Category: Dilemma

My commentaries and dogmas on complicated issues.

  • My Comment On Woothemes Blog Post – A Club Reimagined

    My Comment On Woothemes Blog Post – A Club Reimagined

    Woo Themes Blog Post ScreenshotMy respond to a Woothemes blog post. You can read the post here:

    Why Woothemes And Not Others
    It took me quite a while to decide which theme clubs to choose. I took more than 6 months to evaluate all the available theme clubs, in the end I chose Woothemes because

    1. It had an active forum, although I didn’t like the way it was setup and the UI kind of discouraged me from posting and hanging around in the forum. Like one of the comments mentioned googling give you a better experience. I was using Rapidweaver before I switched to Woothemes. RealMacSoftware forum that hosted Rapidweaver support was fun and engaging. I still used Rapidweaver for deploying landing pages.

    2. It had wide variety of themes in almost all categories. It focused on theme building. I wanted themes that why I paid subscription. When Woothemes started to remove themes instead of updating it and spent it resources on plugins and other stuffs, I had in mind to end my subscription by end of 2012 if Woothemes became Woo-all-in-one. In fact I already started to look for alternative.

    3. Affordable one time fee plus monthly subscription. I had the liberty to change themes to fit my growing websites as and when I wanted without having to pay for another themes. Now I was disappointed because every now and then you heard WooCommerce and other plugins and I had unpleasant feeling of Woothemes trying to up sell subscribers with all these plugins. And one fine day, out of a sudden, they would announce, we had removed these plugins because nobody were using it.

    4. It had affiliate program. It was sad that it was hacked and changed to a new platform and I had to manually changed all my affiliate links in a tiresome way with a sudden notice.

    5. And most importantly, Woothemes was cool! I like the Themes but now, WooCommerce themes were really boring.

    Why I Was Planning To End My Subscription
    After reading this blog post, I felt most certainly I would end my subscription and move on to other alternative because

    1. Woothemes core interest no longer focused on theme building. I thought WooCommerce should spin-off as an entity so that it would not drain the resources of Woothemes, if it was not leveraging on it.

    2. No more searchable forum. My belief was a forum and support ticket should go hand in hand and not choose only one option.

    3. I didn’t like to see freebies plugins that try to lure you to pay for add-on. Is like I gave free inkjet printer to you but you have to buy my ink cartridge. Felt like cheapskate marketing to me. How about a monthly $5 for WooCommerce plugin and gave access to all the add-on. This should be the Woo’s way!

    4. Undesirable sudden change. I wondered what next gonna shocked me!

    Regarding Older Themes
    There were a lot of older themes I would like to use but I was not able to use them because most of them were not updated to be compatible with newer version of WordPress or plugins. In the end I had a policy in place not to use older themes and only used themes that were less than one year old. My sentiment was, not user didn’t use older themes anymore because it was old, it was not use because it was no longer updated to match the latest WordPress and plugins.

    I really liked the Estate Theme when it was first launched. I downloaded it when it was released and tested and customized to fit my needs until now. When I was about to create the website using Estate, it was removed. Imagined the time I spent on Estate to fit my needs and Woothemes just removed it just like that. So were other themes that was in my lab site.

    This led me to another new policy, used Canvas to replace all older Woo themes so that I would avoid another shock when older woo themes not working properly when WordPress got updated or suddenly removed from download section.

    My suggestions to Woothemes,

    1. If resources were limited, capped your themes to 100 or whatever size you felt comfortable, if you expired a themes, add a new one.

    2. Add a Facebook like option to all your themes. I believed all Woo members would enjoy voting themes and you should get a better idea which were your members favorites. A feature like this would help you decided which themes to expire and update.

    3. Expand the download section with more details about the themes. Gave all themes a life cycle indicator so that members knew when the themes were created and when it would expiry. Assuming all new themes had a 36 months to expiring. And the last 6 months before expiry the themes would go red, warning us it will be expired and no longer renewed. If it goes green, it means extended for another 12 months or whatever time frame you deemed fit. A yellow indicator, requested member input to vote for expiry or extension.

    In this way I thought we would all be properly informed and better communicated and we would be much better developing websites. I would be happy and not shocked to find out after months of lab testing and about to deploy, the themes were no longer available.

    How I Would Run Woothemes
    If I were the boss of Woothemes, this was what I would do.

    1. Do we really need another eCommerce plugin? There were already a handful of good eCommerce plugins out there. I would dedicate my resources to collaborate with the developers to build their plugins designed for Woothemes. A co-branding effort, in this way I would cross sell my themes to their users to expand my membership base and focused on improving the themes.

