Chinese URL – How to Successfully Enter Search Engine Listing

As Featured On

As Featured On EzineArticles.comBaidu Profile Inc. or Baidu is a Chinese URL language-based Internet search engine that is popularly known in China. Currently, it is China’s top search engine site that dominates nearly 70% of the Chinese Market. Aside from Chinese language search engine, Baidu is also engaged in Online Marketing operations.

Furthermore, the company also offers Baidu Union Service, which is a third-party online marketing software that delivers marketing services to its customers. The company mainly operates in China. However, the company has started to expand its operation by opening Baidu Japan. The company also unveiled recently an instant text messaging service called Baidu Hi in 2008. is located in Beijing China that employs 6,552 people.

SEO Guidelines
For interested webmasters or websites that are planning to run a SEO campaign using Chinese URL in Baidu, it would be much smarter to familiarize first the lefts and rights of Baidu’s SEO.

Here are some guidelines on how to improve your page ranking in their SEO listing.

Chinese URL Rewriting
And when you are about to engage in Baidu SEO, the important thing to remember here is to keep your URL neat and clean as you possibly can. Your primary goal is to trim all these mess, making it search engine friendly as possible. There are two possible ways where URL rewriting can be applied. Allowing the web host manager do the rewriting needed and by personally managing its code, using creative titles and tags to pages.

Chinese Character Transliteration
One effective way of transforming your webpage into a search engine friendly page is by changing your content’s characters, especially your title page in Chinese Pinyin characters.

This is because mostly weighs its search engine list in:

  1. Recognizing Pinyin Characters
  2. Identifying Pages with Pinyin Words
  3. Combine and link Pinyin Characters with Chinese Characters

If you are planning to open an online business about fashion using a Chinese website, make sure you put your heading and your subheadings in Chinese text. This way, you’ll be able to increase your page ranking more effectively.

Transliteration using Drupal
Drupal is a very powerful web framework, and its one web framework that will definitely help you gain higher ranking position in web search listing.

Here’s a quick guide in activating Drupal’s module:

  1. Path: Consider renaming your URL using creative aliases
  2. Path Auto: Path Auto provides a modular mechanism that produces automatically effective subheadings for your content. (page titles are examples of these)
  3. Transliteration: this module offers central service in transliterating


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