Governance of the Internet Freedom of Speech

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As Featured On EzineArticles.comToday nearly ten percent of the world’s population use the World Wide Web and many more people keep on adding to its database every day. With such a growth, the internet stands to become the most powerful tool for connecting, interacting and exchanging views by the people around the world. However, this advancement is viewed in a different way by Chinese government in authority and hence they systemically yet aggressively censor parts of Internet which they feel are damaging to the Chinese society. Anyone who tries to go against this move faces severe legal consequences which also lead to prison.

According to the global human rights of internet freedom of speech law, this type of association requires new efforts in refuting such restrictions that directly attack the personal freedom. According to the observers, repressive authorities will cease to exist if complete freedom is granted in accessing the material on internet which is nothing but free exchange of views from around the world. According to sources, it is imperative to defend and promote the internet freedom of speech and the citizens of China must speak forcefully in support of the expression on the internet freedom of speech, work internationally or in order to protect peoples internet access and direct international broadcasting bodies to refute and speak out against such uncalled censorship.

China is not the only non democratic regime that does not allow its people to freely browse the material given on the web and hence grant the internet freedom of speech. There are many other countries like Syria, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, North Korea, and Laos, that are forefront in restricting the freedom on internet. As per the global human rights bodies, these governments use different technical tactics to restrict the access to internet. They do this by not letting internet providing business get privatized, charging heavily on usage of email service which automatically makes it go out of reach of a common man.

These countries are popular for using firewalls, filters and other devices to block and censor the internet. Keeping an eye on the internet activities of an individual is very common. The repressive Chinese government screens and reads emails messages and other interactive forums and search information by making use of certain keywords.

It is very common to see that the government authorities restrict the access of an individual to certain sites thus denying internet Freedom of speech. Those who generally come under quick scanner are people who tend to visit financial or economical based, political or religious based websites. These people are initially booked and put in a list. Later action is taken against them. These are some of the known common ways through which government of china puts a ban on browsing World Wide Web freely.