Category: Ezine

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  • Tips to Help People Do SEO in the Chinese Market

    Tips to Help People Do SEO in the Chinese Market

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comSearch Engine Optimization, which is abbreviated as SEO, has become a leading Internet marketing tool. These days, if you want to reach a bigger market and earn bigger profits, you need to have a tried and tested strategy to be implemented in your website, which in itself must be designed in such a way as to attract and maintain customers. While SEO can be applied in any business from whichever part of the world, some countries have unique rules to follow which make business more challenging and exciting than usual.

    For instance, the services for SEO in China are different from the services for SEO in the United States. For instance, Chinese companies generally charge by the keyword in SEO for the Chinese market. A top-ten listing for a particular “cool word” (a word that has low return results in Google) may cost you 8,000 RMB a word/year. On the other hand, a “hot word” (a word that has high return results) may cost you 20,000 to 30,000 RMB a word/year. It is important to understand and embrace this difference in SEO culture; that is the only way to ride it and make profit from it.

    Baidu vs. Google: Content-consciousness is cool in China
    Indeed, SEO for the Chinese market is unique. One concrete piece of evidence that China has a different SEO perspective is the fact that Baidu, not Google, dominates the search engines in this country. The primary reason for this, as experts have revealed in various studies, is Baidu’s content-oriented policy. Baidu is no doubt extra sensitive to the information posted in a blog or forum. Adult content, such as pornography, and forbidden words by the Chinese government, are a complete no-no if you want not just one page but the whole of your website to rank high in this search engine.

    Of course, it is important to optimize page titles, headings, and keyword density. These factors all affect content description, which Baidu, the leading search engine in China, prioritizes. Do take note, however, that anchor-texts for incoming links, which seem to be an imperative SEO factor for Google, matters very little for Baidu, so do not dwell on these things if your target are Chinese search engines. Also, do not spend so much time duplicating content for SEO for the Chinese market – Baidu does not care much for this, either.

    Content translation is also a key factor in the success of a blog for a business based in China. Automatic tools are available these days for translating site content. This can give you better exposure than you think; many bloggers using automatic tools for translation have reported relative success. Some companies even invest on human resources to have their blog or website’s content translated in order to reach the seemingly elusive – yet very loyal – Chinese Chinese audience.

  • The Best of Twitter Marketing from Moonfruit

    One of the hardest markets to crack is the web hosting business. There are so many hosting services to choose from, which mean that competition is very tight in the market. It is often said that small fish cannot make it in big waters, especially when those waters have even bigger fish.

    A good example of a small-time web hosting company is Moonfruit. Moonfruit is a small British web hosting company. If you have ever tried Googling the phrase “web hosting service,” you would know exactly how big the competition is for Moonfruit. Moonfruit is a small web hosting business that is currently competing with large hosting sites like HostGator and GoDaddy.

    Although it’s difficult for small businesses to stand out in a dense market, it is not impossible. The key to winning, regardless of your size, is to market yourself the right way. There are several things you have to consider when planning on marketing a small business.

    First, you should know where the market is. Second, you should make yourself visible to them. And third, give them a reason why they should go for your service. This is exactly what Moonfruit did. Studying social media trends, Moonfruit started marketing their services in the microblog Twitter. Twitter marketing is currently one of the best ways to promote your business online. But no all succeed in Twitter marketing. It requires a lot of homework before it can be effective.

    Moonfruit studied the social media trends of today and found ways to attract quite a following. In Twitter marketing, the main point is to get a big following. This following will be redirected to the business’ actual site and thus generate more web traffic for the business website. It is not easy to get a strong following, but Moonfruit was very successful in doing this. Their following surged after they started a contest for their followers. But what broke the deal way the contest’s very appealing prize─ a Macbook Pro.

    The result of this ploy was simply smashing. In that short time period, Moonfruit became a household name. Everyone who was on Twitter knew them and knew what their business was all about. After the contest, everyone had Moonfruit in mind for their web hosting services. Moonfruit followed social media trends and executed their marketing strategy in Twitter very effectively.

    Thanks to Twitter, after ten years in the business, Moonfruit is now one of the most popular web hosting services available. Moonfruit’s success is the result of great social media marketing.

