Category: China Internet

Articles about internet in China.

  • Optimum Usage of Internet Applications in China

    Optimum Usage of Internet Applications in China

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comAccording to statistics, the number of Chinese internet users that are interested in acquiring information from the internet by making use of search engine application, has been found to be 69.4%. The Chinese search engine can be summed up as a world of searchable databases that provide relevant documents in order to meet the needs and requirements of a wide variety of clientele. Today, search engines available on the internet have become a way of life, and the users expect a lot from the Chinese search companies.

    According to a survey the Chinese internet users make use of the Chinese search technologies to ask vague questions about topics in order to find relevant information about that topic. The solutions are fast and concise with relevant information, but due to the growth of the internet applications, people are finding it difficult to scan a large number of results in order to find the right information.

    Today, search engine has become the fabric of the society as now the Chinese can access information in the matter of a few seconds. This is in high contrast to the earlier days when one had to get to the library and make a detailed search for the right information that is very time consuming. The Chinese internet users also make use of the search engine for online shopping, social networking and online banking and in the new face of communication in China. Many users also make use of the search engine in order to earn money mostly through some of the latest techniques involved in online advertising.

    Today, there is an increasing demand of search technology for the Chinese, as the internet user is interested in acquiring useful information. If the user is looking for information about the various resources available for online shopping, the other facilities include the keywords that need to be entered for finding the results, after which the user will be presented with a list of relevant information about the query. One can scan the results in order to find the best solution. On the completion of the task, the user will have a feeling of satisfaction and develops a positive impression about the search engine and the internet experience as a whole.

    Statistical report on internet users in China shows that 68% of Chinese internet users made use of this internet application during the year 2008. This figure increased to 69.4% during the year 2009 and according to the latest reports, the growth rate of internet users that make use of the search engine internet application has been found to be 15.6% which is very good for the Chinese internet economy.

  • The Chinese Cyber Wave

    The Chinese Cyber Wave

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIn the past few years, it has been noted that all Chinese internet users talk about internet technology. In fact, the Chinese are making use of the new internet jargon where everything starts with the letter ‘e’, as there is e-shopping, e-mail, e-commerce and much more. Today, the world has been transformed into a small place devoid of any borderlines and the Chinese users can easily access the internet that is revolutionizing the world, with its state of the art technology.

    This transformation can be best evidenced by an online survey and according to this, the number of broadband users has reached the 320 million mark out of the total of 338 million Chinese users as recorded in the year 2009. The number of broadband Chinese internet users who access the internet by this mode, make 94.3 percent of all internet users.

    Statistics reveal that China is lagging behind in the usage of broadband internet speed. On the other hand, the internet users who made use of their mobile phones in order to access the internet have been found to be 155 million. This accounts to almost half of the total number of internet users. The availability of 3G technology in mobile phones has made it feasible for the people to easily access the internet from their mobile phones.

    Technology has a knack of making things easily available for everybody. In fact, today internet has become a part and parcel of life and it influences the way the Chinese do their work, communicate and do their shopping.

    This cyber wave has been strategic in transforming the concept of work and has been revolutionizing the economy at a very fast pace. As a matter of fact, the people who are scared of technology and think that it is only for the techno geeks; are realizing that internet is the future of this world and it has many advantages. Various businessmen, business executives, researchers, academicians and technologists in China make the small base of Chinese internet users, who access the internet for information and networking.

    There are a large number of internet users that make use of this facility for entertainment. According to statistics, the number of users that access the internet for entertainment has been found to be more or less stable as there are 30 million users who play online games and around 16.1% of users like listening to music available online. Social networking on the internet is the new face of communication for the internet users as the internet technology has a high level of connectivity linking around 400 million users around the globe.

  • The Growth of Internet Economy in China

    The Growth of Internet Economy in China

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe development of Chinese internet technology and ecommerce represent the historical, current and future aspects of the ecommerce industry. In fact, the Chinese internet technology is changing the face of the ecommerce industry, especially at the global front. Although one cannot predict the future of ecommerce in the virtual world, but one can certainly draw inferences from a critical observation of the present scenario in China. Presently, the Chinese internet broadband users have witnessed a record low in the number of IP addresses and websites that have been used since the year 2007.

    According to a survey, the infrastructure of internet technology in China remained unfazed by the financial crisis in the United States of America, a large number of Chinese internet users have been recorded in the first half of the year 2009. Statistics confirm the number of internet users in China to around 338 million estimates. This indicates a steady increase in the number of internet users and is around 13.4 percent more than in 2008. China has been revolutionizing the mode of information technology and industrialization at the state level by inculcating various policies that are aimed at enhancing the network infrastructure for the country.

