
  • Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, eBook Published

    Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, eBook Published

    ATTENTION to Internet Business Enthusiasts: Use this coupon code: UP34D to get your FREE eBook, Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012.

    PRLog (Press Release) – Sep 26, 2012 – GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG, China – Hosea Lim has launched his 2012 report, Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, ISBN: 978-1-3011-7039-5. It has been written to give a refreshing look at the recent development and achievement of internet in China.

    eBook: Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012Some of the recent transformations in China have led to an abundance of opportunities in the fast growing country. As economic growth in China has forced the Chinese middle class to switch over to the online market to purchase foreign brands, taking the online route to sell your products and services is a faster, less costly and more convenient way of tapping the potential of this market. If you are planning to setup an ecommerce on the Chinese domain, this eBook give you a quick start in the right direction and latest trends on the highly volatile Chinese internet.

    The best part is that the eBook is now available for free until 1 October 2012 using this coupon code UP34D. It is distributed through Smashwords and will soon be available in Amazon Kindle, iTunes Store, ePub, LRF for Sony Reader, PDF, and other formats. With so many popular formats available, readers can enjoy reading it with their favourite devices. One can easily access the Quick Facts On China Internet Development 2012, at the webpage

    About The Author
    Hosea Lim is the founder of and an advisor to many other websites. He is one of the popular and preferred partners. He has a unique understanding of internet marketing behind the Great Firewall and has help many businesses to establish their online and offline presence in the China. More at

    Press Release at:

  • Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009, eBook Published

    Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009, eBook Published

    eBook - Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009Things you should know about the Chinese internet development in China for the year 2009. This book gives you a comprehensive head start is you are new to the Chinese domain. If you are a guru, reading this book will get up updated on the latest internet development in China.

    Title: Quick Facts on China Internet Development 2009
    ISBN: 978-1-4762-3059-7
    Author: Hosea Lim
    Available in all major online bookstores.

    Table of Contents:

    • About This Book
    • The Growth of Internet Economy in China
    • SEO in China
    • Get Set China For the Affiliate Marketing Race
    • How to Tackle the Chinese Market
    • The Chinese SEO in the Internet SEO Formula
    • Why Baidu Is More Popular Than Google in China
    • Chinese Internet – Learn The Way To Leverage It To Earn
    • Advantages of Chinese Search Engines
    • SEO and SEM in China
    • Growth of the Mobile Internet in China
    • Conclusion
    • About The Author: Hosea Lim



  • Chinese Micro-Blogging Sync And Share Tools

    Chinese Micro-Blogging Sync And Share Tools

    Chinese SEO - Chinese Mirco-Blogging Sync Tools

    If you are someone like me that love to manage a lot Chinese micro-blogging accounts and you want to synchronize them and simplify your tasks, here are some of the tools that will help you reduce your repetitive tasks.

    Here are the Chinese Mirco-blogging sync and share tools:

     Weibo Tong
    Weibo Tong is desktop client that gives you a one click button to simultaneously post to all the popular micro-blogging and social network services, including Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, Twitter, Facebook and other twenty over services.

    Weibo Cloud Sync
    Weibo Cloud Sync is a web application, allowing you to sync between Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo.

    Western Fox
    This is a cloud based app also allowing you to sync between Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo. This web app has more option for you to configure.



  • 中文微博同步工具




    微博通是个桌面客户端,支持一键微博同步所有主流的微博和SNS包括新浪微博、腾讯微博、Facebook、Twitter 还有二十几家。



    English Version: Chinese Micro-Blogging Sync And Share Tools

  • My Comment On Woothemes Blog Post – A Club Reimagined

    My Comment On Woothemes Blog Post – A Club Reimagined

    Woo Themes Blog Post ScreenshotMy respond to a Woothemes blog post. You can read the post here:

    Why Woothemes And Not Others
    It took me quite a while to decide which theme clubs to choose. I took more than 6 months to evaluate all the available theme clubs, in the end I chose Woothemes because

    1. It had an active forum, although I didn’t like the way it was setup and the UI kind of discouraged me from posting and hanging around in the forum. Like one of the comments mentioned googling give you a better experience. I was using Rapidweaver before I switched to Woothemes. RealMacSoftware forum that hosted Rapidweaver support was fun and engaging. I still used Rapidweaver for deploying landing pages.

