So, after spending precious time, finding the best web hosting service for your website, you have finally got your website up and running. Unfortunately that was the easiest part, as now that you are the sole in charge of your website, it is now your job to maintain the virtual monster. Owning a website is a must have for most individuals interested in doing online business.
There are bloggers interested in monetizing their blogs and on the other hand, there are people who are interested in creating a blog in order to spread awareness about a cause. There are a large number of website owners from small as well as major firms looking for support on troubleshoot web hosting problems, content, technical coding search engine optimization and much more. Thus, hiring good web hosting service will resolve the most annoying website design and developmental issues.
Some of the features of the most annoying website designs are discussed below:
Website myopia: The user is required to squint when reading the content on the website. The trick is to confine the content in a very small frame with a scrolling option. The results are guaranteed, as the user will mark your URL in the contest for the most annoying website available on the internet.
An annoying orchestral presentation: Most websites like to play their favorite orchestra band recording on their website and even repeat it on every page of the website. If you think this is going to bring traffic to your website, think again as what you like, may be annoying for the others.
Mental stability tests with the application of flash in the website design: This is a sure shot way of attaining fame, not as the best but one of the features of the most annoying website on the internet. Who knows, your website may also be used for testing the sanity level of a schizophrenic.
Before you leave, there is more: Stay away from navigation bars and site maps as according to a famous superstition, it is voodoo and may bring more bad luck. Following this advice will add a mystical appeal to your website, and the user may also spend more time on your website, obviously searching for a way to logout.
If you are interested in web hosting and want to avoid squabbles, expensive switching costs, frayed nerves and a host of annoying disturbances, professional web hosting is the best choice for you.