    The national strategy for information development from 2006 to 2020 has propelled the manpower force and other resources required for making information platforms in order to ensure that the internet users have an easy access to the World Wide Web.

    The steady increase in the demand for internet access in China can be attributed to the evolution of sophisticated technology and its applications in mobile phone technology that has made internet easily accessible to the common man. Moreover, the software and hardware required for accessing internet has been simplified and the networks are constantly monitoring their products and services in order to make sure that the users are totally satisfied. The decline in the cost of broadband internet access, combined with a simultaneous downfall in the cost of user platforms has been instrumental in bringing internet to the forefront, thus revolutionizing business.

    Although many Chinese internet users are vary of giving their personal information on the internet, they are still contributing to the advancements in ecommerce. In fact, they are indirectly contributing to the global economy in many ways that are not quantifiable. But, one can definitely predict the future of ecommerce in the virtual world. The various ecommerce websites cater to a wide variety of clientele from around the globe and there are no definitive borders. The internet users in China are strategic in bringing about a revolution in internet access, tools and appliances that make the internet economy.

  • How to Tackle the Chinese Market

    How to Tackle the Chinese Market

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comIt is paramount in the understanding of the Chinese market that their personal preferences need to be considered. This can be easily expressed through the development of test systems that will determine how they prefer their websites to appear and how relevant should the search engine feeds they receive be.

    The Chinese search engine is one of those that are still being developed, thus it is still not capable of a full scale implementation of the universal search technology. Some sites like Google have started the revolutionary method of allowing for search engines to translate content into a more understandable paradigm. With this enhancement, many search technologies followed suit and gave way to the understanding of the need of a new system that allows for this capability in a full scale implementation.

    The Chinese search engine is an effective method that can be used to tackle and understand the Chinese market. With the preference of vernacular language so that everyone will understand the contents of the page, the Chinese market is being paved. Whoever comes up with a search technology that knows how to convert the contents of pages into a more reasonable portfolio will win the bargain. Consequently, those who are able to develop a search engine that knows where to locate local entries for the use of Chinese users are encouraged.

    If the profile of the country is to be indicative of its importance, the Chinese profile will definitely make it to the top of the list. Not only is China included in the countries that have been boosted by Information Technology businesses, it is also one with a high number of internet users that contribute to its importance. With these many Chinese users to cater to, there is a need to understand how best to serve them.

    It is easy to understand the Chinese market. All one has to do is know the sites that they visit often and research on why they prefer these sites. It is recommended to start with the social networking sites Chinese often visit and start from there. Different networks have different functionalities, and you will know which is preferred by the users in the number of users. Be adamant in this process, for taking proper measures will ensure that you will succeed in the Chinese market.

    After all the details of what they want included in the Chinese search engine is noted, you can work on a normal search engine and customize it so that it will be able to give you an edge in the Chinese market. With proper investment in the crawlers and the search engine to use, you are guaranteed that the Chinese industry will be yours to conquer in no time.

  • Get Set China For the Affiliate Marketing Race

    Get Set China For the Affiliate Marketing Race

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comWith more than 300 million Chinese internet users, China is the country with the largest population of internet users. The reason why many internet search engine companies wanted to penetrate the Chinese market is because the sheer size of the Chinese population will earn millions of dollars in revenue. Imagine surpassing the number of internet users in the technologically advanced United States? IT should not come as a surprise since the Chinese have been vying for various top spots in the international race.

    Look at how Google is fighting to increase its shares in the internet search engine market. 31.3% is not bad for a foreign company like Google. Although the leading company, Chinese internet search engine Baidu, still has the upper hand in this market, foreign companies are confident that they will be able to get into the market in time. A little more research must be done in order to fully understand how the new market thinks.

    Expansion in China is equated to expanding operations in the country where the world’s largest internet users can be found. There’s just too much potential that can be generated through doing business in China. And it will surely generate jobs that will help Chinese people ultimately.

    Unfortunately, the strict control of the communist government of China is in conflict with the freedom that overseas companies would want to implement. The recent bad blood between Google and the Chinese government proves that there is still a strict and compelling force in this country that prevents even multinational companies from doing what they want or what they have to do.

    Restraints and censorship on search engine queries and e-mail activities of peace campaigners are strictly discouraged by the government to the point of hacking Google’s complex algorithms in order to access these emails purportedly sent by Chinese rebels who want to seek help from international organizations.

