According to statistics, the number of Chinese internet users that are interested in acquiring information from the internet by making use of search engine application, has been found to be 69.4%. The Chinese search engine can be summed up as a world of searchable databases that provide relevant documents in order to meet the needs and requirements of a wide variety of clientele. Today, search engines available on the internet have become a way of life, and the users expect a lot from the Chinese search companies.
According to a survey the Chinese internet users make use of the Chinese search technologies to ask vague questions about topics in order to find relevant information about that topic. The solutions are fast and concise with relevant information, but due to the growth of the internet applications, people are finding it difficult to scan a large number of results in order to find the right information.
Today, search engine has become the fabric of the society as now the Chinese can access information in the matter of a few seconds. This is in high contrast to the earlier days when one had to get to the library and make a detailed search for the right information that is very time consuming. The Chinese internet users also make use of the search engine for online shopping, social networking and online banking and in the new face of communication in China. Many users also make use of the search engine in order to earn money mostly through some of the latest techniques involved in online advertising.
Today, there is an increasing demand of search technology for the Chinese, as the internet user is interested in acquiring useful information. If the user is looking for information about the various resources available for online shopping, the other facilities include the keywords that need to be entered for finding the results, after which the user will be presented with a list of relevant information about the query. One can scan the results in order to find the best solution. On the completion of the task, the user will have a feeling of satisfaction and develops a positive impression about the search engine and the internet experience as a whole.
Statistical report on internet users in China shows that 68% of Chinese internet users made use of this internet application during the year 2008. This figure increased to 69.4% during the year 2009 and according to the latest reports, the growth rate of internet users that make use of the search engine internet application has been found to be 15.6% which is very good for the Chinese internet economy.