Category: China Internet

Articles about internet in China.

  • Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, eBook Published

    Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, eBook Published

    ATTENTION to Internet Business Enthusiasts: Use this coupon code: UP34D to get your FREE eBook, Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012.

    PRLog (Press Release) – Sep 26, 2012 – GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG, China – Hosea Lim has launched his 2012 report, Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, ISBN: 978-1-3011-7039-5. It has been written to give a refreshing look at the recent development and achievement of internet in China.

    eBook: Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012Some of the recent transformations in China have led to an abundance of opportunities in the fast growing country. As economic growth in China has forced the Chinese middle class to switch over to the online market to purchase foreign brands, taking the online route to sell your products and services is a faster, less costly and more convenient way of tapping the potential of this market. If you are planning to setup an ecommerce on the Chinese domain, this eBook give you a quick start in the right direction and latest trends on the highly volatile Chinese internet.

    The best part is that the eBook is now available for free until 1 October 2012 using this coupon code UP34D. It is distributed through Smashwords and will soon be available in Amazon Kindle, iTunes Store, ePub, LRF for Sony Reader, PDF, and other formats. With so many popular formats available, readers can enjoy reading it with their favourite devices. One can easily access the Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, at the webpage

    About The Author
    Hosea Lim is the founder of and an advisor to many other websites. He is one of the popular and preferred partners. He has a unique understanding of internet marketing behind the Great Firewall and has help many businesses to establish their online and offline presence in the China. More at

    Press Release at:

  • Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009, eBook Published

    Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009, eBook Published

    eBook - Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009Things you should know about the Chinese internet development in China for the year 2009. This book gives you a comprehensive head start is you are new to the Chinese domain. If you are a guru, reading this book will get up updated on the latest internet development in China.

    Title: Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009
    ISBN: 978-1-4762-3059-7
    Author: Hosea Lim
    Available in all major online bookstores.

    Table of Contents:

    • About This Book
    • The Growth of Internet Economy in China
    • SEO in China
    • Get Set China For the Affiliate Marketing Race
    • How to Tackle the Chinese Market
    • The Chinese SEO in the Internet SEO Formula
    • Why Baidu Is More Popular Than Google in China
    • Chinese Internet – Learn The Way To Leverage It To Earn
    • Advantages of Chinese Search Engines
    • SEO and SEM in China
    • Growth of the Mobile Internet in China
    • Conclusion
    • About The Author: Hosea Lim



  • Avoiding Your Websites Block By The Chinese Internet Censorship

    Avoiding Your Websites Block By The Chinese Internet Censorship

    Avoiding Your Websites Block By The Chinese Internet CensorshipThere are many debates and discontentment between governments, businesses and even among friends, questioning why the Chinese government does not allow people residing in China have access to certain popular foreign websites. Some business sources claim the Chinese are doing it to eliminate foreign competitors in it own cyberspace. From political perspective, Chinese government sees it as an effective measure to control political uprising and social unrest from extremists that use internet as a media to spread disturbance to the public. There are rumors too, that the Chinese internet censorship uses the Great Firewall of China to counter intelligence of foreign hackers from sniffing in the Chinese internet world.

    Whatever reasons and speculations available out there, we still can create a lot of good websites and great contents outside of China and let the Chinese people accessing it and enjoy from within China. Here are some of the tips:

    No porn theme. If you are promoting sex, avoid your website look like a porn site. Avoid keywords that are already block by the Great Firewall of China. If you really have to use a block keywords, use a full stop in the keyword like this: She is a w.hore. Alternatively you can spell the keyword in a jumbled manner like this: She is a whroe.

    No badmouthing of Chinese leadership. Anything you say to dethrone the Chinese government, you risk your website going into their blacklist. Make sure when you post a video or a picture, it does not discredit the Central Government of China.

    Do not use prohibited keywords. Use Baidu to search for the long tail keyword. If it does not appear in the Baidu search result, most likely the keyword is block and your contents will not appear to the Chinese population.

    No overboard evangelism. You can share your religious faith and fervent hobbies but do not use it to recruit an army to go against the government and disturb public peace, such as riot and strike.

    No Multi Level Marketing (MLM) contents. MLM in china is illegal. Website that recruit downline and promote such nature of business will be banned and hardly survived the Chinese internet censorship.

    Police your site regularly. To do well and survive in the Chinese internet you have to audit your website regularly and remove anti-government comments and porn links left by visitors.

  • Chinese SEO Writers – Best Helper For Chinese SEO Work

    Chinese SEO Writers – Best Helper For Chinese SEO Work

    白度搜索中文搜索引擎大本营图片In recent years, you would find that there are different ways for people to earn money indeed. There are plenty of options for businessmen to exploit the opportunities and turn them into real money. One of the common ways is to conduct businesses in China. Yes, you can easily find that plenty of businessmen are exploiting this market in order to earn money. If you want to get into this market, you certainly need help from the Chinese SEO writers.

