If you are on tight budget for your internet marketing campaign, here are some common methods you can use to to generate free traffic to your website. The basic idea is to try different methods and see which one fit your overall marketing strategy. Hide your money away and try these methods.
Use popular blogging sites, such as blogger.com and wordpress.com to create blogs and post summary of your blog posts and hyperlink to your main website.
Use Squidoo to create lenses about topics related to your website. Squidoo is easy to use and is fun to create contents about a single interest. squidoo.com is now in the top 500 most visited websites in the world now and rank top 300 in America. Having contents on Squidoo will help you channel more traffic to your desired website.
Create a hub at hubpages.com. Hubpages is similar to Squidoo in many ways. They both have a forum. They have referral system for us to make extra cash by signing up friends to use their services. the distinct differences are Hubpages do not allow adult contents. Hubpages has limited HTML, while Squidoo gives you more control over HTML. If you like to hard code HTML then Squidoo most likely is suitable for you.
Another good source for for getting more traffic is through article directory. The popular ones are ezinearticles.com, goarticles.com, and you can search more through Google. Articles submission is a another good source for quality traffic if you have good contents for you niche market. After submitting to article directories, the next progressive to article submission is press release. There are lot of free press release directories out there, google it and find the one you prefer to use.
Heard of onlywire.com? This is a social bookmarking website that simplify your content syndication and bookmark distribution efforts. With Onlywire, it is fast and simple because there is only one button to click.
If you are a video guy with lot of good home-made video, posting them to Youtube and other popular video sites will also generate traffic to your site. Video marketing is another hot trend now in internet marketing.
When you are bored with generating traffic, you can do something more interesting by commenting other people blogs. Make sure you find blogs that allow DoFollow attribute. Forum is also another place I leave my footprint. Posting constructive posts in the forums will also generate a handful of traffic through my link in my signature.
With all these websites that give you the potential to generate high traffic to your desired website, be sure to optimize your contents for the search engines. Lastly, make sure you do it consistently to get the optimum results.
So now there is a good reason for you to hide your money and do it without spending a dollar to get traffic to your website.
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