How Chinese Censorship Stabilizes the Usage of Internet in China

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As Featured On EzineArticles.comEasy access to internet has its own advantages as well as disadvantages; as in the positive light Chinese internet is considered as a major source for information acquisition, interpersonal communication, social participation, practicality and much more for the Chinese people. On the flip side, internet has isolated the user from the real world and is also the cause for various mental illnesses that related to internet addiction and requires Chinese censorship. According to a survey conducted to find out the overall lifestyle recognition, the need for Chinese censorship can be grouped under internet trust, internet interaction and internet reliance.

In the category for internet trust, the web users were analyzed for information trust as well as transaction trust. Around 84.3% users attested that the world wide web is their major source of information and 48% stated that they trust the information available on the web over Television channels.

When it comes to transactional trust the numbers seem to be coming down, as people in china are vary about giving out their personal information over the net. Only 39.4% of internet users were willing to provide true data during online registration. It has been found that 29.4% of Chinese users say that Chinese censorship is lacking and one believes in online transactions are inadequately protected.

Interaction on the internet can be addicting for the surfers and requires the Chinese censorship. In this 56.1% expresses an opinion poll and there has been a steep rise in the number of users taking part in important social events since the advent of internet. Around 78% of the web users attested that whenever they come across any useful and interesting information on the net, they make sure to share it with their friends on the internet.

Among others who comment on the reliance of the common man to the internet, feel that there is a growing need for Chinese censorship as today, many people are getting addicted to the web because 77.5% of the users think that life is inseparable from it. 81.6% of the users say that the internet saves them a lot of time spent in acquiring information from other sources; it is also very convenient when it comes to the web as a life aid. However, some users feel lonelier even in the era of social networking website available online. But internet also leads to social isolation as the user is spending more time online rather than with the significant others, in the real world.

Therefore, the Chinese censorship of the internet is very useful as it limits the usage of internet and ensures a healthy lifestyle.


5 responses to “How Chinese Censorship Stabilizes the Usage of Internet in China”

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