does not allow its people to freely browse the material given on the web and hence grant the internet freedom of speech. There are many other countries like Syria, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, North Korea, and Laos, that are forefront in restricting the freedom on internet. As per the global human rights bodies, these governments use different technical tactics to restrict the access to internet. They do this by not letting internet providing business get privatized, charging heavily on usage of email service which automatically makes it go out of reach of a common man.

    These countries are popular for using firewalls, filters and other devices to block and censor the internet. Keeping an eye on the internet activities of an individual is very common. The repressive Chinese government screens and reads emails messages and other interactive forums and search information by making use of certain keywords.

    It is very common to see that the government authorities restrict the access of an individual to certain sites thus denying internet Freedom of speech. Those who generally come under quick scanner are people who tend to visit financial or economical based, political or religious based websites. These people are initially booked and put in a list. Later action is taken against them. These are some of the known common ways through which government of china puts a ban on browsing World Wide Web freely.

  • Freedom of Speech Law – An Introduction

    Freedom of Speech Law – An Introduction

    As Featured On“Freedom of speech law” is frequently quoted by defenders of free speech in China. Yet it is rare to find anyone prepared to defend all expression in every circumstance, especially if the views expressed are contradictory to censorship on the Chinese internet. There is immense confusion regarding modern society and the value and limits of free speech. It is debatable that free speech is worth preserving at any cost. The freedom of speech law is worth defending vigorously even when the observer dislikes what is being spoken.

    The principle is at the heart of democracy, a basic human right and its protection is a mark of a civilized and tolerant society. According to the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights,” Everyone has the right to freedom of speech law of opinion and expression that right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through the media and regardless of frontiers”. It also indicates the free speech principles fundamental importance, but it is also an acknowledgement of how fragile this freedom of speech law can be if it is not protected.

    It is a bulwark against censorship as if it were a legitimate instrument to prevent criticism of the government policy. The temptation to use law or force to gag opponents of one kind or another is difficult to resist. Without freedom to criticize and challenge those acting on our behalf, democracies may degenerate into tyrannies. But it is not just governments that restrict freedom of speech law and it is not just political speech that warrants protection.

    There is immense debate regarding the freedom of speech law, its value and limitations. There are many particular laws that have wider philosophical concern about the moral justification for these laws. It is important for the citizens in China to understand the value of freedom of speech law. There is immense stress on the limitations and censorship on the internet that limits free speech. All human beings have an interest in being allowed to express them and in having the opportunity to hear, read and see other people’s free expression. Free speech is of particular value within a democratic society.

    Belief in the importance of free speech is not an inherited dogma of the enlightenment, though there are many who argue against this notion. The bottom line is that declaring a right to extensive free speech is not shorthand for the protection of the speech of those in position of power whether economic or political. It is important to have an interest in a wide range of citizens being active participants in political debate rather than passive recipients of policy being delivered to them.

  • Advantages of Chinese Search Engines

    Advantages of Chinese Search Engines

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIf there would be no search engine for the web there would be chaos. If you wanted to find something on the internet you needed to know its exact address. Where would the online community be without the search technology? Today search engines have become the sole source of organized information available on the Chinese internet. Chinese users seeking information, products or services from the popular Chinese search company known as Baidu and expect to find exactly what they are looking for. There are many search engines that know this and make it a priority to optimize the search results with the best results for each query.

    In the absence of Chinese search technology on the Chinese internet, visitors would be required to memorize and bookmark the URL’s of the websites they found through printed sources and other media. Search engines in china exist in order to bring all sorts of information to the users in China. The main goal of it is to collect pertinent information found on the website, organize it and make it easily accessible to millions of users in China. The search technology in China use a system of robots in order to scan entire web pages, including Meta tags and titles because of the enormous volume of websites in existence today.

    The data collected from each web page is used to score, index and rank the websites. The Chinese search engine finds out about a new website through clicking on a link to it from another website or when it is submitted to them for approval into their database. The ranking system is performed with the aid of algorithms, a set of rules that is used by the search engine in order to evaluate a web site by determining its relevancy to a particular search. Each major search engine on the Chinese internet uses its own methods and rules to produce search results, although most of the principles are common. Baidu is practically the most popular Chinese search company available on the Chinese internet today.

