One of the hardest markets to crack is the web hosting business. There are so many hosting services to choose from, which mean that competition is very tight in the market. It is often said that small fish cannot make it in big waters, especially when those waters have even bigger fish.
A good example of a small-time web hosting company is Moonfruit. Moonfruit is a small British web hosting company. If you have ever tried Googling the phrase “web hosting service,” you would know exactly how big the competition is for Moonfruit. Moonfruit is a small web hosting business that is currently competing with large hosting sites like HostGator and GoDaddy.
Although it’s difficult for small businesses to stand out in a dense market, it is not impossible. The key to winning, regardless of your size, is to market yourself the right way. There are several things you have to consider when planning on marketing a small business.
First, you should know where the market is. Second, you should make yourself visible to them. And third, give them a reason why they should go for your service. This is exactly what Moonfruit did. Studying social media trends, Moonfruit started marketing their services in the microblog Twitter. Twitter marketing is currently one of the best ways to promote your business online. But no all succeed in Twitter marketing. It requires a lot of homework before it can be effective.
Moonfruit studied the social media trends of today and found ways to attract quite a following. In Twitter marketing, the main point is to get a big following. This following will be redirected to the business’ actual site and thus generate more web traffic for the business website. It is not easy to get a strong following, but Moonfruit was very successful in doing this. Their following surged after they started a contest for their followers. But what broke the deal way the contest’s very appealing prize─ a Macbook Pro.
The result of this ploy was simply smashing. In that short time period, Moonfruit became a household name. Everyone who was on Twitter knew them and knew what their business was all about. After the contest, everyone had Moonfruit in mind for their web hosting services. Moonfruit followed social media trends and executed their marketing strategy in Twitter very effectively.
Thanks to Twitter, after ten years in the business, Moonfruit is now one of the most popular web hosting services available. Moonfruit’s success is the result of great social media marketing.
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