The Growth of Internet Economy in China

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As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe development of Chinese internet technology and ecommerce represent the historical, current and future aspects of the ecommerce industry. In fact, the Chinese internet technology is changing the face of the ecommerce industry, especially at the global front. Although one cannot predict the future of ecommerce in the virtual world, but one can certainly draw inferences from a critical observation of the present scenario in China. Presently, the Chinese internet broadband users have witnessed a record low in the number of IP addresses and websites that have been used since the year 2007.

According to a survey, the infrastructure of internet technology in China remained unfazed by the financial crisis in the United States of America, a large number of Chinese internet users have been recorded in the first half of the year 2009. Statistics confirm the number of internet users in China to around 338 million estimates. This indicates a steady increase in the number of internet users and is around 13.4 percent more than in 2008. China has been revolutionizing the mode of information technology and industrialization at the state level by inculcating various policies that are aimed at enhancing the network infrastructure for the country.

The national strategy for information development from 2006 to 2020 has propelled the manpower force and other resources required for making information platforms in order to ensure that the internet users have an easy access to the World Wide Web.

The steady increase in the demand for internet access in China can be attributed to the evolution of sophisticated technology and its applications in mobile phone technology that has made internet easily accessible to the common man. Moreover, the software and hardware required for accessing internet has been simplified and the networks are constantly monitoring their products and services in order to make sure that the users are totally satisfied. The decline in the cost of broadband internet access, combined with a simultaneous downfall in the cost of user platforms has been instrumental in bringing internet to the forefront, thus revolutionizing business.

Although many Chinese internet users are vary of giving their personal information on the internet, they are still contributing to the advancements in ecommerce. In fact, they are indirectly contributing to the global economy in many ways that are not quantifiable. But, one can definitely predict the future of ecommerce in the virtual world. The various ecommerce websites cater to a wide variety of clientele from around the globe and there are no definitive borders. The internet users in China are strategic in bringing about a revolution in internet access, tools and appliances that make the internet economy.