    2. Since I had WooCommerce now, as mentioned earlier, I would offer a monthly subscription to member and grant all access to add-on. Monthly subscription might be WooMembers add $2.00. WooCommerce Members at $5.

    3. We had a lot of mature plugins out there now. I would subcontract and co-brand with these developers to customized plugins for Woothemes. For example, Woothemes had it own built-in SEO into the themes. Wouldn’t it be good to have 3rd party developers to joint the WooCommunity and built SEO plugins specially for Woo. Since these developers were already specialized in their fields and giving free plugins or donation-ware, I believed these developers would be happy to customised their plugins with Woo if there were some financial incentive. In this way, Woothemes need not developed everything but certified plugins specially for Woo products to grow the brand and membership instead of leeching from existing members.

    4. Now we had WooCommerce, were we going to have WooForm one of these days? WooSEO? WooSocial? WooAffiliates? Woo-Watever? I thought co-branding would be a more cost effective and specialized for already matured products. I am not against developing own plugins but I didn’t like the idea to offer what was already matured in the market.

    5. All certified Woo plugins, directly download within the themes option.

    6. I rather built WooSocial than WooCommerce. My point was to create new market, new product or improved products to maturity. WooSocial is a all-in-one-social-plugin that would convert your themes to be engaging with your audiences. I haven’t seen one good social plugins yet. I believed most of us installed and maintained multiple plugins to solve this area of interests.

    7. Weren’t we suppose to be Web 2.0? Going social? I felt that Woo websites were not social at all. I would make so engaging that people would like to hang out in Woo forum just like hanging out in Starbucks was cool thing to do! I would turned my Wooworkers to be active forum mod or contributors. Doing so, I believed it would foster a better relationship between WooMembers and WooWorkers and thus created more sub-contract opportunities. It was so unpersonal and un-icebreaking to send an email requesting for a quotation.

    I should stop now, going further would be out of topic. Thank you for reading my comments.

    More about WooThemes.

  • Chinese Government and the Use of Internet

    Chinese Government and the Use of Internet

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe focus is on the use of the internet by the Chinese dissidents, members of the Falugong, Tibetan activists and other groups and individuals in the Peoples Republic of China and it also includes member from the abroad who are regarded as subversive by the Chinese authority. It also examines the counter strategies that the Chinese government has employed in their efforts to prevent and minimize the impact of dissident used of the internet. Ultimately it attempts to assess future trends in these areas.

    A comprehensive review of the impact of the Chinese government has been conducted by a survey of the numerous government officials in various categories. This includes the government officials from Washington D.C. and at the home front it includes various members from the Chinese government in Beijing. There has been discussions with dissidents, faulgong members, human rights advocates and academics that have been based in China as well as North America.

    There is a growing record of the information that is gained from the survey and it includes many relevant reports from the western as well as Chinese media. The research also includes a survey of hundreds of Chinese language websites, chat rooms and bulletin board sites available on the Chinese internet. It also includes data gathering from fieldwork in various cities in China and extensive data gathering from other sources. The report also focuses on case study that focuses on China and deals with a number of themes that are relevant to the analysis of the political impact of the internet in various authoritarian states and other non democratic regimes.

    The debate is based on the issue that supports the use of internet by the dissidents as a tool that can be used in order to promote their cause, breaking the barrier of censorship that has been put forth by the Chinese government. It is also important to determine the power and authority of the non-democratic regimes in the Chinese government. It is also more likely that the authoritarian government will use the internet as a tool to press dissent in China by imposing the Chinese internet censorship.

    The Chinese government has been condemned for imposing rules and regulations in order to silence the critics and strengthen its power in China. Today Beijing’s responses have been successful and there are no credible challenges that threaten the existence of the regime. This is prevalent despite the massive amounts of modern telecommunication infrastructure. The scale of China’s information technology modernization suggests that time maybe on the side of the regime’s opposition party.

  • Implications of the Chinese Government

    Implications of the Chinese Government

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIt is a well known fact that the Chinese civilization is one of the greatest in the entire world. Today China occupies an important position with political governance over its core territory that has remained in power longer than any other nation. The people in China have immense talent and they are very industrious when given the opportunity and Chinese internet is the best platform. Until the time of the French revolution, the Chinese government was probably unparalleled among all communities.

    The Chinese leadership is known to have a bureaucratic sophistication, wealth and as any gallery or library in the world can attest, it is the best in terms of arts crafts and literature. At the beginning of the twentieth century the Chinese authority emerged toppling the monarchy that had stood intermittently for ten times as long as the history of the United States of America. There are very few who know that many remarkable products that are taken for granted and form a part and parcel of our everyday life originated in China. There is gunpowder, printing and the compass just to name a few of the amazing products that were invented by the Chinese.

