The Best of Twitter Marketing, eBook Published

Book Cover - The Best of Twitter Marketing

Book Cover - The Best of Twitter MarketingATTENTION to Internet Business Enthusiasts: Use this coupon code: VE39Y to get your FREE eBook, The Best of Internet Marketing: The Experts Show The Way.

PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 15, 2010 – GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG, China – Hosea Lim has launched his new book, The Best of Twitter Marketing, ISBN: 978-1-4523-9145-8. In this eBook, he is going to reveal how small and big organizations can use Twitter to profit from their internet business and stay ahead of their competitors.

The ebook reveals how organizations use Twitter to magnify their online presence and dominate their niche markets. It is written for busy internet marketers that want instant, proven methods they can quickly read and use it in their internet marketing endeavor. It showcases ten companies and how they use Twitter to interact and grow their online customers.

The Best of Twitter Marketing is distributed through Smashwords and is available in Amazon Kindle, Epub, LRF for Sony Reader, PDF, and other formats. With so many popular formats available, readers can enjoy reading it with their favourite devices.

To promote the launch, the author, Hosea Lim is giving away FREE copy. You can use this coupon code VE39Y to claim the limited free ebook now at Smashwords, before it expire on 18 June 2010, GMT -8.

About The Author
Hosea Lim is the founder of and an advisor to many other websites. He is one of the popular and preferred partners. He has a unique understanding of internet marketing behind the Great Firewall and has help many businesses to establish their online and offline presence in the China.

Press Release at:


5 responses to “The Best of Twitter Marketing, eBook Published”

  1. ejaz14357 Avatar

    The Best of Twitter Marketing is distributed through Smashwords With so many popular formats available, readers can enjoy reading it with their favourite devices.

    1. Hosea Avatar

      Available in Amazon Kindle, Epub, LRF for Sony Reader, PDF, and other formats.

  2. Fanyun Avatar

    Nice ebook, bravo Hosea!

    I’m your friend Fanyun, we contacted about 2 months ago about promoting a membership site 🙂

    How have you been since? Do you live in China mainland now?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Hosea Avatar

      Good to hear from you again! Living in mainland for almost 10 years!