    Google is the world’s best search company but there is news that Google just renew its ICP license and with limited web presence in the Chinese domain. Most web site owners hire SEO companies in order to improve their listing on the Chinese search ranking, and Baidu is mostly targeted as it is widely used in China. There are many companies that are trying to empower the Chinese internet in order to achieve top listings, gain visibility and maintain top listings on the Chinese internet.

  • Search Engine Guide for Effective Web Search

    Search Engine Guide for Effective Web Search

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comToday more than two million people have access to the internet and use the World Wide Web in order to find information they need. The Web contains billions of documents and in the most important information source for people in the China. In most countries, people can publish what they want on the internet. But in China there is the great wall of censorship on the internet. Today the number of web pages is increasing by leaps and bounds, at a very high pace. There is no system of reviewing or organizing the enormous amount of diverse information floating behind the firewall of Chinese Censorship on the internet.

    The vast and rapidly growing amount of web documents often makes it difficult to find what you need on the internet. Instead of getting pages with the concrete information that is required from the internet, one will frequently come across lots of pages that are irrelevant to the topic. Thus one may regularly find thousands of pages with no or only a very few real hits. This happens even when there actually are many relevant pages on the internet and this is when the search engine guide comes handy.

    There is help available in the form of search engine guide that contains information that will gives the roadmap to the information that is required on the internet. The search engine guide is so good at finding simple, concrete information that you may easily be mislead to believe that the guide to search engine automatically finds all types of information for the user. In many cases where the task is more demanding, such as when the user is trying to find reliable health guidance, the user may require considerable web search skills.

    The search engine guide to web search will help you to find such information, but in this case you will need to take control over the search process and to use some of the more advanced features and tools. Thus in order to benefit from the search engine guide to search engine features and tools, the user will need to know that they exist and how they work and when to use them. There are many researches being conducted that signify that most people use only a fraction of the power guide to search engine available on the Chinese internet. For an example the users just enter one or two keywords in the search box when they want to find information. Therefore it is important to understand various each techniques for gaining access to right information on the World Wide Web.

  • Social Issues and Consequences of the Chinese Internet Censorship

    Social Issues and Consequences of the Chinese Internet Censorship

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe giant internet is just over a decade old now, but its impact is great and powerful on the entire world. It has been considered as a positive force to spread and build up democracy. But due to the elements in the society who use this powerful force to bring differences, China condemns it and considers it to be a serious threat to its society. Today internet covers many aspects of the society and many perspectives show the view of how uninhibited internet would affect social life in China. The Chinese internet censorship bars communication modes of Internet which are of unique quality, like the one which helps getting in touch with fishy kind of characterized individuals, set of groups and organized communities.

    The Chinese internet censorship put many aspects of the modern life in a new stark and poignant perspective. Among the various ramifications caused by the Chinese internet censorship, there are many that also illuminate some of the positive as well as the negative consequences of the emergent internet as a mode of interpersonal communication from the Chinese society. According to reports, when there were terrorist attacks in the world and all communication modes were cut off there are many people who will tell you how they managed to get in touch with their loved one’s by using the internet.

    At the same time, the unfolding investigation into the terrorist attacks revealed that email was primary code of communication for the network of conspirators allegedly responsible for it. The use of encryption technology made it difficult to decode the messages and so to gather intelligence about the movements and plans of the terrorist suspects making the internet a much more effective means of secretive and sinister communication and the Chinese internet censorship is vital for security. Thus the internet as a mode of interpersonal communication lends itself to both the beneficent and destructive uses and consequences ion one theme that runs through the Chinese internet censorship issue.

    Thus, in the manner of the three blind men and the elephant, the users in china are exploring the internet as Chinese internet censorship lays emphasis on the particular part of the internet communication modality that is solely responsible for the effects and the consequences. The censorship aims at focuses not just on the internet’s effect on the quantity of information transmitted but it also includes the information quality or content. It also focuses on how the information will be perceived and interpreted by the recipient.

    There is emphasis on the individual’s goals and purposes in using the internet as the internet is just like any other communications medium and the Chinese internet censorship aims at making changes in the Communications media. Thus the censorship has many implication on the Chinese society as a whole from the individual to the psychological, to the interpersonal, to the group and organization and finally to the community and governmental levels.