    If you really want to find one of these writers to help you with the SEO work in China, you should bear some tips in mind. First of all, you should try to learn to get a platform where you would find the writers. There are some of the writers who would not be able to response to their clients well if their clients are using English to communicate with them. Yes, they might be good writers in writing Chinese articles, but they might not be able to interpret your meanings and create the suitable articles for you.

    Therefore, you certainly need to search for a reliable and intelligent writer for you to finish the Chinese SEO work indeed. There are several websites operating online to offer you relevant help. You would find that the relevant help would be useful. It is because these websites are written in English and there would be quite complicate procedures for the writers to register to be the members of the website. Therefore, all the SEO writers writing Chinese articles there might be your help because their English should be somehow proficient.

    When you are creating a website with Chinese article, there are several ways. You can choose to write something about China in English, or you can try to use Chinese language to compose the website. Of course, you can try to do both if you have the money. You can just post two versions of your website to the website database and this may help you to captive the attention of both Chinese and foreign customers. When you are trying to do this, you should bear in mind that the native Chinese writers might be better for the Chinese SEO work. They would know the common languages used by the Chinese people and they would also have the ability to explain clearly about the traditions of Chinese people. Therefore, they would be able to provide you with the native cultural products to target the local Chinese people.

    When you are hiring this kind of people, you need to prepare for the disagreement between you and your writer. It is because your writer might simply use their Chinese cultural perspectives to write the articles and you might not be able to understand well. In that case, you should judge the aim of the articles.

    To conclude, it is not very difficult for you to get the support from Chinese customers as long as you use the right way to hire the right guy for the Chinese SEO work.

  • Chinese SEO Writers – Get The English To Mandarin Translation From Them

    Chinese SEO Writers – Get The English To Mandarin Translation From Them

    Flowchart for Chinese SEO writersNowadays, a lot of businesses are trying their best to search for the business opportunities in China indeed. It is no longer difficult for you to find that there are connections between local Chinese people and also the foreign business owners. If you are establishing a business which is related to China, you should find the help of the Chinese SEO writers anyway.

    You would need the help from those writers when you are creating a website to attract local Chinese people. It is because you probably do not understand much about the Chines traditions and culture. Therefore, no one would be better than the local Chinese people to use the Chines culture to create appealing Chinese articles. But this means that you need to find someone who is capable of handling the English to Mandarin translation well. This is sometimes troublesome, though it is not possible.

    In order to search for the reliable writers for handling the English to Mandarin translation work, you might consider searching in some English online platforms. In some of these platforms, you would be able to find the freelancers from China who are capable of writing the SEO articles. In order to test their ability in translating languages, you can try to ask them to write a sample for you.

    If you think that it is time consuming for you to wait for the back of the sample, you can simply try to check the ratings and the comments of those writers. Some people would try to rate them because these people have employed those writers before. You can base on their satisfaction to choose the reliable helper for you.

    Sometimes, you might find that those SEO articles are not assisting your websites to gain a high position in the search engine of China. This is partly due to the fact that you do not give a clear instruction for the writers to write. Some of the search engines might have their own method to rank the websites and the SEO work might be difficult. If you want to specialize in gaining a high position in those websites, you certainly need to work with your writer. You should explain the efforts of search engine you expect and they would try their best to help you. If you do not give them clear instruction, it would be really difficult for them to understand your needs and to help you indeed. Therefore, you should never underestimate the work required in getting them to involve in the SEO work creation.

    The cost of getting the English to Mandarin translation services from these Chinese SEO writers vary from person to person. It depends on the experience and the quality of the writers indeed. If you want to hire someone who is really of quality, you should not mind spending a certain amount of money because you would find that you can receive the positive benefits back, such as the increase in the popularity of the website and increase in the sales revenue.

  • Chinese SEO Writers – Helping You To Win Chinese Search Engine Support

    Chinese SEO Writers – Helping You To Win Chinese Search Engine Support

    Flowchart for Chinese SEO writersIf you would like to conduct a search on the internet, you would find that the address of the real website is so long that you do not want to remember. Therefore, the search engine is helping you a lot. You just need to remember the key phrases and also the key words of the websites and you can get into those websites using the search engine. This is also something very great in China indeed.

    In Chinese, you would usually expect that there are a lot of websites and this is also the truth indeed. You would find that there are tens of millions of website users and there are a lot of people creating websites for their own businesses. If you are interested in setting up a business in China, you need to make sure that your website can stay at the top of the Chinese search engine. In that case, the good Chinese SEO writer can help.

    These writers are flooding the Chinese market indeed. If you have friends living in China, you might learn from them that there are many Chinese people who are willing to write the articles to help writing articles for the foreign business owners so that those businesses would rank high in the Chinese search engine.

