Welcome to hosealim.com
As an appreciation for visiting my blog, I would like to give you FREE, my newly published ebook, The Best of Twitter Marketing, ISBN: 978-1-4523-9145-8. Yes, is free and most likely you are thinking now, I want your email address, right?
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10 Seconds About The Hosea Website
This website started in 1995 sharing about my life and hobbies. As years went by, it morphed to a blog, changing from different domain names and finally, hosealim.com. The contents were bilingual, English and Chinese because most of my audiences were monolingual to one of them.
Another 10 Seconds About hosealim.com
This website is morphing again, expanding to provide insights on search engine optimisation and internet marketing pertaining to the Chinese market. Happy living combines with dream interpretation is another topic I will be sharing too to help and inspire my friends to be successful in life.
Last 10 Seconds About this website
Please bookmarks hosealim.com and come back regularly or sign up for my newsletter to get updated. I am going full time and committing my uttermost focus and resources to make this, one of the most seek after authoritative websites in the coming years.
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2 responses to “The Who Website?”
Thanks for the book update. I have been thinking for a long time about using Twitter as a marketing platform. Hope this book will help me to understand the nature of the social site…Now I just have to read it.
Thank you for your interest!