    2. It had wide variety of themes in almost all categories. It focused on theme building. I wanted themes that why I paid subscription. When Woothemes started to remove themes instead of updating it and spent it resources on plugins and other stuffs, I had in mind to end my subscription by end of 2012 if Woothemes became Woo-all-in-one. In fact I already started to look for alternative.

    3. Affordable one time fee plus monthly subscription. I had the liberty to change themes to fit my growing websites as and when I wanted without having to pay for another themes. Now I was disappointed because every now and then you heard WooCommerce and other plugins and I had unpleasant feeling of Woothemes trying to up sell subscribers with all these plugins. And one fine day, out of a sudden, they would announce, we had removed these plugins because nobody were using it.

    4. It had affiliate program. It was sad that it was hacked and changed to a new platform and I had to manually changed all my affiliate links in a tiresome way with a sudden notice.

    5. And most importantly, Woothemes was cool! I like the Themes but now, WooCommerce themes were really boring.

    Why I Was Planning To End My Subscription
    After reading this blog post, I felt most certainly I would end my subscription and move on to other alternative because

    1. Woothemes core interest no longer focused on theme building. I thought WooCommerce should spin-off as an entity so that it would not drain the resources of Woothemes, if it was not leveraging on it.

    2. No more searchable forum. My belief was a forum and support ticket should go hand in hand and not choose only one option.

    3. I didn’t like to see freebies plugins that try to lure you to pay for add-on. Is like I gave free inkjet printer to you but you have to buy my ink cartridge. Felt like cheapskate marketing to me. How about a monthly $5 for WooCommerce plugin and gave access to all the add-on. This should be the Woo’s way!

    4. Undesirable sudden change. I wondered what next gonna shocked me!

    Regarding Older Themes
    There were a lot of older themes I would like to use but I was not able to use them because most of them were not updated to be compatible with newer version of WordPress or plugins. In the end I had a policy in place not to use older themes and only used themes that were less than one year old. My sentiment was, not user didn’t use older themes anymore because it was old, it was not use because it was no longer updated to match the latest WordPress and plugins.

    I really liked the Estate Theme when it was first launched. I downloaded it when it was released and tested and customized to fit my needs until now. When I was about to create the website using Estate, it was removed. Imagined the time I spent on Estate to fit my needs and Woothemes just removed it just like that. So were other themes that was in my lab site.

    This led me to another new policy, used Canvas to replace all older Woo themes so that I would avoid another shock when older woo themes not working properly when WordPress got updated or suddenly removed from download section.

    My suggestions to Woothemes,

    1. If resources were limited, capped your themes to 100 or whatever size you felt comfortable, if you expired a themes, add a new one.

    2. Add a Facebook like option to all your themes. I believed all Woo members would enjoy voting themes and you should get a better idea which were your members favorites. A feature like this would help you decided which themes to expire and update.

    3. Expand the download section with more details about the themes. Gave all themes a life cycle indicator so that members knew when the themes were created and when it would expiry. Assuming all new themes had a 36 months to expiring. And the last 6 months before expiry the themes would go red, warning us it will be expired and no longer renewed. If it goes green, it means extended for another 12 months or whatever time frame you deemed fit. A yellow indicator, requested member input to vote for expiry or extension.

    In this way I thought we would all be properly informed and better communicated and we would be much better developing websites. I would be happy and not shocked to find out after months of lab testing and about to deploy, the themes were no longer available.

    How I Would Run Woothemes
    If I were the boss of Woothemes, this was what I would do.

    1. Do we really need another eCommerce plugin? There were already a handful of good eCommerce plugins out there. I would dedicate my resources to collaborate with the developers to build their plugins designed for Woothemes. A co-branding effort, in this way I would cross sell my themes to their users to expand my membership base and focused on improving the themes.

