We all know that if you want to make your place in online world then you must know about SEO techniques and its usage. SEO is a complete science that has to be understood if you want to be a good website owner. Usually WordPress is used for making and creating websites and blogs. It is very important to consider if your WordPress theme is SEO compatible or not?
According to me a cool WordPress theme is that theme which is SEO friendly and allows you to perform as much SEO operations as you want. Here in this article we are going to discuss what is meant by an SEO friendly theme and how you can create a cool WordPress theme that will fulfill all your desires.
Firstly, you will have to install WordPress and its theme on your hosting provider and once you are done with this, we are ready to move onto next step. We will be describing next aspects in simple steps to make it easy for you.
Permalinks Setting:
Open your WordPress account and login using your ID and password. Now go to settings menu and click on Permalinks to start our journey.
Now click on custom structure button and type “%postname%” in box, now click on save changes. You must be thinking that why we are doing this. Well the main reason to do this modification is to make your simple theme a cool WordPress theme and by default, the permalink is not very much effective when it comes to search engines. That is why we needed to change that permalink. This Permalink is used by other blogger or website owners to link your articles on their blogs or websites.
Now since we are done with custom modification, it is the time to install some plugins for your theme. Remember one thing a cool WordPress theme can only be created if you give proper time to create it. One of the Plugins you must install and use is, All In One SEO Pack. In your WordPress account click on Plugins and then click on add new. Now type SEO in search box and click on search button. You will find All In One SEO Pack somewhere on 2nd or 3rd page. Install the plugin.
These are some of those points that you must keep in your mind in order to make a good SEO friendly theme. However, if you think that you will not be able to make such theme then you can search on the internet and find many good WordPress themes that will serve the same purpose.
Now you can use these plugins to create a cool cool WordPress theme that will not only look good but it will also be very much friendly to Search engines. Once you have created such theme then you are ready to publish your website and see the magic how search engines will be searching your website for your desired key words.