    The Chinese government has paved the way for progress in astronomy, strategies of warfare and there are many theories of hard nosed statecraft that are visible in the Chinese regime. But according to observers the nineteenth and the twentieth century have been the poorest ones for the Chinese. As according to John Paton Davis who has written a memoir called the Dragon by the Tail is calling upon the Chinese government since the fall of the monarchy in 1911-1912 which has been a disappointment for everyone.

    According to Davis the western businessmen, missionaries and educators who had tried to modernize and christianize have failed. The Japanese militarists that tried to conquer china have failed. The American government, which tried to democratize and unify China, has failed in their venture. Then the Soviet rulers who tried to insinuate control over the Chinese government have failed too. But, it is very regrettable to note that the Chinese government’s own political experiments have failed too.

    After five decades of the Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, the people’s republic of China stands as the most contradictory of the major nations from around the globe. The Chinese state hovers between a set of unsustainable authoritarian traditions cum myths like the Chinese internet censorship and an elusive modern political form to match its now transformed society and economy.

  • Governance of the Internet Freedom of Speech

    Governance of the Internet Freedom of Speech

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comToday nearly ten percent of the world’s population use the World Wide Web and many more people keep on adding to its database every day. With such a growth, the internet stands to become the most powerful tool for connecting, interacting and exchanging views by the people around the world. However, this advancement is viewed in a different way by Chinese government in authority and hence they systemically yet aggressively censor parts of Internet which they feel are damaging to the Chinese society. Anyone who tries to go against this move faces severe legal consequences which also lead to prison.

    According to the global human rights of internet freedom of speech law, this type of association requires new efforts in refuting such restrictions that directly attack the personal freedom. According to the observers, repressive authorities will cease to exist if complete freedom is granted in accessing the material on internet which is nothing but free exchange of views from around the world. According to sources, it is imperative to defend and promote the internet freedom of speech and the citizens of China must speak forcefully in support of the expression on the internet freedom of speech, work internationally or in order to protect peoples internet access and direct international broadcasting bodies to refute and speak out against such uncalled censorship.

    China is not the only non democratic regime that does not allow its people to freely browse the material given on the web and hence grant the internet freedom of speech. There are many other countries like Syria, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, North Korea, and Laos, that are forefront in restricting the freedom on internet. As per the global human rights bodies, these governments use different technical tactics to restrict the access to internet. They do this by not letting internet providing business get privatized, charging heavily on usage of email service which automatically makes it go out of reach of a common man.

    These countries are popular for using firewalls, filters and other devices to block and censor the internet. Keeping an eye on the internet activities of an individual is very common. The repressive Chinese government screens and reads emails messages and other interactive forums and search information by making use of certain keywords.

    It is very common to see that the government authorities restrict the access of an individual to certain sites thus denying internet Freedom of speech. Those who generally come under quick scanner are people who tend to visit financial or economical based, political or religious based websites. These people are initially booked and put in a list. Later action is taken against them. These are some of the known common ways through which government of china puts a ban on browsing World Wide Web freely.

  • Freedom of Speech Law – An Introduction

    Freedom of Speech Law – An Introduction

    As Featured On“Freedom of speech law” is frequently quoted by defenders of free speech in China. Yet it is rare to find anyone prepared to defend all expression in every circumstance, especially if the views expressed are contradictory to censorship on the Chinese internet. There is immense confusion regarding modern society and the value and limits of free speech. It is debatable that free speech is worth preserving at any cost. The freedom of speech law is worth defending vigorously even when the observer dislikes what is being spoken.

    The principle is at the heart of democracy, a basic human right and its protection is a mark of a civilized and tolerant society. According to the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights,” Everyone has the right to freedom of speech law of opinion and expression that right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through the media and regardless of frontiers”. It also indicates the free speech principles fundamental importance, but it is also an acknowledgement of how fragile this freedom of speech law can be if it is not protected.

    It is a bulwark against censorship as if it were a legitimate instrument to prevent criticism of the government policy. The temptation to use law or force to gag opponents of one kind or another is difficult to resist. Without freedom to criticize and challenge those acting on our behalf, democracies may degenerate into tyrannies. But it is not just governments that restrict freedom of speech law and it is not just political speech that warrants protection.

