Slide directories can bring high quality traffic to your web site too if you do it correctly and consistently. If you are a regular blogger, you should have lot of blog posts by now. You can reuse them by turning it into slide presentation and generate more traffic to your website.
To get your slide ready to be placed online, you can turn your blog posts into slide presentation. You can use Microsoft Powerpoint if you are a Windows User or Apple Keynotes for Mac user. Extract your blog posts into points form and present it in the slides.
Decorate your slides with pictures to illustrate your points. You can highlight your points or keywords by bolding them. Do whatever it takes to make it attractive to your viewers. If you do not have pictures or graphics suitable for your presentation, you can do a search on Google for royalty free graphic. There are a lot of websites out there that can offer you royalty free graphic if you give the creator proper credit to their works.
If your website is new and do not have enough contents to reuse for slide presentation, you can look at PLR (Private Label Rights) materials. Customize the PLR materials you have acquire to the requirement of your presentation. Before using PLR materials, you may want to browse through the slide directories to check for similar contents before uploading to these slide directories.
To get your slides searchable, you need to optimize it for the search engines. Add keywords to the slide title. Make tag and description of your slides same as the title. If ten slides a day for submission, by the tenth day you should see great results coming to your desired website.
To get good traffic coming to your desired website you have to submit one hundred slides to see the result. Reaching one hundred slides is not difficult, if you do ten slides a day you have one hundred slides in ten days. It is not difficult if you are discipline enough. The most important skill you need is ‘cut and paste’. Learn to do it fast and you can accomplish a lot in a day.
When your slides are ready for presentation, you can submit them to slide directories. The popular ones are,, and Some of these sites accept PDF too. Every slide presentation websites have their own features and strength. Try them all and use the one that suit you the best and give you the result you want.
With little effort and discipline, slide submissions to these directories will bring to your web site traffic you desire.
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