Getting Ready For WordPress Trends 2010

As Featured On

As Featured On EzineArticles.comFrom new blog-from-email applications to new WordPress themes, there are a lot of surprises awaiting users of WordPress this 2010. Let us view a couple of them.

New WordPress Theme
Made by Elephant ( has unveiled yet another wonderful creation-now, a wonderful theme for all WordPress users to use and abuse. The new theme is called Steira and it has a clean and white background with overtones of blue and font written in black. It was unveiled only recently and was instantly loved by WP users.

In addition to the clean, crisp look, Steira also has a very nice photo gallery function which is perfect for all the blogging photographers out there who want to showcase their latest shots in WP. The minimalist Steira is widely used now by the WP blogosphere and is consistently in demand-possibly because of referrals or when people stumble on heir friend’s blog and saw the Steira theme. This WordPress fashion will surely be hot for a long long time.

Better Poll Applications and Ratings Functions
Bloggers love giving polls. It has been a blogger’s best friend when he wants to ask a specific question to all his followers and wants to do it in a quick, democratic way. Now, WP users can import PollDaddy options right into their blogs. And it can also be displayed on the front page of your personal blog.

Rating, on the other hand, is similar to how you would rate YouTube videos or article in Google. There are various ways why you should go for the ratings function of WP. This is the way professional bloggers and writing enthusiasts get to see the responses of their readers – of whether they like the post or not. For additional comment, they could write on the comments page. Talk about cool WordPress fashion, ratings in each of your post will also tell you your progress in being a writer.

Post by Email Features
Actually, this is not very new since many WP users are already using this application since mid-2009. But since it is a widely popular application, WP is also increasing the capacity of e-mails that can be sent right to your blog. With 50MB capacity per e-mailed post, there is just no stopping blogger from typing away in the keyboard about anything that fancies them.

There are many ways in which you can use WordPress to your advantage, and these new WP trends will surely help you out in your blogging experience. These latest WordPress fashions will surely make your blogging experience better, faster and more multimedia friendly. With the step by step ways on how to get the new themes of how to post blogs through e-mail, WordPress is really a user-friendly blog that can be used by both youngsters and the young “once.”


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