Breaking Language Barriers by Learning Chinese Through the 7 Most Popular Chinese Translation Tools

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As Featured On EzineArticles.comChinese language is essentially composed of symbolic characters that represent letters as well as numbers. Before venturing into Chinese translation, it is essential to learn a few facts about the Chinese language. The traditional format of the language is more complex as it comes with more brush strokes for creating a character. But the simplified format of Chinese is easier to translate, as it is devoid of any complex characters.

The simplified Chinese language originated as a result of the need to spread literacy in China. The original traditional form of the language is difficult to learn, and this difficulty was forming a barrier when it came to imparting education to the locals. Therefore, a simplified format was developed in order to aid the people in learning and thus spreading literacy in China.

The phonics of the Chinese language may differ according to the geographical location of the speaker. Some of the seven most popular Chinese language translation tools that are available on the internet include, Chinese language translation software. This is essentially applied for meeting the translation needs and requirements of the people located in Mainland China.

Chinese fonts like traditional make use of Big5 fonts and the simplified format use GB also known as GB 2312 and this is the official language of China. The encoding format contains all the essential characters of Unicode 3. Big5 and GB characters are included in the Unicode.

One can also learn the Chinese language translation in US, as it is widely available in the west coast of US; where the traditional character is taught as there is a large population from the Chinese American Community.

Another form of Chinese translation tool is the Systran and one can easily find this translation tool on the internet.

Various online translation tools and dictionaries are fast gaining popularity as it is very useful in reinforcing learning skills by utilizing the Bing Translator, Google Translate, Yahoo Babel Fish, English Chinese Online Dictionary and vice versa.

iTunes Podcasts can also aid in Chinese English translation as one can subscribe to Mandarin Chinese, Pin Yin Chinese that is used in learning Chinese and culture, Two minute Chinese lessons and, much more.

YouTube videos can also be used to hear and practice the language on the internet. One can download traditional Chinese literature like poetry, fiction or drama and view on YouTube. One can also learn to write Chinese with online tools and resources like Skritter, Arch Chinese and learn Chinese everyday.

According to experts, Chinese is a unique language and in order to master the language it is essential to understand the rich cultural heritage and the lifestyle of the local Chinese people when learning the language.


3 responses to “Breaking Language Barriers by Learning Chinese Through the 7 Most Popular Chinese Translation Tools”

  1. skritterdoug Avatar

    Thanks for the mention of Skritter. While is great for learning Chinese characters I’d add in a good teacher (online or offline) to help and a portable electronic dictionary (where you can write out characters) is also another good aide.

    1. Hosea Avatar

      Thanks for your additional advices. Cheers!