Mad Mimi – The Next Big Thing in Email Marketing

Mad Mimi Email MarketingWould you like to set up an electronic discussion forum for big communication, or would you like to just like to setup a feedback communication for your customers. How about a mailing list that can be used to announce massive news reports online or just to keep in touch with friends?

Email represents the universatility of the World Wide Web and mailing lists that provide the bridge for creating e-communities for big communication.

Madmimi mailing list is full of features for the system administrator and business administrator alike. With the aid of Madmimi mailing lists, one can easily setup and maintain a mailing list, write the charter for the list and also deal with bounced messages.

In short, Madmimi is simple, yet magnanimous in its internet based applications that are universal. It makes use of mailing lists for internet marketing in order to facilitate big communication with newsletters and promotions. Madmimi is easy to use as even one doesn’t need to be aware of the technicalities of coding.

The email marketing service is very easy to navigate and efficient email support services are available 24/7/365. The service is white listed with some of the most prominent ISPs. It provides tracking service combined with reports that offer big communication for the companies with the client base.

It comes embedded with features of auto responders, outlook 2007 compatibility, with ease of web publishing, internet campaigning and much more. The method of creating an email is simple as easy as one can enter text based on a theme, followed by images that can be uploaded and saved in the unlimited image hosting list.

While creating campaigns for big communication, it is easy to clone the text and images, and the final product can be effectively edited to form an aggressive marketing tool on the internet. Madmimi is very convenient, as it comes with a creation tool that can be applied to meet the email campaigning needs and requirements of your company.

The free plan with Madmimi offers this superb email marketing service for big communication, available at a great pricing and there is no contract system and the billing is collected on a monthly basis. According to the free plan, the customer is charged very low as $8 for upto 500 contacts which is very low in the mailing list market. Upto one thousand contacts can be attained at only $10.

Madmimi charges as low as $14 for attaining up to 2500 contacts and $24, $36 and $75 for upto 5000, 10000 and 25000 contacts respectively. Madmimi is rejuvenating in the mailing list business and is very diligent even for the most inexperienced novice.

Madmimi is recommended for the ease and convenience of using the tool combined with an outstanding email marketing services available for use at


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