    2. Since I had WooCommerce now, as mentioned earlier, I would offer a monthly subscription to member and grant all access to add-on. Monthly subscription might be WooMembers add $2.00. WooCommerce Members at $5.

    3. We had a lot of mature plugins out there now. I would subcontract and co-brand with these developers to customized plugins for Woothemes. For example, Woothemes had it own built-in SEO into the themes. Wouldn’t it be good to have 3rd party developers to joint the WooCommunity and built SEO plugins specially for Woo. Since these developers were already specialized in their fields and giving free plugins or donation-ware, I believed these developers would be happy to customised their plugins with Woo if there were some financial incentive. In this way, Woothemes need not developed everything but certified plugins specially for Woo products to grow the brand and membership instead of leeching from existing members.

    4. Now we had WooCommerce, were we going to have WooForm one of these days? WooSEO? WooSocial? WooAffiliates? Woo-Watever? I thought co-branding would be a more cost effective and specialized for already matured products. I am not against developing own plugins but I didn’t like the idea to offer what was already matured in the market.

    5. All certified Woo plugins, directly download within the themes option.

    6. I rather built WooSocial than WooCommerce. My point was to create new market, new product or improved products to maturity. WooSocial is a all-in-one-social-plugin that would convert your themes to be engaging with your audiences. I haven’t seen one good social plugins yet. I believed most of us installed and maintained multiple plugins to solve this area of interests.

    7. Weren’t we suppose to be Web 2.0? Going social? I felt that Woo websites were not social at all. I would make so engaging that people would like to hang out in Woo forum just like hanging out in Starbucks was cool thing to do! I would turned my Wooworkers to be active forum mod or contributors. Doing so, I believed it would foster a better relationship between WooMembers and WooWorkers and thus created more sub-contract opportunities. It was so unpersonal and un-icebreaking to send an email requesting for a quotation.

    I should stop now, going further would be out of topic. Thank you for reading my comments.

    More about WooThemes.

  • – Invoicing Software With Great Accounting Features – Invoicing Software With Great Accounting Features

    billingorchard - business invoicing software screenshotBillingorchard is one great business invoicing software that adds some accounting features to its operations. This is secured interface software for small businesses, the interface is quite simple because it is similar to the one found on websites. The accounting features found here are easily understandable, the software itself is capable of streamlining your invoicing jobs, and making sure you have maximum concentration on your work while you generate continuous streams of incomes.

    Billingorchard has gone further by initiating payment for any processor that allows form posts, payments can also be accepted from companies or clients that make use of PayPal. The reason why most traditional invoicing systems are bulky is that you have to input a lot of data entry , however with the use of Billingorchard , you need to input much less data and your small business becomes highly enhanced to save time, money and energy.

    With Billingorchard, you do not need to purchase, download or update any software, Billingorchard does not require a startup costs and within 5 minutes you are ready to start using its features. You can always access this business invoicing software anywhere you find a computer and internet connection, you clients can also access their bills and invoices anywhere in the world. You can view your clients’ account history through your billingorchard software. This software offers a 15 day free trial program that allows you limited access to some of its features even before you subscribe fully to it.

    Credit card processing on billingorchard is PCI-compliant, the credit cards are also charged easily without the use of any terminal. Billingorchard is a complete invoicing application that manages invoices as well as recurring charges while keeping clients credit cards up-to-date.

    Advantages of Billingorchard
    Billingorchard works with major internet browsers such as Firefox Mozilla, internet explorer and safari, likewise it works with any credit card processor. There is no need to use any additional hardware and software except your internet connection and computer. With billing orchard, the entire operations are run and maintained by the company, thus you don’t need any maintenance or servicing input from your end. With Billingorchard, you can enable sales on your website. Invoices on billing orchard are easy to review because of the perfect recording and organization; even your clients can have easy access to their own billing history, charges and credit card information.