  • Baidu PPC (Pay per Click) Phoenix Nest to Enhance Website Exposure

    Baidu PPC (Pay per Click) Phoenix Nest to Enhance Website Exposure

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comStill reigning supreme over several other search engine companies in the country, Baidu Chinese produced yet another high quality service for their clients, Baidu PPC Phoenix Nest. Baidu PPC Phoenix Nest, also called Baidu Search Marketing Pro, is a program for the search engine’s advertisers. This program aims to allow advertisers to manipulate their own PPC accounts in the search engine, enabling them to qualify for top positions in the results of Baidu’s keyword searches. Aside from the top ranks in the results, websites with excellently managed PPC accounts are also eligible to be placed on the right side of the search results, making them very much noticeable to the public’s eyes.

    Baidu PPC Phoenix Nest is an online promotion for different advertising companies. It is a kind of SEO campaign wherein clients pay for their positions on the search engine results. With such a minimal investment, clients are guaranteed of an increased volume of customers. This is done through a careful manipulation of a PPC account, using the keyword suggestion tools provided in it and of course, paying the required fee for the search engine’s services.

    To manage your Baidu PPC Phoenix Nest and attract numerous potential customers, follow this guide on how to use your Pay per Click account.

    1. To set up your account, go to the Baidu website, and click in the link of PPC or Paid Search.
    2. The company’s site is in the Chinese language only. So if you are not speaking the language but still want to advertise in the country, contact Baidu’s SEM experts to help you with your account. The experts will assist you in choosing the keywords and advertisement for your site.
    3. The structure of your Baidu PPC Phoenix Nest account includes your account, campaign, ad group and your keyword and ads, respectively. Baidu Phoenix Nest allows different keyword relationships to your account, such as one keyword is to one ad and many keywords to one ad. Be familiar with these parts so that you can use them to improve your website. It is advisable that you control the money you spend for your PPC account. Not managing your investment might as well ruin your chances of earning from this online marketing strategy.
    4. There is a keyword research tool in your PPC account, use it. This will help you create product reviews or articles with specially targeted keywords. If optimized properly, your website will surely arrive at the top spots in search engine results.
    5. There are three types of keyword matches for your website. These are the right, broad and exact matches. Make sure that you select the appropriate type of keyword match to achieve optimum results for your site.
  • What Is Geotagging on Twitter?

    What Is Geotagging on Twitter?

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comGeotagging twitter allows you to input your exact location in a tweet. It is a new feature by Twitter, where you post your specific location down to the exact latitude and longitude coordinates. These coordinates are known as the geo tag.

    Why would you want to geo tag Twitter? You would not want to risk your own privacy. People will know your specific location, at any time and place. This is a potentially dangerous tool that can be abused by stalkers and criminals.

    First of all, you do not have to go all paranoid. Twitter is, essentially, a public broadcasting system. It is more of a public message for your friends to know who, what, when and where you are. You can pretty much say as much or as little information as you can. You can brag about your current trip in Italy. Or you can invite your friends to visit you at the café you are currently at. You can even tweet about robbing the bank in your local town. That will help the local police a lot.

    Geotagging Twitter Option in Your Account SettingHow do you geo tag? It only takes a few steps. First of all, turn on your geotagging feature on your Twitter account under the Settings menu. Geotagging twitter is turned off by default. The next thing to do is to download cell phone applications that can attach geo tags. Twitter alone cannot attach geo tags. You will need third party Twitter applications for this. One good app for this is Tweetdeck, Gowalla or Foursquare.

    Many people fail to see the importance of geotagging, but they prove an invaluable tool for marketing and promoting businesses. It is an innovative tool for informing your customers about your business. How? For example, a tourist comes to your town and would like to find a place to eat. They can do so by checking Twitter to see nearby restaurants in his location. He can also read reviews, recommendations and comments posted by others. This will prove invaluable to your business and the customers as well.

    What are other instances where geo tags will prove helpful? An individual may have heard of great recommendations from a friend and would like to try your services. Maps may prove helpful, but they can be confusing and they are hard to come by. Geo tags are easier to access.

    For now, many business establishments have used this method for their business advantage. Whether geotagging remains a mere fad or a lasting marketing tool remains to be seen. For now, it is very effective in expanding your reach to a wider audience.

  • The Best of Twitter Marketing from Kodak

    In today’s camera and photography market, competition is very tight, especially now that SLR and DSLR cameras are popular. Kodak is a well-know and trusted camera company both in the United States and across the globe. But when it comes to professional cameras, people tend to prefer brands like Nikon and Canon over Kodak. This is currently Kodak’s biggest problem.

