Following hundreds of tweeps? Need to bring some semblance of order to all the tweeting chaos? There’s a twitterific feature to simplify your Twitter page: the Twitter list.
Lists allow you to group Twitter users into any way you deem sensible and possible. Examples of noteworthy lists you can create are family, friends or colleagues. Currently, though this may be upgraded in the future, you can create up to 20 lists and add up to 500 users to each list.
The quickest way to create a list is to click on New List on the sidebar. Enter the desired list name and description and mark it as either public or private. Note that private lists can only be seen, accessed and followed by you. Hit Create and you can start adding users to your lists from either their profile pages or from searches. You can even add users whom you are not necessarily following. The next time you feel reluctant to swim through your tweet stream for updates on a certain group or user, just click on their list and you’ve got their static posts all filtered out for you. You can edit your lists any time by accessing them from Lists on the sidebar.
Now that we’re done with your lists, how do you manage other users’ lists? On the sidebar of your homepage, you will find a new link Listed alongside Following and Followers. Clicking on Listed will bring you to a page with two tabs: Lists following you and Lists you follow.
Under Lists Following You, you can control which public lists you belong to. Should you find yourself in a distasteful sounding group, you can remove yourself from it by blocking the creator. This would disable him from following you and your tweets. This can be undone in the future should you wish.
You can follow an unlimited number of lists without having to add every single person on them to your main feed. You can maintain these lists under the Lists you follow tab. This would sorely minimize any motion sickness you could develop from an overly active Twitter home page. You can search for interesting lists that cater to your interests and even needs. Want to get news while it’s still breaking? Subscribe to a list that has major news networks on it. Keeping tabs on Hollywood? Search for a list that follows celebrities, television shows, films and even music.
Twitter list dramatically improves tweep management and keeps you abreast on trending topics with fewer mouse clicks. It’s the most tweetsome update so far. What’re you waiting for? Get Listed now!
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