A blog could be defined as an online journal which is perfect for publishing your thoughts on any topic. It is after it has become popular you can turn it into a money generating blog by placing advertisements on it. The beauty of it all is that you can be writing at your convenient and still reach your audience in time.
Any blog hosting company will agree to this fact. Whether the blog is personal or a business blog it will contain your research result, your most excited moments or something so important to your business. That’s why the web hosting services need to be so reliable enough to guarantee 99.9% uptime and being in the web hosting industry for a minimum of two years would be the least criteria in finding the best blog hosting company service provider. Hosting is critical and that is why there are a lot of factors to consider while choosing the right hosting company to go by. Depending on the very reason as to why you are putting up the blog can be a good guideline on the kind of hosting company to work with.
Avoid at all cost the shared hosting because the company shares too few servers with too many clients, then your site could become drastically slow. This can be accepted if your primarily concern is money. However, studies have shown that if your homepage takes more than ten seconds to open, visitors will start to abandon your site. On this point we advice customers to go for companies capable of delivering professional speed and quality blog hosting services.
Several factors have been listed for consideration of a blog hosting company. Amongst them is reputation; you can review all well know web hosting companies, as well as the ones suggested by other users out there. This will help in a great deal in finding the right company to work with. Secondly, there is speed. A company that has no sense to this has no business being in the game. For in this business speed is critical, you can set up private test sites to determine the specs beyond the adverts. Reliability and uptime is also worth looking into for the site has to perform 99.9% in terms of reliability. All this are important and we can not say one is more important than the other and we hereby advice that before you go for that blog hosting company get all facts straight.
Last but not the least; make inquiries about their customer support of the company will do blog hosting for you. This is quite tricky to evaluate because the quality of support varies from one representative to another. You can find what others say in the comments area which would require much care for some comments are not genuine. Finally blogging is a quick and easy way to create an online presence by publishing thoughts and have great fun with it. Actually those who do it enjoy doing it and it is geared for entertainment unlike the websites and the like.