Chinese Government and the Use of Internet

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As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe focus is on the use of the internet by the Chinese dissidents, members of the Falugong, Tibetan activists and other groups and individuals in the Peoples Republic of China and it also includes member from the abroad who are regarded as subversive by the Chinese authority. It also examines the counter strategies that the Chinese government has employed in their efforts to prevent and minimize the impact of dissident used of the internet. Ultimately it attempts to assess future trends in these areas.

A comprehensive review of the impact of the Chinese government has been conducted by a survey of the numerous government officials in various categories. This includes the government officials from Washington D.C. and at the home front it includes various members from the Chinese government in Beijing. There has been discussions with dissidents, faulgong members, human rights advocates and academics that have been based in China as well as North America.

There is a growing record of the information that is gained from the survey and it includes many relevant reports from the western as well as Chinese media. The research also includes a survey of hundreds of Chinese language websites, chat rooms and bulletin board sites available on the Chinese internet. It also includes data gathering from fieldwork in various cities in China and extensive data gathering from other sources. The report also focuses on case study that focuses on China and deals with a number of themes that are relevant to the analysis of the political impact of the internet in various authoritarian states and other non democratic regimes.

The debate is based on the issue that supports the use of internet by the dissidents as a tool that can be used in order to promote their cause, breaking the barrier of censorship that has been put forth by the Chinese government. It is also important to determine the power and authority of the non-democratic regimes in the Chinese government. It is also more likely that the authoritarian government will use the internet as a tool to press dissent in China by imposing the Chinese internet censorship.

The Chinese government has been condemned for imposing rules and regulations in order to silence the critics and strengthen its power in China. Today Beijing’s responses have been successful and there are no credible challenges that threaten the existence of the regime. This is prevalent despite the massive amounts of modern telecommunication infrastructure. The scale of China’s information technology modernization suggests that time maybe on the side of the regime’s opposition party.