    The professional camera’s segment of the camera and photography market is very promising. SLR and DLSR cameras are a luxury, but a lot of people are investing in them. Also, once you commit to a brand of professional camera, you stick to it as you get upgrades for you unit. This generates quite an income for the company. Kodak is lagging behind in this segment and they desperately need to get into it.

    The reason for Kodak’s problem isn’t because they aren’t as good as their competition. Their actual problem is that people don’t see their outputs. In truth, Kodak produces great photos and can easily match what a Canon or Nikon camera can produce. But since not a lot of people know about it, consumers tend to assume that they are not that good.

    What Kodak needs to do is to show people the quality of their work. And there is no better way to do this than by employing the tips of social media trends and showing off in social media platforms. Kodak has employed Twitter marketing and other social media marketing techniques to show people in the Internet how good their products are.

    Kodak’s Chief Blogger, Jenny Cisney, has a very active Twitter page that updates followers with developments in Kodak’s camera technology. In order to show people the quality of their products, Jenny posts links to Flickr Photostreams with pictures taken with Kodak cameras. Following social media trends, Kodak has joined in on the Twitter marketing bandwagon to promote their products.

    Their work speaks for themselves; all they needed to do was have people see them. This is definitely one of the best Twitter usages of a company. They promote themselves, not only with Twitter, but also with other related social media platforms.

    Twitter marketing has done wonders for Kodak. Their strategy has resulted in one of the best Twitter success stories. With the help of their Twitter updates that link followers to Kodak’s photo stream site, Kodak sales have improved immensely.

    Because of this, the Twitter community considers them every time they make a camera purchase. Following social media trends have done Kodak very well.

  • Increase Page Rank – 19 Surefire Ideas to Improve and Overcome Page Rank Myths

    Increase Page Rank – 19 Surefire Ideas to Improve and Overcome Page Rank Myths

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIncrease Page Rank through Google’s search engine and enjoy better marketing position. The secret to Increase Page Rank is based on the number of back links. Back links refer to links that will lead to your website.

    Other effective ways to increase page rank is by doing the following suggestions:

    1. Aside from back links, providing inside links to your website can also help increase your sites page rank. Try to provide additional links to your previous and next articles on your article page.
    2. Update your website regularly by adding new and unique features. This way more web traffic can be generated pushing your rank a notch higher.
    3. Creating sitemaps can also help improve your webpage’s rank. Create an XML site map for Google and text base sitemap for yahoo and then submit it to Google’s and Yahoo’s sitemap. Sign up for a Google account to see your webs weekly statistics.
    4. Trade links with other websites. Place your neighboring website’s link on your webpage and ask them to do the same on their page.
    5. Make sure you situate your primary keywords in your page title, header, and in its content.
      Try to keep your website layout design neat and simple.
    6. Write informational articles and submit it for your webpage. This will help make people perceive that you are an authority in your field.
    7. Consider hiring SEO professionals. This approach may sound a bit costly, but it is actually better rather than burning all your money on a webpage that generates no web traffic.
    8. Make sure you create unique and catchy Meta tag descriptions. Search engines displays these Meta tags in their search results so be sure to make your Meta description creative.
      Remember to always optimize your website.

    Despite adequate information regarding effective ways how to improve your ranking, there are still ideas and suggestions that continue to circulate on the web deemed not really true but still remains practiced by some. Experts call this Page Rank Myths, and here are some of them.

    Common Page Rank Myth Deemed Untrue:

    1. The higher your ranking is, the higher you’re webpage will be in search listing.
    2. Google Toolbar includes your webpage in their List of Page Rank.
    3. It is fully based on the number of back links and incoming links included in your website.
    4. Googling for incoming links using the term ‘link’ will display all your backward links.
    5. Listing your webpage in Open Director Projects will give you and your webpage additional page rank points.
    6. Google heavily considers Meta Tag descriptions to Rank websites.
    7. Google does not and will not indexed dynamic pages in ranking.
    8. Google will not penalize or list your site if you use Pop-ups.
    9. Artificial back links will result to penalty incursion from Google.
  • Why Are You Not Receiving An Error On DoubleClick Ads?

    Why Are You Not Receiving An Error On DoubleClick Ads?

