How to Use Baidu Zhishu

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As Featured On EzineArticles.comAs China’s leading search engine company, Baidu lives up to their mission of providing only the highest quality service to the public. Over the years, the company continues to expand their scope through creating various improvements on how people can view web pages on the Internet. Thus, Baidu rose to become one the most sought after search engine sites worldwide.

Baidu offers a wide range of services both for the public and their advertisers. Baidu Zhishu, one of the most recent additions in the company’s list of services, is an index of the latest trends in keyword searches. It presents the freshest and most popular searches made by millions of Baidu users in the country. In the Baidu Index, searches are categorized according to similar keywords, and are ranked based on how frequent people look for them. Also, users can search a keyword on the program and find out how many people looked for it in the past. With these, anyone can access the list of the top searches in the website in a certain time frame.

More about the Baidu Index
Aside from the hottest trends in the search engine, Baidu Index also provides news articles and charts connected to the keyword you are looking for. This is very helpful especially if you are searching for a relevant data that is currently in the news.

Using the Baidu Index
Baidu Index is such a very simple and easy to understand program. Here are the steps in making the most out of your Baidu Index. No sweat!

Go to the index site,, you can view the hottest trends in the search engine. The website displays the most popular searches made by the people. This is usually according to a certain time frame; within the month, for example. Baidu Index allows its users to view the hottest searches for even a year ago. To use this option, just click in your desired time frame, namely one month ago, a quarter, half of the year and the year ago.

You can now view the latest and most popular searches in the website. However, if you want to know how often a particular keyword is searched by the site’s users, just type it in the search box provided. The searches with the same keyword are displayed, together with the number of people who searched for it. Charts and news articles connected to the keyword are also posted on your results.

You can look for various keyword searches on the program. Also, you can compare three keywords at a time.