  • New Economy and Chinese Internet Censorship

    New Economy and Chinese Internet Censorship

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIn spite of the Chinese internet censorship, China has made rapid progress towards economic modernization and globalization has caught many observers by surprise. Some of the latest developments have sparked off a new and bold phase of economic reform and open door policy for China. Today Chinese internet censorship is opening up to radical reform measures that are aimed at preparing China for the international market.

    Today China is experiencing spectacular economic performance with its economy growing at a steady rate. The rapid economic growth is usually accompanies by rapid structural changes in the Chinese internet censorship. China’s virtual economy is undergoing restructuring with old, industries giving way to new and more sophisticated market. The same has happened to the Chinese internet as higher value added websites emerged, particularly in the last decade and bare based in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.

    As large and diverse internet economy, China can embrace and facilitate a dual process of concurrent development and transformation with very little disruption. In other words China on the other hand can bring changes in its economy and also push for faster advancement in some areas and sectors. Accordingly China’s economy in the recent years despite the Chinese internet censorship has started to develop industries or activities which are broadly defined as components of the new economy of China.

    Thus in China, the formation of the new economy has been driven by rapid globalization and the rise of Information technology. Thus this increase in the digitalization of information in the Chinese market highlights the need for reforms in the Chinese censorship. This today China is very much caught up in the relentless globalization of the IT revolution. The markets are dynamic in the new Economy and there is a global scope of competition. There are many networks for organizations that are well established on the internet.

    China has a huge competitive advantage as it occupies the top position in terms of innovation, quality, time to market and cost. The organizations give immense importance to research and innovation. There are many alliance and collaborations with other international firms, despite the Chinese censorship.

    The business government relations are favorable as the government encourages internal growth and development opportunities. But there are marked tools like the Chinese internet censorship and flexibility is the need for the day moreover there have been rapid developments in the IT infrastructure in China in the recent years and the international firms are unable to tap the huge amount of resources available in China due to the Chinese internet censorship.

  • Increase Page Rank – Common Google Page Rank Myths and Facts Revealed

    Increase Page Rank – Common Google Page Rank Myths and Facts Revealed

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comHow to increase page rank using Google’s search engine is actually a very elusive term which many bloggers and webmasters don’t yet fully understand. Because Google securely guards its page rank algorithm very tightly, only very few people will ever know the secret behind Google’s search engine secret.

    Improving your webpage rank is not an easy task to accomplish, but is fairly doable. However, many increase page rank myths today about Google’s ranking system tends to draw many people to false conclusion and belief. So to differentiate the real facts from the myths, here are some common page ranking suggestions believe today as effective ranking improver.

    Suggestion 1: The Higher Google Page Rank you get, the Higher your site will be in Google’s Search List. – (Myth)

    This suggestion is a very common myth. While websites that are ranking high in page ranks do tend to enjoy a better rank position, it does not affect Google’s search list sequencing.

    Lower ranked websites can still appear higher than websites with higher ranking which is perfectly normal. The technical details behind this are fairly understandable, but would require a very long general explanation.

    Suggestion 2: Incoming Links can Help increase page rank – (Fact)

    Incoming links can definitely give you a much better ranking position especially if your incoming link comes from a related high quality site. The important key to remember here is get highly authoritative and high generating traffic sites to your blogs as much as possible. The link should also be relevant to your webpage.

    Suggestion 3: Google’s Toolbar can help Include your Webpage in their Search Listing – (Myth)

    Google’s toolbar was not meant to provide bonus points in page ranking, or even in their search listing. However, this feature did manage to create a little confusion among webpage aspirants.

    Suggestion 4: Writing Original Content can help raise your Page Rank – (Fact)

    Avoid copying web contents from neighboring sites. Keep your articles and contents original and unique as possible. Google’s algorithm can’t really tell the difference between your content from other sites with similar content. When it does, however, recognize similarities, it sometimes downgrades all the sites sharing similar web contents.

    Suggestion 5: The more incoming links you provide, the higher the chance of getting higher rank – (Myth)

    This suggestion is 100% myth, and is a common source of false assumption. While it is true that Google does base its Page Rank system on incoming links, number does not necessarily count. Instead, it is based on the relevance, quality, and value of the link and not on amount of links provided.