    However, it requires careful planning for you to obtain the good results of searching for the Chinese SEO writers indeed. First of all, you should try to make sure that the writers know well about the techniques of SEO. Some of the local Chinese writers do not know much about SEO. Even though they can help you to compose the articles, the articles might not be really useful in generating great traffics for your website and being ranked in the top of the search engines.

    In order to do this, the writers should be able to understand the basic formulas for different search engines to rank the websites. Individual writers might not know well about this, so you may consider searching for some agencies which can guide you to the reliable writers. Some of the Chinese SEO writers even form teams and companies to help handling and processing the order of Chinese search engine articles from other countries. You can consider searching for this kind of agencies if you need help.

    If you really want to optimize the website, you need to input your time and money to get the well services. The quality SEO writers in China would not ask you for nothing in order to compose the articles to you. Therefore, you should set a good pay for their work so that they would be willing to work for you.

    To conclude, getting a high ranking in the Chinese search engine would not be something difficult indeed. With the help of local Chinese people, you can easily capture the important things that you should consider while you are setting up articles for your business. Therefore, you should spend the time to research thoroughly so that you can gain the benefits.

  • Chinese SEO Writers – Get The Chinese Language Translation Work From Them

    Chinese SEO Writers – Get The Chinese Language Translation Work From Them

    Flowchart for Chinese SEO writersWhen you are looking for the suitable help for Chinese language translation online, you are actually trying to get the services from the Chinese SEO writers. These writers are quite reliable, as long as you get them paid well. Therefore, you should learn how to select the best writer for you to get the translated work easily.

    Usually, you may find that there are a lot of people who know Chinese. However, not all the native Chinese people know well about English. Therefore, you should try to find one who can handle both languages well in order to help you finish the work indeed. Some of the people might think that using the services of language translation tool would be even better than from some Chinese people.

    Of course, many employers would not think that this is the case. It is because they might have acquired someone who is proficient in English and native in Chinese. This is probably the goal of many companies indeed.

    In order to succeed in doing this, you are advised to ask them to translate a certain webpage in Chinese into English. This can help you to understand their ability in writing in English. This is usually the weakest part of Chinese people. Therefore, you can use this to select the best helper. Depending on your real need, you can also consider asking them to translate words from English to Chinese. But it would be rather difficult for you to check the quality of the work, because you might not know Chinese well.

    When they are trying to do the Chinese language translation work, you should know that some of them might not be able to explain some words clearly to you. Usually, these words would be the jargons of the unique words in Chinese. These cultural words or the phrasal verbs might not be explained clearly with simple English, but successful translator working for the Chinese language translation should be able to let you have a concrete idea of the meaning of the words. If you find that there are sentences which pose troubles for you to read, you probably need to review the quality of the translation work.

    Since you are working for the SEO of your website, you probably would need to make sure that you are getting the SEO articles from your Chinese partner. Some of the article writers in China might not know well about SEO, so you should try to explain to them or otherwise their work might not match with your expectation and this would create unnecessary disputes which are upsetting your relationship with your employee indeed.

    To conclude, you should never be lazy when you are getting the Chinese language translation work from the Chinese SEO writers. You should try to check their work randomly if you do not have a lot of time. If you have the time, you might even consider checking every piece of their work. You can balance the cost and benefit to make the good decision.

  • Chinese SEO Writers – Find The Right For Chinese Word Translation

    Chinese SEO Writers – Find The Right For Chinese Word Translation

    Flowchart for Chinese SEO writersSometimes, people would like to hire the right person for the Chinese word translation. It is because they have found that there are many interesting things and stories about Chinese people and they would like to spread these stores with their local people. Of course, some people would also want to use these stories to create business opportunities to attract local Chinese people and this is sometimes successful.

    When you are searching for the Chinese SEO writers, you should know that there are many things for you to pay attention to indeed. Without careful consideration of these things, you might not succeed easily in getting the reliable helper for you to conduct the Chinese word translation anyway.

    First of all, you should try to determine the direction of translation indeed. Some people would like to hire somebody for translating Chinese to English, while some people would need to get the translation from English to local Chinese. It depends on your own purpose. Usually, Chinese SEO writers with proficient English can handle all these tasks. This is also the reason why a lot of people would be reminded to hire the local Chinese for this kind of stuff indeed.

    But when you are searching for this kind of local Chinese, problems might occur. You might find that the writers might not be responsible and they might not reply your emails. This is probably because of the differences in the time zone. Therefore, you certainly have to make clear about the calculation of the deadline. If you are using their time zone as the reference time, you should state clearly or otherwise you might receive your work late.