    There is immense debate regarding the freedom of speech law, its value and limitations. There are many particular laws that have wider philosophical concern about the moral justification for these laws. It is important for the citizens in China to understand the value of freedom of speech law. There is immense stress on the limitations and censorship on the internet that limits free speech. All human beings have an interest in being allowed to express them and in having the opportunity to hear, read and see other people’s free expression. Free speech is of particular value within a democratic society.

    Belief in the importance of free speech is not an inherited dogma of the enlightenment, though there are many who argue against this notion. The bottom line is that declaring a right to extensive free speech is not shorthand for the protection of the speech of those in position of power whether economic or political. It is important to have an interest in a wide range of citizens being active participants in political debate rather than passive recipients of policy being delivered to them.

  • Google Freedom of Speech – In The Mercy Of The Chinese Law

    Google Freedom of Speech – In The Mercy Of The Chinese Law Landing Page - Google Freedom of Speech - In The Mercy Of The Chinese Law
    When Google redirects Chinese users to it Hong Kong search engine, Google thinks they have win the Freedom of Speech war. Everything seem fine and quiet for awhile and they are proud to circumvent the Chinese law and bypass the Great Firewall of China.

    As the saying, calmness before the storm. Is the storm coming? From The Official Google Blog, Google ICP (Internet Content Provder) license is due today, 30 June. Today, Google once again put itself in an awkward position, Google still in the mercy of the Chinese law. Without the ICP license, Google is out of the China market. The recently fight over Chinese censorship, Google loses it face and redirect China users to Hong Kong.

    In the article from Computer Weekly, China Threatens Google Following Hong Kong Redirect, Computer Weekly uses the word ‘threaten’. I think it is a propaganda and have no regard for other country laws. As the Chinese saying, every home has it own rules, every nation has it own laws (家有家规,国有国法). When a law of a nation is not in favour to a corporate strategy, it does not threaten it. If the law do not suit your corporate mission, you can look for other greener pastures. No one force you to stay in China. Do not be a moron, saying China threaten you.

    Google and foreign corporates, especially American corporations, I think is time to learn to respect and stop hiding your corporate ego behind the freedom of speech. Start learning to respect the law of a sovereign nation.

    So who has the last laugh? I think is me, seeing Google the 4-colour corporate clown on the world stage making a fool of itself!

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  • Google – Empty Vessel Makes the Most Noise

    Google no respect for Chinese censorship
    Why Google always complaining about the Chinese censorship and not Microsoft and Yahoo. We do not hear so much nonsenses from other search companies but Google. And once a while from Matt Mullenweg too! Why?

    China is a country with fifty-six ethnic groups, sharing land borders with fourteen countries. World largest population with a recorded population of 1.3 billion plus another estimated of at least one billion unregistered citizens and now the second largest economy in the world.

    A big growing nation with so many cultural and ethnic differences, and fourteen different borders to defence, not including those still disputing over territorial rights, the Chinese government is managing their lands and people as one unified country and will not allow extremists or religious zealots to cause instability to the country or dethrone its sovereignty.

    As a sovereign nation, the Chinese government is doing it best to protect it citizens. China still have a huge population of less educated citizens and these people can be easily manipulated by extremists. Using technologies from Google and Twitter, an extremist can easily raise an army to go against the government.

    If the supremacy of the President of the United States has been compromised, schedules of the president publish on the internet and articles circulating on Twitter with title like ‘Three Easy Steps To Kill The President’. Will Google in the name of freedom of speech allows such contents to circulate freely? I believe any country leadership that is threaten by contents on the internet, the government will take it own initiative to censor, like the chinese censorship, and protect it sovereignty, just like catching illegal arms dealers smuggling arms into a country.

    So many years have past, why Google has not learn it lesson and still cannot grab a stable foothold in the Chinese market? China has four thousands years of history. It has it own diverse cultures and beliefs the country still trying to cope with. Most of the families are still poor today and still depending on farming or living on daughters’ hard earned money from prostitution. China has come a long and hard way in it reform and it is still learning to fit itself into the modern world.

    Does Google really has an understanding of the Chinese market or it just a bimbo brand? If you do a Chinese keyword search and compare Google search results for Chinese based contents to other Chinese search engines, it will show you how Google is so lack behind. This indicates to me that Google do not have an understanding of the Chinese internet. From the beginning, If Google has take it time to understand the Chinese culture and learn the Chinese way, I believe by now, Google is also the number one search engine in China.

    Google please do not impose your western education in a Chinese culture. Instead learn to blend in your enriched western technologies into Chinese censorship, helping the Chinese government to build a better future and not condemning it to build your own egoistic empire at the expense of a country sovereignty.