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comDoubleClick is a huge company that develops and provides internet advertising services. Its clientele are wide and varied, including Microsoft, L’Oreal, Motorola, Carlsberg, General Motors, Nike and more. It was founded in 1996 and its headquarters are currently stationed in New York City, the United States. It was already huge enough to tickle the interests of Google. Google purchased and acquired DoubleClick by March of 2008. However, the company has made quite a few controversies. It has made an unfavourable reputation because it makes use of tracking cookies for its advertising purposes.

    DoubleClick Ads are a common tracking cookie placed unto your computer by various web sites. Once your PC is infected by DoubleClick, the parent companies can retrieve confidential information for their personal advantage. Companies will start attacking you with emails and pop up ads based on the tracking information.

    Up front, DoubleClick Ads look like a swell and respectable company. However, not all is what it seems. DoubleClick is linked with controversy because of its spyware qualities. Information from users and how they travel from web site to web site are recorded. They are able to record what commercial advertisements and web sites you select and view while browsing. Thus, DoubleClick is considered a malware and spyware by several organizations.

    DoubleClick Ads have also been criticized for misleading internet users by offering an opt-out option, which is highly ineffective.

    So your PC is already infected with the spyware. How do you get rid of it? Here are easy steps on how to do so:

    Download or purchase a spyware detection and removal software and install it on your computer. The best and most popular software that can do the job are Spybot Search & Destroy and Adaware. They are for free.

    Open the software and perform a scan on the software. Results will show that you have DoubleClick cookies and other types of spyware as well. The program will then give you the option to fix the problems detected.

    Select the option to start removal process. Once the process is complete, reboot the PC and rescan. Check if the DoubleClick cookies no longer show up in the results.

    If it fails to remove the cookies, run another removal process or try another spyware.

    Don’t forget to run the program and scan on a regular basis. You may not know it, but DoubleClick cookies will be downloaded without your knowledge by many web sites. Spyware scans will remove them as quickly as possible.

  • Baidu English Part 2 – Rules in Baidu SEO Ranking

    Baidu English Part 2 – Rules in Baidu SEO Ranking

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comBaidu is currently China’s number one search engine in its country, and many webmasters who does not naturally reside in China may want to build their own Chinese websites to expand their online business’ exposure. Unfortunately, Baidu English uses a different page ranking algorithm and follows a different rule. So if you want to increase your webpage rank in Baidu search engine, you should at least observe the following rules.

    Rule 1: Avoid Sex Related Content
    If you want to gain a good page rank in Baidu English keep your website free from sex related discussions or contents. Always keep in mind that China is not keenly open to sex talks. Openly discuss about this topic and your website won’t even exist in Baidu’s searches.

    Rule 2: Avoid Contents that Attacks Chinese Government
    Another thing to avoid is to display, write, or submit articles or other related contents that contain malicious and harmful information against the Chinese Government. Baidu does not allow such act.

    Rule 3: Chinese Pinyin Domains
    Baidu loves Pinyin domains. Pinyin domains are mostly written in as a .cn,, and domains. They love domains like this and are reflective in their search engine responses. So if it is possible to keep a domain name in these formats, its better to name your domain title this way.

    Rule 4: If it’s Possible, Host your site in Mainland China
    Baidu highly prioritizes websites with Chinese IP’s. They instantly give it high page rankings higher than websites that contain non Chinese IP. So it’s highly preferred to host your site in their mainland as Baidu gives in more weight to its local websites.

    Rule 5: Avoid using ISO-8885-1 Coding
    Instead of using web script in your webpage, use GB2312 or UTF-8 instead to gain higher points in rank. In addition, if you’re using a free CMS web script, it’s highly recommended to convert these scripts in to a Chinese script.

    And instead of using Joomla CMS and WordPress, opt for China’s Dede which is CMS’s English counterpart, and so on. Customizing the site should also be simple. Avoid using too much flash, Frames, iFrames, and Javascript.

    Rule 6: Webpage Content
    The number one to be followed in content is to keep everything 100% original. It is also imperative to update the website frequently, at least once a week with fresh and unique features.
    The minimum word requirement in Baidu should not be less than 700 words.

    Rule 7: Redirects 301
    And finally, after managing to change your websites domain name and URL structure, use 301 to redirect your webpage from its old domain version to its new one. Baidu also gives ranking points for 301 redirects so it pays to keep this mind.

  • Baidu English Part 1 – How does Baidu Work?

    Baidu English Part 1 – How does Baidu Work?