    Billingorchard works perfectly well in tracking website sales, Past due notices are automatically sent to clients, and it creates and send automated billing for recurring fees and charges. There are client mailing lists created for a user here, the business invoicing software also comes with anti fraud built-in features that protects your transactions all the time. PayPal, API and custom payments have been integrated into billingorchard, importing and exporting of clients account and information are quite easy, and you will always get reports or feedback on constant basis.

    Disadvantages of Billingorchard
    Since your services will rely on your internet speed, your input may not be recognized quickly. This software does not offer full accounting features, thus you have to get more advanced software if you need such accounting features.

  • Chinese SEO – New Secret Weapon

    Chinese SEO – New Secret Weapon

    Chinese SEO - The New Secret Weapon, cn.we3w.comSite owners doing Chinese SEO are always on alert to which keywords their site ranks to. They normally use site analytics to see from which search terms people came to their site and query search engines to see their rank for the keywords they really desire. But are these the only keywords referring to their site? Which keywords lead to competitors’ sites?

    A new tool enables Chinese SEO site owners to answer these questions and hence optimize their site – Using is simple: just enter the site you would like to check and you immediately see a list of keywords that lead to the site and their rank in baidu. The results are sorted by the rank of the keyword in the search results and indicate when the term was last checked and updated.

    Learning which keywords your site ranks to can help you in many ways:

    • See which terms your site ranks, yet don’t get visits from. This might lead you to change your page titles as they don’t attract clicks.
    • Help you think of similar terms you should rank to.
    • Help you find terms you should use in your SEM campaigns.
    • Easy and impartial way to show your advertisers to which keywords your site ranks to.

    Learning which keywords are ranked and refer users to sites similar to yours can help you:

    • See to which keywords they rank compared to your site.
    • Find those niche terms you should also target.
    • Help you find terms you should use in your SEM campaign.
    • See to how many terms they rank compared to your site.

    The site also shows popularity rank based on the number of keywords a website ranks to. Tracking more than 700K terms and keywords (growing every minute!), this rank practically shows how often your site is seen in search results.  You can even add a badge to show your visitors how well you are doing in search results.

    If you deal with Chinese SEO or SEM is going to be an important part of your toolbox.

  • SEO搜索引擎优化新的武器


    SEO搜索引擎优化SEO搜索引擎优化网站所有者在自己的网站通过关键字进行排名后即可收到通知。他们通常会使用网站分析工具了解人们通过哪些搜索关键字访问他们的网站,并通过查询搜索引擎了解这些关键字的排名情况。但难道人们真的只使用这几个关键字访问他们的网站吗?哪些关键字会指向竞争对手的网站?有一个新工具,可以帮助中国的网站所有者回答这些问题,并借此优化网站 –。 的使用很简单:只要输入您想要检查SEO搜索引擎优化的网站,随后立刻就能看到一个能指向您网站的关键字列表,以及关键字在百度上的排名。这些结果按照搜索结果中的关键字排名为顺序排列,从中可以看出关键字何时被使用和更新。


    • 了解影响您网站排名,但尚未被用于访问过的关键字。可以帮助您更改无法吸引到点击的网页标题。
    • 帮您确定需要考虑排名的类似关键字。
    • 帮您找出可以用于 SEM 营销活动的关键字。
    • 用简单直观的方式向您的广告主展示影响您网站排名的关键字。


    • 了解与您网站相似的其他关键字排名。
    • 找出需要有针对性处理的关键字。
    • 帮您找出可用于 SEM 营销活动的关键字。
    • 了解影响您网站排名的关键字有多少。

    该网站还能根据影响网站排名的关键字数量显示网站的受欢迎程度。 通过对超过70万个关键字和术语(还在频繁增加中!)进行追踪,排名结果完全可以显示出您的网站在搜索结果中的出现频率。您还可以放置 徽标,告诉您的访客,您的网站在搜索结果中的表现情况。

    如果您需要处理SEO(搜索引擎优化)或 SEM(搜索引擎营销)的相关工作, 绝对是您不可或缺的重要工具。