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  • Why Google Fails in China and Humping Over Chinese Censorship Over Now and Then under Chinese censorship
    All of us have our crafted reasons why Google fails in China and humping over Chinese censorship over now and then. Most of us will blame it on the Chinese government. For me, here are my reasons.

    Google did not localise it search engine and products for the Chinese market. Google offers a factory default packaging which is not even fit for the entire chinese market. Recent years Google is modifying it products to be in better position to compete with local competitors but it is advancing slowly. Take a look at McDonalds the fast food chain in China. Knowing that burger is not Chinese type of food, it learns fast and quickly adapts to the diverse Chinese cultures and offer food that is more appealing to the Chinese people of different ethics groups. Different McDonalds restaurants at different locations offer different type of food and not a one-size-fit-all burger.

    Google is egoistic and think that he is the superstar and and we all adore him. Sad to say, how can a superstar do not love his fans. Google only think for himself and not how he can contribute to make China a better place on earth. China is a big country with fifty-six minority ethics groups to manage, sharing fourteen land borders with many hostile neighbours. All Google cares is singing his freedom of speech song, neglecting China peace keeping efforts can be easily destroy in the abusive name of free speech.

    Google rely too much on technology. This world is fill with people and human beings use Google not robots. China is a country with four thousands years of history deeply rooted in ‘guanxi’ (connected relationship). Connected relationship is people deeply related to one another and helping one another for mutual benefits. Every expat living in China will learn this Chinese vocabulary and understand how Chinese people work and how Chinese organisations are intertwine. Without the rightful connected relationship, you will get to no where. In China, connected relationship comes first. Technology second.

    Google has no understanding of the diverse Chinese cultures and the peace the Chinese government trying to maintain. Chinese people are smart and hardworking and are very good at abusing what they have at hand and circumventing the laws. Chinese people are hunger for wealth and will do anything to make them rich instantly. Take a look at all the pirated stuffs available in China, fake Nokia N95, fake ATM booth to steal your card PIN numbers, etc. Restricting certain technologies and web services available to the public help to protect Chinese citizens from being a victim from technology abuse.

    The Chinese censorship is in place to protect the citizens and not to fend off western invasion. China is a growing nation and many Chinese are still lowly educated and cannot differentiate a fake iPhone from a real one. It takes time for the nation with more than 1.4 billion people, to grow mature and every Chinese learns to protect himself.

    Why Google cares so much about how it search engine should work in China? If Google understands all these and help with the Chinese censorship, Chinese people will grow faster in due time. China will soon to be a safer place on earth and Chinese people will embrace Google in the near future.

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  • Three Reasons Why Google Should Leave China

    Search Chinese Article On
    Google leaving China or not, is not an important issue to many people like us living inside the great firewall of China and for people searching for Chinese article contents because Google do not play any important role in our internet life.

    Here are the three reasons why Google should leave China and as early as possible.

    No big difference. When you talk about searching for Chinese article contents, it is a waste of time using Google. Search using or make not much different in your search. Main differences are, you do not see youtube video and other blocked websites, and reorder of search results for The only benefit is, if you search with Hanyu Pinyin in you get the option to choose to search the Chinese characters instead of Hanyu Pinyin, which is already a typical feature in a Chinese search engine.

    Too many keywords search. Searching for your hard to find chinese article contents from Google may take you from five to ten keywords. A typical Chinese search engine, will take less than five keywords to find what you want. If you are looking for a hard to find mp3, Google may give you the result after the tenth page. A Chinese search engine will most likely give you the result on the first page. This tells me a lot about Google and it commitment to the Chinese market. Google do not care about how the Chinese people way of life and if they do, Google search engine will be more Chinese search friendly.

    Google is a stupid name. Google in English has no meaning to the Chinese people because majority of the Chinese do not read English. Having a Chinese Google name and not using it, makes Google more stupid. In the Chinese internet world, Google uses the English Google name mix with chinese characters on the search buttons and heading tags to form a sentence and this is annoying to the majority of non-english Chinese users. Mixing them is like reading Japanese and English texts combine together. Who the hell knows what it means!

    Google should learn from his competitor, Yahoo. Yahoo uses the Chinese Yahoo name in everything they do, including offline promotion. An interesting fact here is, people hear of Google know Chinese Yahoo name but people hear of Chinese Yahoo name may not know Google. I think is time for Google to sell themselves as GuGe, the Chinese friendly name, or else is about time for Google to leave.

    If you ever need to search for Chinese article contents on the internet, do a comparison next time and see if Google give you what you want faster or a typical Chinese search engine will serve you better. Test it out!

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