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIf the world has Google as their primary web search engine, China got Baidu English. Just as the infamous Google rules over the war in search engines throughout the world, Baidu too dominates this category in its homeland China. This Chinese based site is currently China’s most popular search engine that leaves Google China second place.

    Baidu uses an unusual page rank algorithm, different from Google and Yahoo. Many people assume that since Baidu has managed to out wit and out shine Google China in SEO supremacy, its algorithm should be closely related to Google China. This assumption, however, is purely false. The website’s search engine still relies on paid links mixed together with natural links. Furthermore, its adopted natural ranking algorithm and SEO rules are not really that complicated. Here is how Baidu English search engine works.

    Meta Tags, Titles, and Descriptions
    Similar to Google, Title still plays major in Baidu’s page ranking and for engine optimization. Unlike Google though, Baidu also considers Meta Tags and Meta keywords in ranking sites. So basically, the best way to improve webpage rank is by writing meaningful and attractive descriptions to a website.

    Searching Related Information
    Keywords and keyword density are also used in searching related information similar to other search engines. The amount of keywords that can be found in a website can greatly affect a webpage ranking. It is also recommended to keep the keyword density around 12-16% for better efficiency.

    Language Content
    Baidu uses Chinese language in its website, but it can also display its context and content in English depending on preference. The option to use English language is available and possible in Baidu. But since not all Chinese citizens are that keen to use Baidu English, Chinese language still remains dominant as language content.

    Alt Tag
    Another way to optimize a website in page ranking is through Alt Tags. Alt Tags are keywords that are associated with Alt text. Alt Tags are effective page rank gainer, however, it is not recommended to overly stuff things with keywords. Baidu may not penalize websites containing stuffed keywords, but it can still affect a webpage’s rank.

    Webpage Links
    Baidu, unlike Google, does not rely on webpage links. The site does not utilize a complex algorithm system in determining the relevance and quality of each links. Baidu relies more on quantity rather than link quality. Placing keywords in internal anchor text can also give positive feeds on the webpage ranking.

    Mainland Servers
    Another way to drastically improve website ranking in Baidu is by hosting sites in Mainland China. China prioritizes website based in China so they get high points and closer ranking easily.

  • Chinese URL – How to Successfully Enter Search Engine Listing

    Chinese URL – How to Successfully Enter Search Engine Listing

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comBaidu Profile Inc. or Baidu is a Chinese URL language-based Internet search engine that is popularly known in China. Currently, it is China’s top search engine site that dominates nearly 70% of the Chinese Market. Aside from Chinese language search engine, Baidu is also engaged in Online Marketing operations.

    Furthermore, the company also offers Baidu Union Service, which is a third-party online marketing software that delivers marketing services to its customers. The company mainly operates in China. However, the company has started to expand its operation by opening Baidu Japan. The company also unveiled recently an instant text messaging service called Baidu Hi in 2008. is located in Beijing China that employs 6,552 people.

    SEO Guidelines
    For interested webmasters or websites that are planning to run a SEO campaign using Chinese URL in Baidu, it would be much smarter to familiarize first the lefts and rights of Baidu’s SEO.

    Here are some guidelines on how to improve your page ranking in their SEO listing.

    Chinese URL Rewriting
    And when you are about to engage in Baidu SEO, the important thing to remember here is to keep your URL neat and clean as you possibly can. Your primary goal is to trim all these mess, making it search engine friendly as possible. There are two possible ways where URL rewriting can be applied. Allowing the web host manager do the rewriting needed and by personally managing its code, using creative titles and tags to pages.

    Chinese Character Transliteration
    One effective way of transforming your webpage into a search engine friendly page is by changing your content’s characters, especially your title page in Chinese Pinyin characters.

    This is because mostly weighs its search engine list in:

    1. Recognizing Pinyin Characters
    2. Identifying Pages with Pinyin Words
    3. Combine and link Pinyin Characters with Chinese Characters

    If you are planning to open an online business about fashion using a Chinese website, make sure you put your heading and your subheadings in Chinese text. This way, you’ll be able to increase your page ranking more effectively.

    Transliteration using Drupal
    Drupal is a very powerful web framework, and its one web framework that will definitely help you gain higher ranking position in web search listing.

    Here’s a quick guide in activating Drupal’s module:

    1. Path: Consider renaming your URL using creative aliases
    2. Path Auto: Path Auto provides a modular mechanism that produces automatically effective subheadings for your content. (page titles are examples of these)
    3. Transliteration: this module offers central service in transliterating