Category: Author

My products and creations that originated from me.

  • Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, eBook Published

    Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, eBook Published

    ATTENTION to Internet Business Enthusiasts: Use this coupon code: UP34D to get your FREE eBook, Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012.

    PRLog (Press Release) – Sep 26, 2012 – GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG, China – Hosea Lim has launched his 2012 report, Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, ISBN: 978-1-3011-7039-5. It has been written to give a refreshing look at the recent development and achievement of internet in China.

    eBook: Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012Some of the recent transformations in China have led to an abundance of opportunities in the fast growing country. As economic growth in China has forced the Chinese middle class to switch over to the online market to purchase foreign brands, taking the online route to sell your products and services is a faster, less costly and more convenient way of tapping the potential of this market. If you are planning to setup an ecommerce on the Chinese domain, this eBook give you a quick start in the right direction and latest trends on the highly volatile Chinese internet.

    The best part is that the eBook is now available for free until 1 October 2012 using this coupon code UP34D. It is distributed through Smashwords and will soon be available in Amazon Kindle, iTunes Store, ePub, LRF for Sony Reader, PDF, and other formats. With so many popular formats available, readers can enjoy reading it with their favourite devices. One can easily access the Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, at the webpage

    About The Author
    Hosea Lim is the founder of and an advisor to many other websites. He is one of the popular and preferred partners. He has a unique understanding of internet marketing behind the Great Firewall and has help many businesses to establish their online and offline presence in the China. More at

    Press Release at:

  • Working From Home Freely, eBook Published

    Working From Home Freely, eBook Published

    GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG, China – Hosea Lim and Jenny Xin have launched their new Chinese book, Working From Home Freely, ISBN: 978-1-4523-1502-7. It has been written in Chinese giving insight about the various practices that are instrumental for achieving success on the internet within the great firewall of China.

    兼职无忧网上创业绝技 202x300Some of the recent transformations in China have led to an abundance of opportunities in the fast growing country. Thanks to the internet, one is able to keep in touch with the latest changes occurring in China. Hosea Lim and Jenny Xin demystify the potentialities of doing business on the internet in China.

    In their book titled Working From Home Freely talks about the digital revolution that has taken China from position of a distant follower into a country that has reached the cutting edge of development, catching up with the digitally tech savvy neighbors who are making it big the digital economy.

    There has been a cascading effect on the Chinese economy and this has lead to an increase in the number of people seeking for jobs that require the individual to work from home. If you are a home entrepreneur looking for opportunities to do business on the Chinese internet then the book Working From Home Freely is the right guide for you. It is written in Chinese and the author uses simple language to explain the various concepts of internet business to the reader. The book on throws light on some of the most common practices and internet marketing skills that are in vogue.

    Thus by purchasing the book, one can stay abreast of the latest trends on the highly volatile Chinese internet. Working From Home Freely is a book that is mainly targeted for Chinese audience, as internet marketing China is very different from the rest of the world. It talks about the various practices that are instrumental for achieving success on the internet within the great firewall of China.

    The various internet concepts that are discussed in the book on, gives the reader a clear picture about some of the most commonly used terms like Search Engine Optimization (SEO). traffic generation and tips on how to start a website in China. The book is ideal; for the low budget entrepreneur who is looking for opportunities to start a website on the Chinese internet.

    The book also talks about how to manage your restriction in foreign exchange between the Chinese Currency and US dollars. If you are planning to setup an ecommerce website on the Chinese internet platform, this book is the right tool that will give you tried and tested advice on how to succeed within the great firewall of China.

    The best part is that the book is now available for 50% off until 31 March 2012 using this coupon code BH89F. It is distributed through Smashwords and is available in Amazon Kindle, ePub, LRF for Sony Reader, PDF, and other formats. With so many popular formats available, readers can enjoy reading it with their favourite devices. One can easily access the eBook Working From Home Freely, at the webpage

    About The Author
    Hosea Lim is the founder of and an advisor to many other websites. He is one of the popular and preferred partners. He has a unique understanding of internet marketing behind the Great Firewall and has help many businesses to establish their online and offline presence in the China. More at
  • Working From Home Freely – The Summary Guide For Online Success Within The Great Firewall Of China

    Working From Home Freely – The Summary Guide For Online Success Within The Great Firewall Of China

    GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG, China – Hosea Lim and Jenny Xin have launched their new Chinese book, Working From Home Freely: The Summary Guide, ISBN: 978-1-4523-4472-0. It has been written in Chinese giving insight into the summary of working from home secrets.

