Which is Better – Blog Hosting or Self Hosting?

Various blog hosting services are available on the internet that offer WordPress powered blogging platforms for a fee. Therefore, hosting your blog on the blog hosting services makes you free from the hassle of getting your own hosting space on the World Wide Web. Furthermore, it also makes sure that the web server has the software that is needed by the WordPress software.

This facility also prepares the website for a sudden splurge of traffic that is usually associated with blogging. The team of experts at blog hosting services takes care of all the backstage activities and leaves you free to do your blogging with a peace of mind. The web hosting services cater to the varying needs and requirements of bloggers from around the world.

Some of the activities that are performed by the backstage experts include patching servers required for blogging. At the same time, the blog is also automatically updated with the latest software available on the internet. But, before signing a deal with the web hosting service, it is important to make sure if the URL for the blog is going to include the web host address.

This is an important feature, if you are in the marketing field and you may not want to promote the hosts name on your blog. The benefits that are associated with hiring blog hosting services outweigh those that come with self hosting as the web hosting experts also offer extra services with advanced features that give a professional appeal to the blog. And last but not the least, the team of experts at the web hosting company also provides additional plug-ins with WordPress for a small amount of fee.

Self hosting comes at a price, where you as a blogger are responsible for maintaining the site and its troubleshooting. Self hosting is a herculean task where the blogger has to maintain backups of the blog on a regular basis at the same time, one has to be prepared to deal with sudden spurts of traffic that is associated with popular posts and you would be putting your website at a greater risk if your screw things up. Self hosting a website is the task of nerds who are experts in WordPress, but for the others there is always the hosting service.

Registering with a blog hosting service is a good choice, if you are looking into blogging as a long term commitment and the process for registration is free and easy and one can also start blogging their way to success in no time.