Growth of the Mobile Internet in China

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As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe year 2009 has witnessed major changes in the internet development in China. The Chinese internet is no longer confined to the computer terminal, especially with the advent of mobile internet technology. The number of Chinese internet users that make use of mobile phone for browsing the internet has been growing at a fast pace. According to statistical data, the count of mobile internet users has touched the 155 million mark and shows a growth rate of 32.1% for the last six months.

The state council government has passed a resolution in favor of the application of Chinese internet technology to mobile devices. This has been made possible by issuing 3G Licenses to mobile phone manufacturers in China. The internet services also reduced cost of internet access on the mobile gadgets. Therefore, there has been a considerable advancement in mobile phone technology and this combined with easy access to GPRS, where the Chinese telecom services are working in favor of advancing the mobile phone technology by reducing the fee for wireless connectivity.

Other major telecom operators in china have also contributed towards bringing Chinese internet technology of the mobile phone users in china. The concept of internet on the mobile phones has been catching up with the Chinese internet users, especially with the younger generation.

The younger generation is very interested in standing out in a crowd with some of the latest gadgets and high tech accessories. Mobile devices with GPRS are very much in vogue among the youngsters as they make use of the mobile internet technology as a status symbol. As they say, with an increase in demand there is a consequent increase in supply, therefore, with the increase in the usage of mobile phone technology, various internet applications have evolved like the mobile blog, mobile video and mobile entertainment TV that is very much in demand.

Today, the mobile devices have recorded a penetration of around 60% or more, in some of the developed countries. Another fact, the mobile and internet have been the driving forces that created demand for information on the internet that is available anywhere anytime and comes at a low cost too. In terms of ecommerce, there are many advantages of having an interconnected population in china, that also presents a vast opportunity for technological as well as ecommerce advancements, as distance is no longer a barrier.

Mobility of the internet and easy accessibility has given a new face to ecommerce, as it can provide more meaningful service to the mobile phone users. This has lead to a universal availability of useful information and adaptation and management that has been critical in the success of mobile internet in china.


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