    Working From Home Freely – A Summary GuideToday while the China Boom is the latest buzz on the internet, it has become a subject of exaggerated hype, and Hosea Lim and Jenny Xin’s book on Working From Home Freely:  The Summary Guide is definitely not a fiction. This book has been written in Chinese, and it gives an insight into the summary of step by step secrets working at home. This book is very rejuvenating and presents in simple language that can be understood by even the novice.

    The various chapters in the summary of Working From Home Freely: The Summary Guide outlines some of the areas that have the highest potential in China. This is an essential guide for most home entrepreneurs who are making an online venture and highlights the areas that also have a demonstrated capacity for profitable capital investment. Most entrepreneurs can invest in this book as it guides on various money making opportunities in various areas.

    In most areas the local entrepreneurs can access significant competitive advantage over the international rivals and sell successfully within the vast firewall of China. If you are looking for opportunities to tap the potentialities on the Chinese internet and like any other newcomer, you can find all your questions answered in the book. You must have heard all the hype about website designing, website development, search engine optimization and internet marketing, but after reading this summary guide you will not only understand the meaning of the terms but also start using these terms with ease.

    This book is a must have for most home entrepreneurs looking for books written by a Chinese author and that guides on the various internet marketing practices specific to the Chinese internet. Foreigners can also purchase this book and translate it and learn about internet marketing in China. Foreign investors looking for best internet marketing practices that would be useful in attaining success on the Chinese Internet.

    The best part is that the book on Working From Home Freely: The Summary Guide is now available for free until 29 February 2012 using this coupon code RJ62Q. It is distributed through Smashwords and is available in Amazon Kindle, ePub, LRF for Sony Reader, PDF, and other formats. With so many popular formats available, readers can enjoy reading it with their favourite devices. One can easily access the eBook Working From Home Freely: The Summary Guide, at the webpage

    About The Author
    Hosea Lim is the founder of and an advisor to many other websites. He is one of the popular and preferred partners. He has a unique understanding of internet marketing behind the Great Firewall and has help many businesses to establish their online and offline presence in the China. More at

  • The Best of Twitter Marketing, eBook Published

    The Best of Twitter Marketing, eBook Published

    Book Cover - The Best of Twitter MarketingATTENTION to Internet Business Enthusiasts: Use this coupon code: VE39Y to get your FREE eBook, The Best of Internet Marketing: The Experts Show The Way.

    PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 15, 2010 – GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG, China – Hosea Lim has launched his new book, The Best of Twitter Marketing, ISBN: 978-1-4523-9145-8. In this eBook, he is going to reveal how small and big organizations can use Twitter to profit from their internet business and stay ahead of their competitors.

    The ebook reveals how organizations use Twitter to magnify their online presence and dominate their niche markets. It is written for busy internet marketers that want instant, proven methods they can quickly read and use it in their internet marketing endeavor. It showcases ten companies and how they use Twitter to interact and grow their online customers.

    The Best of Twitter Marketing is distributed through Smashwords and is available in Amazon Kindle, Epub, LRF for Sony Reader, PDF, and other formats. With so many popular formats available, readers can enjoy reading it with their favourite devices.

    To promote the launch, the author, Hosea Lim is giving away FREE copy. You can use this coupon code VE39Y to claim the limited free ebook now at Smashwords, before it expire on 18 June 2010, GMT -8.

    About The Author
    Hosea Lim is the founder of and an advisor to many other websites. He is one of the popular and preferred partners. He has a unique understanding of internet marketing behind the Great Firewall and has help many businesses to establish their online and offline presence in the China.

    Press Release at:

  • Free eBook: The Best of Twitter Marketing

    Free eBook: The Best of Twitter Marketing

    Book Cover - The Best of Twitter MarketingIn my quest searching for marketing strategies using Twitter, I found many successful tested methods, I can use on my own websites. This book is the result of my research, sharing my ten favourite Twitter marketing strategies.

    This book is written for busy internet marketer that want instant answers that are already proven methods out in the wild wild web. Here, I present this book to you. Enjoy!

    Smashwords is my distributor and I use them to distribute my ebook, If you are not yet a member, you have to signup as a member before you can download. Signup here now!

    Through Smashwords, my eBook is available in these format:

    • Kindle (.mobi)
    • Epub
    • PDF
    • RTF
    • LRF (for Sony Reader)
    • Palm Doc (PDB)
    • Plain Text

    To get your free copy, follow me or direct message @hosealim with your Twitter account. and you will get the coupon code for free download.

    You can subscribe to my newsletter to get the coupon code too. Subscribe Now!

    Book Title: The Best Of Twitter Marketing
    ISBN: 978-1-4523-9145-8
    Author: Hosea Lim
    Published: 13 June 2010
    Category: Social networking
    Words: 4795 (approximate)
    Language: English

    Click here for Press Release.