Recently I started to see tweets from Twitter ranking in Google search results. I am quite surprise to see that. I do a keyword search on Google but I cannot find any of my tweets listed on the search result page. I am puzzled. I log in to my Twitter account and fiddle around with the setting option but cannot find any new features to do that.
I look again into my account setting, pondering for a while and I decide to do some changes to my information. I change the More Info URL field to one of my high ranking sites that is already listed on the first page of Google. Then I change my User name and Name fields to the domain name but without the dot com, in the More Info URL field.
Next day I do a search on the domain name that I add to the Twitter account. The result page displays the tweets and the contents of the domain I search for.
If I post a tweet and propagate it through Digg, StumbleUpon or similar services, it will take me about a week to get listed on Google.
To get your tweet listed, log in to your Twitter account first. Find the tweet you want to bookmark and click on the time link, to go to the page of the particular tweet. Use your Digg, StumbleUpon or the service you prefer and bookmark it. Twitter ranking on Google will take some time if you use this method.
Do not forget to use the relevant keyword for your tweet. Same SEO practices apply for tweeting as you will do it for your other content submission.