When Google redirects Chinese users to it Hong Kong search engine, Google thinks they have win the Freedom of Speech war. Everything seem fine and quiet for awhile and they are proud to circumvent the Chinese law and bypass the Great Firewall of China.
As the saying, calmness before the storm. Is the storm coming? From The Official Google Blog, Google ICP (Internet Content Provder) license is due today, 30 June. Today, Google once again put itself in an awkward position, Google still in the mercy of the Chinese law. Without the ICP license, Google is out of the China market. The recently fight over Chinese censorship, Google loses it face and redirect China users to Hong Kong.
In the article from Computer Weekly, China Threatens Google Following Hong Kong Redirect, Computer Weekly uses the word ‘threaten’. I think it is a propaganda and have no regard for other country laws. As the Chinese saying, every home has it own rules, every nation has it own laws (家有家规,国有国法). When a law of a nation is not in favour to a corporate strategy, it does not threaten it. If the law do not suit your corporate mission, you can look for other greener pastures. No one force you to stay in China. Do not be a moron, saying China threaten you.
Google and foreign corporates, especially American corporations, I think is time to learn to respect and stop hiding your corporate ego behind the freedom of speech. Start learning to respect the law of a sovereign nation.
So who has the last laugh? I think is me, seeing Google the 4-colour corporate clown on the world stage making a fool of itself!
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