    But even though this kind of conflict is currently happening in the country, this must not discourage internet companies to expand their operations to this highly populated country. The goal here is to make as much significant business transactions that will benefit both their company, the people of China and the government of China. By doing so, you are contributing to their economic growth which is the cornerstone of all countries aiming to become first world countries.

    Beating Baidu is out of the question-competition is good because it improves the quality of products in the marketplace. As for now, Baidu exists as the hallmark that Google and other internet companies must surpass. In the mean time, while they are still working on their strategies to a larger part of the population as clients, they must learn well from how Baidu provides the information Chinese internet users in China need.

  • SEO in China

    SEO in China

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comChina is an important market that developers need to consider when developing a new line of websites or search engines. Why is China relevant? This is because China contributes to the large number of prospective users that need to be catered to, and also because there are a significant number of users contributing to the IT market. China is not only one of the leading edge countries that ensure their ability to contribute to the market, as well as its ability to contribute to the market.

    China is as important as the United Kingdom and the United States of America, both equally powerful and dominating when it comes to online services. Not only are most of the products known to UK and America available online, their number of literate people is commendable-like in China. Regardless of the difference in population, the literacy rate of China is close to that of UK and America, which further makes it a contributing factor to the market situation.

    It has been seen that search engine optimization derivatives are hard to come by when the scope is beyond UK and USA due to the exclusive focus on the two. China, along with some other countries, is being disregarded and if they want to access sites they are to be expected to adjust to it. However, it is not wise for a search engine developer to wait for its users to adapt to it; it has to adapt to the needs of its customers. And if the customers need Chinese-based answers, then so be it. UK and USA have an edge over China because of their widely used language, hence makes for easier understanding on their part.

    Efforts has been made for Chinese search engine to be as engaging as different forms of search, and encouraging Chinese users to use their search technology comes in the form of offering them an engine that uses Chinese inputs and displays relevant content. Key phrases and words are used in search technology, and this is the same with the Chinese search engine. Proper construction of a database that stores the keywords being searched and crawls through different sites to make sure that all the entries are connected and tagged appropriately in connection with the search is embellished.

    Experts believe that there is a need to develop a Chinese search engine capable of all the characteristics being offered in the universal search engine. International Search Reviews have made it a point to focus on the situation of the market in China, looking deeply into the reasons why search engines in China are often discussed but are not being developed full blown. It has been due to the lack of financial motivation coming from Chinese users that motivate the development of new methods-but this is also due to the lack of good investments.

  • Social Networking in the Chinese Market

    Social Networking in the Chinese Market

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comChina provides a significant market and traffic flow when it comes to the internet offers that they instill. It goes without saying that the population in China is to be blamed for their importance in the field of marketing, which is why they are being considered in the development of international sites that offer different services.

    China and India are two of the most important destinations when it comes to outsourcing in the field of Information Technology. Because of this, the Chinese search engine is being developed to extend its capability around the world. Some major websites that are known commonly in English are being translated to different languages, one of which is the Chinese language to develop a field that is Chinese-friendly and is culturally relevant. The contents are imbibed with Chinese methods and ideas that come from different perspectives.

    Translating the resources into a Chinese-based site is tedious, but it makes the Chinese search engine more effective. Recent developments in the field of technology have made it possible to code snippets of program in the Chinese context, recognizing Chinese characters as significant. The availability of tools that make sure that the translation of the Chinese articles and websites are easily rendered, allowing for localized access.

    Social networking sites are also a hit in the Chinese market and along with this is the translation of the pages into the language that its users will understand naturally. It is common that in Facebook, Friendster, Plurk, Twitter and other known social networking sites there are links to be clicked for the pages to be displayed in any language other than English. These sites are constantly looking for translations, preferably those who also use the system, and work on the features of the site part by part.

    Social networking is an activity that involves global interactions and features that allow you to talk to people who may be situated in other places and speak a language that is unfamiliar to you. Because it is possible for you to access the same site in different languages, it makes the social network more adaptable and easily preferred over those that only offer the site in English.

    Needless to say, there are a large number of Chinese users that are not adept at understanding or speaking English, hence the preference of networking sites that cater to their needs. Chinese search engines make use of the capabilities of translation and see to it that the social networking sites that are available in different languages are ranked higher than that of English-based sites.

    Extensions in the web URL can change the language of the site and this even makes accessing easier because of the predefined letters that identify countries uniquely.

  • Affiliate Marketing In China

    Affiliate Marketing In China

    A slide presentation on affiliate marketing in China, bringing web products and services to the Chinese internet. If you have something for me to sell to the Chinese, please let me know. I am very interested in your products and serivces.