Latest Requirements For the ICP License

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As Featured On EzineArticles.comAccording to the information required for the ICP license application, one is required to provide correct and authentic information in order to make the processing of the application faster and easier. The first and foremost requirement on the ICP application form is the name of the website owner. According to a latest update in the rules and regulations for ICP application, the government will now accept individual application that was banned a few months ago.

But this year the government has suspended any applications from foreign residents looking for tapping the China SEO market. However, the foreign companies that already have an ICP license remain unaffected by the new rule. The form requires important information like, if the web site is being hosted by a single owner or a company. Valid identification document about the applicant is essentially required in the form. One can furnish a passport, ID card, or a registered business ID if the website is owned by a company.

It is also important to give right information about the address of the business or the website owner and the exact information regarding the province or city located within China. Operation type of the website, whether it is ecommerce for China SEO, social networking, educational for China SEO and many more, has to be described in the application form for ICP license.

The second part of the form requires information about the contact person who would be responsible for the website. This includes the contact person’s name, valid identification document contact info like phone number and address. Information about the website, like the correct name of the website, home page of the website and the domain name of the site should also be included. It is advisable to include the term web hosting in the domain name, especially if the company is looking for tapping the China SEO market, and also the information about content of the website, email and mobile phone numbers.

According to a survey, it has been found that most of the applicants for the ICP license are vying for the biggest opportunities that are available with the China SEO market, which can be exploited properly if they follow the rules and regulations in the right way by obtaining the ICP license. It is essential to fill the application carefully, rationally and forearmed with necessary knowledge about some of the latest changes in the application process, for obtaining an ICP license.

According to a latest update, the government has stated that it will be making a detailed verification of the applicant’s documents before issuing the ICP License. Therefore, the applicant would have to provide additional information as and when requested by the government of China.

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