    Sometimes, there might be a lot of differences between the interpretations of Chinese words. It is because you might not know well about the Chinese culture. If the articles are written for Chinese people to promote businesses in China, you should follow most, if not all, of the ideas of the writers. If you are trying to target people from your country, you may need to discuss this matter with your writer so that they would understand and make the fine adjustments. This kind of mutual communication is always important if you are conducting the Chinese word translation. Otherwise, you would certainly fail to get the quality articles and you would fail to promote your business using the Chinese opportunities.

    The price of Chinese labor is usually regarded as low. However, when you are hiring someone to help you with the word translation, you should not exploit them too much. It is because the Chinese SEO writers would try to select the profitable projects of Chinese word translation and the quality of their work for the cheap projects might not be really high. Yes, there are more and more people hiring this kind of writer for the translation work so you should understand that it is not really cheap for you to hire them to work indeed. Therefore, you should treat them well and respect them as your writer.

  • Use Chinese SEO and Earn Money

    Use Chinese SEO and Earn Money

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThere are lots of ways on how people can earn money through the internet, but you have to be extra careful because there are websites who will snatch your earnings instead if helping you to earn more money. If you are looking for ways on how to use internet to earn money, then you have to do business within the internet. The first step that you need to know is the importance of having your own website for your business. Whatever business it maybe, you need to establish a good websites in order to gain success and be visible n the internet. Without a websites, you will not be able to attract many customers on your business.

    It is understandable that not all people who want to start an online business are knowledgeable about this technology. Only professional information technology experts and online marketing experts know how to do it. You need them in order for you to establish a strong website that will brought money into your pocket. In the recent years, there are increasing number of Chinese people who are searching the internet to find product and services that are helpful for them. This is the reason why Chinese SEO is indeed important.

    Today, there are lots of people in China using their laptop everywhere and at mall, supermarket, coffee shop, schools, hospitals etc. the use of this gadget that can allow people to surf the internet everywhere they are proves that internet today is one of the most vital element in different field and sectors within China. If you are not using SEO for your website, you will outcast yourself from the many companies who are now using good and high quality internet SEO marketing. It is not enough for a business to have its own website on the web. Actually, having your own website is useless if it is not visible. The truth is that you need to be visible at the first page of search engines in order to make your online business successful. Chinese internet is the best way to earn more profit, but you need to use the technology for your own advantage to reap all of these benefits.

    With this in mind, there are increasing numbers of users who wants to further study about the Chinese internet market. They want to increase the opportunities that they have in the world of internet technology. SEO itself is field and a business where IT marketing experts earn money by helping other businesses.

    The Chinese government find out that there are businessmen from different parts of the world who wants to do business in China, because of its growing economy with the help of Chinese search engine. Using these search engines, investors find out that China is an emerging opportunity to open up new business. They see great potential within the country. Although there is a Chinese censorship it does not hinder the economy of China to progress, because of the global visibility of Chinese businesses within the international scene.

  • Chinese SEO and Internet SEO

    Chinese SEO and Internet SEO

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comSEO is very important for all websites no matter where you are located around the world. In the Chinese community people are very dependent with the use of internet for their needs and everyday living. SEO play an important role in the perception of many users, if a website is a reliable source or not. Chinese SEO is becoming more and more in demand in many Chinese online business websites, because businesses men already discover the goodness and usefulness of SEO for their online business. in the past, there are just very little Chinese company with website on the web, but today almost all companies in China whether big or small aim to have their own website to reach as many customer as they can.

    SEO is one of the most reliable ways for a website to earn more traffic and without internet traffic, it means that or website is not gaining the popularity and visibility that it needs to be able to attract many clients to earn more profit. The Chinese internet is very useful for everyday living of people, because everything that people need is within the internet. There is no need for you to go out of your house in order to buy the things that you need. Even supermarket and department stores have their own website where you can shop online. Some of these companies even offer free deliveries. This is how powerful China SEO is. They can influence the perception and how people look in a particular product. You can make your product or any services sound very interesting on the web. With the use of right SEO and other elements like text, photos, and videos, you will surely gain the attention that you need.

    According to Chinese SEO experts, although people use internet for their daily living, people are wary in giving personal information on the web like name, address, email address and anything that is personal. People have very low trust when it comes to giving information over the internet. There are lots of users who install softwares to secure their computer from viruses and all kinds of fraud activities happening around the internet. Actually, it is true; there are lots of scam websites all over the internet and SEO should not be used in this kind of unlawful act. Sadly, many people who have bad intentions are using the power of Chinese engine to victimize a lot of consumers.

    This is the reason why Chinese internet censorship is created by the government to protect its people from this kind of internet threat. Thus, there are lots of terrorist attacks happening around the world and this kind of security will prevent conspiracy with the use of internet. This will also help the Chinese community to make sure that they are only getting email and searching information that is reliable. This will ensure satisfaction among the users plus their protection against any unlawful act happening in the internet. This kind of protection will not only protect the people, but the government as well. This is a way to secure and protect China from any threat.