For big companies, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of this. Everything is so widespread and broad that some parts of the business tend get neglect. And whenever there’s neglect there are bound to be casualties. More often than always, the negative side effects will be felt the customers. When customers feel unsatisfied, the company will feel a backlash. This is especially true when there are a lot of customers experiencing the same issue. Big companies don’t worry much about getting new customers; their primary concern is keeping their existing ones.
Comcast is one of the biggest Internet providers in the country. Unfortunately, it is also known for its poor customer service and frequent downtimes. They have such a bad reputation they are actually called “Comcrap” by some subscribers.
It is very important for Comcast to fix its reputation. If customers don’t feel satisfied, there is a big chance that they will transfer to other service providers. One of the many ways that Comcast is employing to fix its reputation is by Twitter marketing. For Comcast, Twitter marketing is a way they can show customers that they really do care and that they have an initiative to fix their customer’s problems.
There is no better way to appease a customer than to show them that their problem is being taken care of. Even if the problems don’t get fixed yet, a customer has peace of mind is he or she knows someone is working on the problem.
For its Twitter marketing, Comcast has launched Comcast Cares. This is a Twitter page where people can actually express their grief over the services they get. Customers can also express their concerns online, plus they can even give suggestions. These posts are not only viewed Comcast representative, but also by Comcast executives. Thanks to this, Tweets can be a form customer tickets for their problems. The great thing about it is that, at times, problems get fixed faster through Twitter that if customers called the tech support hot line.
The result has been very good for Comcast. Their customers have seen their efforts in trying to make things better for them. One tweeter even claims that after a few minutes of tweeting his complaint, he got a reply from an actual Comcast executive asking how he could help his situation. Knowing that their issues are being fixed, customers feel better about the company. A company’s willingness to help is very important for customers. Showing them good customer service will go a long way.
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